2016년 12월 31일 토요일

"봄의 나뭇잎 소리나 곤충의 날개가 부스럭거리는 소리"

"봄의 나뭇잎 소리나 곤충의 날개가 부스럭거리는 소리"

대지가 생동하는 모습을 담은 아름다운 묘사다.

인디언들은 물웅덩이 수면으로 내리꽂히는 바람의 부드러운 소리를 좋아한다. 한낮에 내린 비에 씻긴 바람 그 자체의 냄새를 좋아한다. 그러나 당신들의 도시에는 봄의 나뭇잎 소리를 듣거나 곤충의 날개가 부스럭거리는 소리를 들을 만한 곳이 없다. <시애틀 추장> 
출처: https://twitter.com/bot_Indian/status/815122579157463040

웬만한 산이나 숲에서는 온갖 다양한 소리가 어우러지니 곤충의 날개가 부스럭거리는 소리는 아마도 다른 소리들 때문에 못 들은 것 같지만, 그것 역시 생명이 생동하는 온갖 소리들 중의 그저 한 예시일 뿐이다.

야밤에 산길에 오르면 바람에 뮈는 나뭇잎 소리며, 주인을 잃거나 그들로부터 버림받은 산견들이 잠들었다가 놀래서 퍼득거리는 소리며, 말벌들이 웅웅거리는 소리며, 별의 별 소리가 다 들린다.

예전, 한 백여 일 동안 즐겨 야간산행을 벗 삼던 기억을 적었던 글 다시 본다.
낮의 산이 아버지라면 밤의 산은 할아버지 같고, 또 낮의 산이 갖가지 색의 화사한 아가씨들이라면 밤의 산은 한 가지 색깔의 푸근한 어머니 같습니다. 어둠이 산을 감싸는 덕에 온갖 소리가 아주 가까이서 살갗을 스치듯 들려옵니다.

지척이 지옥, 지척이 천국

아침이 열리고 태양이 대지를 비추면
다람쥐 쳇바퀴 도는 생활을 시작해야 한다.

아무리 다람쥐 쳇바퀴가 지겨운 멍에 같아도
세상사의 굴곡에 치이면, 오히려 ‘제발 다람쥐 쳇바퀴 도는 식으로라도 굴러가 달라’고 애원하는 나를 발견한다. 이게 도대체 뭔가...

세상사의 복잡다기한 사태와, 이루 다 형언할 수 없는 괴물들을 보면
지척이 다 지옥이고, 아귀들 천지다.

마음 한 사위 내둘러 내 심소에서 날려 버리면
또 바로 지척이 천국일진데
요새는 그곳이 아주 멀다.

2016년 12월 25일 일요일


짐에서 깨어 보니 새벽 3시 반쯤 되었다.

다시 잠을 청하려는데, 미세한 소리가 들린다.

약 30-40초 간격으로 진동하듯 떨리는 소리가 남서쪽 방향으로부터 들려온다.
소리 간격이 20초 정도로 짧아질 때도 있다.
소리 울림이 지속되는 길이는 약 3-5초 정도.

종소리 같다.

환청인가? 지금은 안 들린다.

2016년 12월 24일 토요일

조세 지출(tax expenditures)

자료: 네이버 (행정학사전)
원출처: 행정학사전, 2009. 1. 15., 대영문화사


정부가 받아야 할 세금을 받지 않음으로써 간접적으로 지원해 주는 조세 감면을 일컫는다. 정부가 조세를 통해 확보한 재원을 바탕으로 직접 지원해 주는 예산 지출과 대칭되는 개념이다. 조세 지출은 동일한 액수만큼의 보조금을 준 것과 같다는 의미에서 ‘숨은 보조금(hidden subsidies)’이라 부르기도 한다. ( ... )
미국의 1974년 의회 예산 및 지출거부통제법(Congressional Budget and Impoundment Control Act)에는 조세 지출을 “현실의 총소득에 특별비과세, 특별면제, 특별공제를 허용하거나 또는 특별한 세액공제, 특혜적 세율, 또는 세 부담의 이연(移延)을 허용하는 연방정부의 세법 규정 때문에 야기되는 세수 손실”로 정의하고 있다.

CF. 출처: 2016년도 조세지출 예산서 (대한민국 정부)

조세지출의 정의:

OECD(1996)는 조세지추의 개념을 "조세 체계상 일반적인 원칙인 기준조세체계(benchmark tax system)*를 벗어난 것"으로 규정.

* 세목별 과세 대상, 세율 구조, 과세 구간, 과세 단위, 과세 기간, 국제 조세 규약 등을 포함.

다만, 국가별로 조세체계가 상이하고 조세지출의 범위에 대한 국가간 합의된 기준이나 원칙은 존재하지 않으므로 각국 사정에 따라 조세지출의 범위를 달리 설정.

우리나라의 현생 조세특례제한법에서는 조세지출을 "조세감면, 비가세, 소득공제, 세액공제, 우대세율적용 또는 과세이연 등 조세특례에 따른 재정지원"이라고 규정(조특별 제142조의 2)

따라서 조세지출이란 "조세의 일반적인 과세체계에서 벗어난 조세특례에 의하려 납세자에 대한 재정지원을 목적으로 발생하는 국가 세입의 감소"로 정의.

2016년 12월 20일 화요일

When something happens, it just happens.

Oh, what is this? What life of this time is this?

When something happens, it happens.

I don't know why it happens, I just see it happen.

It's the thing, without me knowing anything about it.

So happen many unexpected affairs in life ...
including, you know, really many things: of course my and everybody else's births and deaths, growing-up, competitions, and surely love affairs, finding some meaning in life, and just living up to these days.

Reaching some target I defined abruptly turns into a delusion,
then a torture, agonizing, trying to find another meaning, and something happens again ...

Some delight encountered in the way is no longer a happiness, it's becoming yet another happening.

What's this?

2016년 12월 17일 토요일

Dic/ Semantic field/ therapy

자료: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Therapy

Semantic field:

The words ^care^, ^therapy^, ^treatment^, and ^intervention^ overlap in a semantic field, and thus they can be synonymous depending on context. Moving rightward through that order, the connotative level of holism decreases and the level of specificity (to concrete instances) increases. Thus, in health care contexts (where its senses are always noncount), the word ^care^ tends to imply a broad idea of everything done to protect or improve someone's health (for example, as in the terms ^preventive care^ and ^primary care^, which connote ongoing action), although it sometimes implies a narrower idea (for example, in the simplest cases of wound care or postanesthesia care, a few particular steps are sufficient, and the patients's interaction with that provider is soon finished).

In contrast, the word ^intervention^ tends to be specific and concrete, and thus the word is often countable; for example, one instance of cardiac catheterization is one intervention performed, and coronary care (noncount) can require a series of interventions (count). At the extreme, the piling on of such countable interventions amounts to interventionism, a flawed model of care lacking holistic circumspection─merely treating discrete problems (in billable increments) rather than maintaining health.

^Therapy^ and ^treatment^, in the middle of the semantic field, can connote either the holism of ^care^ or the discreteness of ^intervention^, with context conveying the intent in each use. Accordingly, they can be used in both noncount and count senses (for example, ^therapy^ for chronic kidney disease can involve several dialysis treatment per week).

The words ^aceology^ and ^iamatology^ are obscure and obsolete synonyms referring to the study of therapies.

2016년 12월 16일 금요일

[자료] 은행의 재무 건전성 지표: BIS 비율 (박재석, 우정경영연구소)

자료: 링크

※ 발췌 :

3. 바젤 III

이러한 이유로 2010년 말에 새로운 기준서가 발표되고 2013년부터 시행되게 되는 바젤 III가 발표되었다. 바젤 III의 주요 내용은 최소필요자본의 규제 강화, 완충자본 제도의 도입, 유동성 기준의 도입 및 레버리지 비율의 규제 등이다.

첫째, 최소필요자본의 규제를 강화하였다. 바젤 II의 기본자본(Tier 1)을 4% 이상에서 6% 이상으로 상향하고, 보완자본(Tier 2)에서도 후순위채권의 인정 조건을 까다롭게 하여 순수한 자본의 양을 늘리게 하였다.

둘째, 완충자본 규정을 신설하였다. 바젤 III에서는 바젤 II의 기본자본(Tier 1)에서 보통주를 전체 위험자산의 2% 이상 보유하도록 한 규정에 더하여 추가로 2.5% (총 4.5% 이상) 보유하게 하고6)

.... 이를 자본보전 완충자본(Capital Conversation Buffer)이라고 한다.
경기 순응성을 줄이기 위해 신용 팽창기에 보통주를 최대 2.5%까지 추가로 쌓도록 했다.7)
... 이를 경기대응 완충자본(Counter-cyclical Capital Buffer)이라고 한다.
이러한 완충자본 확충을 통해 신용 팽창기에 무분별한 팽창을 어느 정도 제어하면서 위기를 대비하게 하고 추가자본 확충으로 미래에 발생할 수 있는 손실을 흡수하게끔 했다.

... ....

CF. 바젤 III, 도입 배경 및 최근의 주요 변화

Dic/ usages: swear words/ 욕설

1. What are the funniest swear words in foreign languages that don't have any English equivalent? (Quora)

2. Godverdomme (Wordreference)

3. Translation of "fucking hell" in Dutch (Reverso)


2016년 12월 12일 월요일

[자료: Finance, Film] Master of the Universe

Surviving a German Trading Floor, Ruefully: ‘Master of the Universe,’ a Documentary About Stock Trading (NICOLAS RAPOLD, NYT, JUNE 5, 2014)

Film Review: ‘Master of the Universe’ (Jay Weissberg, Variety, June 6, 2014)

... Walking through empty spaces that were one trading pits and meeting rooms, Voss expresses an almost religious zeal when speaking about the adrenaline rush that once suffused the air, where traders' desks made their occupant truly feel like Masters of the Universe (a term coined by Tom Wolfe). ...
CF. The Bonfire of the Vanities (Wikipedia)
The story centers on Sherman McCoy, a wealth New York City bond trader with a wife and young daughter. His life as a self-regarded "Master of the Universe" on Wall Street is destroyed when he and his mistress, Maria Ruskin, accidentally enter the Bronx at night while they are driving to Manhattan from Kennedy Airport. Finding the ramp back to the highway blocked by trash cans and a tire, McCoy exits the car to clear the way. Approached by two black men whom they perceive—uncertainly, in Sherman's case—as predators, McCoy and Ruskin flee. Having taken the wheel of the car, which fishtails as they race away, Ruskin apparently strikes one of the two—a "skinny boy". ...

Greenwich Time (Tom Wolfe, NYT, Sept 27, 2008)

... Victory as recorded on those screens made them feel like Masters of the Universe. The phrase came from a 1987 novel, The Bonfire of the Vanities, whose main character, Sherman McCoy, is a 38-year-old trading-floor salesman for an investment bank averaging a million dollars a year in bonuses and living on the top-nob part of Park Avenue. One day his trading-floor telephone rings, and he picks it up and takes a buy order for so many zero-coupon bonds his commission will be $50,000. Took 20 seconds, maybe 30, and—just like that—he’s $50,000 richer! The words suddenly flash into the Broca’s area of his brain: “I’m a Master of the Universe!” Jesus Christ!—came straight from his 6-year-old daughter’s toy set of plastic figurines, the “Masters of the Universe,” who had names like Ahor, Blutong, and Thonk and look like Norse gods who pump iron and drink creatine and human-growth-hormone smoothies. ... 

금융자본의 탐욕을 다룬 영화들 (문석, 레디앙, 2012년 7월 10일)
... 오죽하면 톰 울프가 자신의 소설 <허영의 불꽃>(브라이언 드 팔마가 같은 제목으로 영화화하기도 했다)에서 트레이더인 주인공 셔먼 맥코이(영화에서는 톰 행크스가 연기)를 ‘우주의 지배자’(master of the universe)라고 묘사했겠나. ...
... ...

2016년 12월 6일 화요일

Dic/ usages/ live with yourself

Excerpt 1:

( ... ... ) could look up and through the window to see the sky. My hopes were to try anything, however slight, to strap onto some sort of sanity. But my depression told me there was nothing to see out that window anyway, and the numbness I felt only added to the confused void that held me.
The jail cell was cold, and darkness was the view through the window, just as my depressed thinking said it would be. But I did notice a hint of the glow from a nearby moon. The noise around me, and up and down the long corridor of cells, was horrendous, louder than a crowd in a sold-out arena. But my numbness almost managed to block it out as I half-heartedly thought of ways to end my life.
A recurring thought that haunted me was, ^how can I live with myself?^ The suddenly I became aware of what an odd thought that really was. ^Am I one being or two? If I can't live with myself, then there must be two of me. There must be the "I" and "self" that "I" cannot live with. Maybe only one of them is real. But how do I know which one?^
My supper of beans and rice on a plastic tray was slid into the cell through a slot in the bars at floor level. I left it untouched on the floor until lights out, when I awoke from a brief nap to clammy darkness. The guard came by to nab the food tray─well, at least I thought she did. The moon had changed positions and was now squarely framed in the tiny window, which my eyes grabbed onto.
( .... ) 
... James Nussbaumer, The Master of Everything

Excerpt 2:

Marti lay on her bed for nearly an hour, staring up at her ceiling trying to contemplate the easiest way to do it. Break up with Jack. She could hardly bear the thought. Easy? There's no way, she thought. How do you take something like simultaneously ripping out your and the one you love's hear and label it anything resembling ease? But I have to do it, she urged herself forcefully. He'll realize it's for the best.
Marti knew she would never be able to do it in person, one look into those dark blue eyes and her resolve would evaporate. With that thought secure in her mind, she nudged her phone from her purse and prepared to do the most despicable thing she had ever done─break up with the love of her life through text.
Every button she pushed seemed to punch her in the stomach, expelling any breath she managed to take. By the time she was done, she was lightheaded. But there it was. The message sat on the screen glaring at her with such indignation that she could have thrown up.
We can't be together anymore. I'm sorry.
As an afterthought, at the end she added: Please, don't ask why. Her thumb hovered over the send button for several long moments before she squeezed her eyes closed, bit back her tears, and pressed it.
The moment it was done, second thoughts and regrets created a turmoil in her mind. What have I done? She asked herself, I can never undo this. What if he hates me? I couldn't live with myself. How can I live with myself knowing that I hurt him? What if it doesn't hurt him? What if this is what he wants? Even if he doesn't see it, this is what he wants. It's not what I want. What have I done? She struggled out of ( ... ... )
.... Cydi J.C., Live on

... ...

2016년 12월 1일 목요일

Dic/ some usages/ come to do something

─(7). If someone comes to do something, they do it at the end of a long process or period of time.

  • She said it so many times that she came to believe it.

─(8). You can ask how something came to happen when you want to know what caused it to happen or made it possible.
  • How did you come to meet him?

─(26). You use the expression come to think of it to indicate that you have suddenly realized something, often something obvious.
  • You know, when you come to think of it, this is very odd.

─(2). When someone comes to do something, they move to the place where someone else is in order to do it, and they do it.
 . In British English, someone can also come and do something and
 . in American English, someone can come do something.
 . However, you always say that someone came and did something.
  • Eleanor had come to visit her.
  • Come and meet Roger.
  • I want you to come visit me.

CF. come to do sth: to start to do something:
  • I've come to like her over the months.
  • It used to hold paper bags, but gradually came to be used for magazines.
  • How did that phrase come to mean (=develop so that it means) that?
..... CALD

2016년 11월 30일 수요일

[메모] Philip Larkin, Deceptions, Fulfilment's desolate attic

출처: Sisir Kumar Chatterjee, Philip Larkin.

※ 발췌 (excerpt):

( ... ... ) The first stanza of "Deceptions" describes the girls's plight after being raped:

Even so distant, I can taste the grief,
Bitter and sharp with stalks, he made you gulp.
The sun's occasional print, the brisk brief
Worry of wheels along the street outside
Where bridal London bows the other way,
And light, unanswerable and tall and wide,
Forbids the scar to heal, and drives
Shame out of hiding. All the unhurried day
Your mind lay open like a drawer of knives.

In the second stanza the speaker proceeds to "console" the girl, even though he is fully aware of the futility of his attempt to offer consolation:

For you would hardly care
That you were less deceived, out on that bed,
Than he was, stumbling up the breathless stair
To burst into fulfilment's desolate attic.

Feminist critics altogether miss Larkin's message in the poen when they accuse him of sympathizing less with the victim than with the rapist. Kate, a fictitious feminist created by Holderness in his dramatic essay entitled "Reading 'Deceptions'─A Dramatic Conversation," for example, objects to Larkin's readiness "to excuse the violator, by casting him as equally a victim," to the way "the poet prefers to exculpate the man."  ( ... ... )

출처: John Gilroy, Reading Philip Larkin: Selected Poems.

※ 발췌 (excerpt):

( ... ... ) In interview Larkin described how the poem was a way of saying 'how awful sex is and how we want to get away from it' 'Dry-point certainly describes the sexual impulse as a troublesome recurrence demanding fulfilment 'until we begin dying'─that is, either 'Endlessly' (1) until dealth, or perhaps taking the Elizabethan use of the term 'dying' for the sexual act itself, a bursting of that particular 'bubble' (2) The experience of the rapist in Larkin's 'Deceptions', with his 'burst into fulfilment's desolate attic', is one, it seems, universally shared.  ( ... )

2016년 11월 29일 화요일

Dic/ usages/ it's just the thing

It's just one of those things.

Said of an unpleasant happening, etc. one cannot account for or do anything to prevent: 
  • Now, my wife is a terrible snorer. It's just one of those things.

It's just the thing.
that's exactly what one wants or needs:
  • Would this be suitable, madam? Yes, it's just the thing.

─ Note: The expression does not correlate in meaning with the phrase that's the thingthat's the point; that is indeed the reason:
  • We've not got enough money to buy a house. That's the thing─they cost such a  lot of money, don't they

CF. http://getintoenglish.com/english-phrase-thats-the-thing/

CF. http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=that%27s+the+thing

CF. http://ell.stackexchange.com/questions/15401/what-does-thing-mean-in-this-is-the-thing

2016년 11월 28일 월요일

Dic/ culture: 투자은행/ Face time

1. Face Time: How Investment Banking interns are trying to impress their bosses

It means spending as much time as physically possible in the office

Two and a half years ago a young Moritz Erhardt collapsed dead in his shower. Moritz had allegedly worked until 6am for three consecutive days as an intern at Bank of America’s Merrill Lynch London offices. Moritz suffered an epileptic seizure and died. A coroner’s report ruled that the seizure which killed Moritz could happen naturally because of his epilepsy, although fatigue could have triggered it too.

2. Face time 

In the sphere of investment banking, it describes the period when staff have to hang around the office just because their boss is still there. This may also involve staying at the office until an acceptable late time (11 p.m. or later) so that others think a staff member is busy, and no one burdens him/her with more work. Face time in some institutions can extend to as far as 2 a.m. Notoriously, investment banking hours are quite harsh, and investment bankers are expected to spend a lot of time in the office every day. Eighty-hour work weeks are not uncommon.

3. “Face Time”: Financial Expression of the Day

Face Time, noun phrase, in investment banking, the act of putting in more hours at the office than necessary to accomplish a given day’s worth of work; typically manifested as arriving to work earlier than co-workers and superiors, and leaving work after all colleagues have undocked for the day.

Usage Note: Germane primarily to the analyst and associate, Face Time is an affectation for the purpose of leading superiors (and competing colleagues) to believe one is uber dedicated to maniacal levels of hard work and is possessed of an unquenchable lust for the honors and riches of a tenured investment banker. One of the most mysterious puzzles inside the royal domain of investment banking, Face Time has persisted as a practice among young bankers probably since the 1980’s.

2016년 11월 26일 토요일

Dic/ some usages/ on: sth on you; just not on; sth on your mind; mind is on sth

─ You can say that you have something on you if you are carrying it in your pocket or in a bag.

  • I didn't have any money on me.

─ If you say that something is not on or is just not on, you mean that it is unacceptable or impossible. (mainly BRITISH INFORMAL)
  • We shouldn't use the police in that way. It's just not on.

─ If something is on your mind, you are worried or concerned about it and think about it a lot.
  • This game has been on my mind all week.
  • I just forgot, I've had a lot on my mind.

─ If your mind is on something or you have your mind on something, you are thinking about that thing.
  • At school I was always in trouble - my mind was never on my work.

2016년 11월 19일 토요일


친구가 누구와 대화한다.
그러다 상처를 받았는지 가슴을 치며 통곡한다.
달려가 부둥켜 안고 같이 운다.
엄마가 이런저런 와중에 운전하느라 힘들다고 한다.
운전하며 두리번거리는 모습도 보인다.
구경꾼이 더 있었는데...기억나지 않는다.

2016년 11월 18일 금요일

[메모] electrified ring fence in banking, in the UK after the crisis of 2008

※ 발췌 (excerpts):

1. Ring-fence needs electrification, says Banking Commission report (12 Dec 2012)

( ... ) Commenting on the publication of the report, the Chairman of the Parliamentary Commission on Banking Standards, Andrew Tyrie MP, said:

"Parliament took the unprecedented step of creating its own inquiry into banking standards, in the wake of the first revelations about the Libor scandal. The latest revelations of collusion, corruption and market-rigging beggar belief. It is the clearest illustration yet that a great deal more needs to be done to restore standards in banking.

The Government asked us to look an one of its main proposals for increasing financial stability─ring fencing─as part of our work.

( ... ... )

For the ring-fence to succeed, banks need to be discouraged from gaming the rules. All history tells us they will do this unless incentivised not to.

That's why we recommend electrification. The legislation needs to set out a reserve power for separation; the regulator needs to know he can use it.

Furthermore, we need periodic reviews of the sector to reassure us that the ring-fence as a whole is working. Thougher measures may yet be required.

( ... ... )

1. Electrifying the ring-fence:

Para 93:

- The Commission ...welcomes the Government’s action to bring forward legislation to implement a ring-fence.

Para 104:

- While ring-fenced banks will carry out the majority of essential economic functions which need protecting, it is important to be clear that it is these functions that enjoy protection and not the bank itself or its shareholders or creditors. There should be no government guarantee of ring-fenced banks, nor perception of one. Neither does ring-fencing mean that risks from non-ring-fenced banks can be ignored, as such institutions will remain systemic and difficult to resolve.

Para 163:

- The ring-fence envisaged by the Government may, in the long run, not provide an adequate degree of separation. Nor may it be adequate to buttress banking standards. Additional powers are essential to provide adequate incentives for the banks to comply not just with the rules of the ring-fence, but also with their spirit. In the absence of the Commission’s legislative proposals to electrify the ring-fence, the risk that the ring-fence will eventually fail will be much higher.

Para 164:

- The Commission recommends that the forthcoming legislation add reserve powers to implement full separation.

( ... ... )

2. Britain’s electrified ring fence (World Finance, 4 Feb 2013)

The British chancellor has proposed a ring fence separating high-street retails banking from investment banking branches within institutions will need to be 'electrified' with severe sanctions. Osborne will publish the Banking Reform Bill giving regulators the power to split banks up if they do not comply fully with new rules designed to protect British taxpayers.

"My message to the banks is clear: if a bank flouts the rules, the regulator and the Treasury will have the power to break it up altogether─full separation, not just ring fence," Osborne said in a speech in Bournemouth.

The British Bankers’ Association (BBA) said the new bill would bring “uncertainty for investors” and make it more difficult for banks to raise capital, leaving them with less available money to lend to the private sector. Anthony Browne, chief executive of the BBA has warned that moving away from the universal model of banking will compromise banks’ abilities to provide all the services British businesses will require.

For the time being regulators will only have the power to split up individual non-compliant banks, rather than a complete industry-wide separation. However, there have already been calls to give regulators sweeping powers over the ring fence.

( ... ... )

3. UK banking review urges 'electrified' ring-fence (US News, 21 Dec 2012)

The U.K. government needs to get tougher in its proposals to reform the banking industry by splitting high-street activities from riskier investment banking, Britain's Parliamentary Commission on Banking Standards said Friday.

The commission reported Friday that proposals for a "ring-fence" to protect retail banks needed to be "electrified" to discourage banks from probing for loopholes.

Commission Chairman Andrew Tyrie says that would mean giving regulators the power to force a complete separation of a lender's retail business from its investment banking. Risky investments including exotic derivatives undermined banks' stability in 2008, prompting taxpayer bailouts of two big U.K. banks.

( ... ... )

4. MPs: protect bank deposits with 'electrified' ring-fence (Citywire, 21 Dec 2012)

The government's Banking Commission has called for the 'electriication' of the proposed ring-fence around consumer deposits in banks following more 'collusion and corruption' in the banking sector.

A report by the Parliamentary Commission on Banking Standards, chaired by Andrew Tyrie, said ring-fencing consumer deposits from banks’ riskier business is welcomed, but the government must go further to protect consumers deposits and protect taxpayers from the risk of another bailout.

2016년 11월 15일 화요일

Dic/ 용어: 직책/ partial look at some ways of naming positions in investment banks

출처: "Barclays reorganizes management of investment bank", REUTERS, 17 Apr 2014

※ 발췌(excerpt):

( ... ) The British lender said in a statement that it had appointed Eric Felder as head of markets, supervising the investment bank's global sales and trading businesses across all asset classes.

Felder, who joined Barclays from now defunct U.S. investment bank Lehman Brothers in 2008, was previously co-head of securities.

In addition, Joe McGrath and Richard Taylor were named as co-heads of banking, responsible for the investment bank's global corporate finance and strategic advisory units.

As former Goldman Sachs banker, McGrath was most recently a co-head of the global finance and risk solutions business. Taylor, who has in the past worked for BoAML and HSBC, was head of investment banking in the Europe, Middle East and Africa region.

( ... ... )

출처: "HSBC to Rejig Structure at Head of Investment Bank", 2 May 2014

※ 발췌(excerpt):

( ... ) Jose-Luis Guerrero is becoming head of global banking and markets for Europe, the Middle East and Africa. This is a new position. Global banking and markets is what HSBC calls its investment bank.

The current head of markets for Europe, the Middle East and Africa—Thibaut de Roux—will be promoted to Mr. Guerrero's old job as global head of markets. Both moves are effective June 15.

( ... ... )

2016년 11월 12일 토요일

Dic/ usages/ easy, too easy (for someone) to do something

─ If you say that something is easy or too easy, you are criticizing someone because they have done the most obvious or least difficult thing, and have not considered the situation carefully enough.

  • That's easy for you to say ...
  • It was all too easy to believe it.

─ used for saying that it is very easy to make a mistake or to do something that will cause problems.
  • For most people it is all too easy to put on weight.
  • It is all too easy for someone in authority to think that they are better than everyone else.

─. It's easy (for someone) to do something: used for saying that someone thinks a situation is simple, when it is really very complicated or difficult:
  • It is easy for people in cities to think that small towns have no crime.
  • It's easy to forget that many problems remain to be solved.
That's easy for you to say: (SPOKEN) used for telling someone that although something may be easy or simple for them, it is not easy or simple for you.

...... COBUILD, Macmillan

2016년 11월 11일 금요일

Dic/ usages/ bust my balls

1. When someone scolds or berates you for something that they don't like.

2. To harass with the intent to break one's spirit.

  • When I ask you if you settled that dispute with the IRS, I am not just trying to bust your balls. I am trying to help.
  • cf. There is a way to castrate a calf, instead of cutting off the testicles you break them. To "bust your balls" is to turn them from a bull into a steer. Properly directed harassment can have a similar effect on humans.

3. ( ... ) it seems the slang broadened out to mean anybody who puts another person down or gives them a hard time. Now it is reference between guys and girls and has a general "put down" connotation. Another derivation of this term is "bust my chops".

4. If you were to "bust my balls" you would be having a right go at me about something.

2016년 11월 4일 금요일

Dic/ a usage/ up to something

─ occupied with, engaged in, as in:

  • What have you been up to lately.
 . This usage can mean "devising" or "scheming" as in:
  • We knew those two were up to something.
 . It also appears in up to no good, meaning "occupied with or devising something harmful," as in:
  • I'm sure those kids are up to no good.
─ (informal) doing something, esp. something bad.
  • What's she up to?
  • What've you been up to?
  • I'm sure he's up to to no good (= doing something bad).

... The American Heritage® Dictionary of Idioms, OALD

2016년 11월 3일 목요일

며칠 전 꿈

사나흘 되었나. 기록하지 못했다.

물속을 여행했다.
잠수부 여럿과 함께 물속을 다녔다.

물속으로 머리를 들이미는 독수리 얼굴을 보았는데, 이 녀석하고 물속의 다른 녀석이 번갈아 보였다. 아마도 거대한 가오리 같았다. 둘 중 하나가 죽었는데 독수리가 죽었던 것 같다.

그 밖에 많은 것을 보았다.
많은 것을 보았다.

2016년 10월 30일 일요일

Dic/ a Usage/ come around, come round

─ When something comes around or comes round, it happens as a regular or predictable event.
─ If a regular event comes around(or round), it happens as usual.

  • I hope still to be in the side when the World Cup comes around next year.
  • By the time the summer came around, Kelly was feeling much better.


Dic/ fall into

1. To descend or drop(,) freely or effortlessly(,) into something.
   To descend(,) or drop freely or effortlessly(,) into something.

  • I was so tired that I went to my bedroom and fell into bed.
2. To come to assume a configuration, pattern, or order.
  • The lines of text fell into neat rows.
  • After a quick meeting, our plans fell into place. (cf. fall into place, click into place)
3. To come upon, receive, or become involved with something, esp. by chance.
  • They fell into a lot of money unexpectedly, so they bought a new car.
4. To undergo a change of state or emotion, esp. a negative change.
  • I took one look at my class schedule and fell into a bad mood.
  • The tenants complained when the apartment building fell into disrepair.

2016년 10월 21일 금요일

Dic/ Usages/ keep perspective, lose perspective

─ perspective: 7. the ability to perceive things in their actual interrelations or comparative importance:
  • tried to keep my perspective throughout the crisis.

─ perspective: 2. a sensible way of judging and comparing situations so that you do not imagine that something is more serious than it really is.
  • I think Viv's lost all sense of perspective.
  • The figures have to be put into perspective.
 △ get/keep sth in perspective: judge the importance of something correctly.

─ perspective: 2. UNCOUNTABLE. a sensible way of judging how good, bad, important, etc. something is in comparison with other things.

 △ lose perspective: He had lost all perspective in the rush to get what he wants.
 △ get/keep something in perspective: It's important to keep things in perspective and not dwell on one incident.
 △ put something into perspective: This kind of tragedy puts a mere basketball game into perspective.

... American Heritage, LDOCE, Macmillan

CF. Keeping Perspective (Ron Breazeale Ph.D. | Psychology Today, Jan 2016)

※ 발췌 (excerpt):
In our crazy world, it is very easy to lose perspective. We often have a hard time seeing the bigger picture. The media often doesn't help with this, but unfortunately often encourages us to see things in a most negative light. After 911, I did a workshop with some reporters who had covered 911. They were quite willing to admit that their coverage often encouraged people to be more fearful and to see what was happening as being an event that would have a permanent and pervasive impact on everyone's lives in our country. The media also was focused on placing blame for the attack. As they explained, "If it bleeds, it leads."
( ... ... )
Resilience requires that we keep perspective. That we see the bigger picture, realizing that few things and events in our world have a pervasive impact on our lives and are permanent. Thinking clearly without being caught up in the emotions of blame, these are the things that will make our world a better place in which to live.
CF. another example:
What lies behind us and what lies ahead of us are tiny matters to what lies within us. (Ralph Waldo Emerson) This quote is great for helping us keep perspective. It means that what seem like big or difficult things in our lives are small compared to the determination and ability within us.

2016년 10월 20일 목요일

Dic/ idioms/ put paid to something

─ to consider something closed or completed; to mark or indicate that something is no longer important or pending. (As if one were stamping a bill "paid")

─ to suddenly stop someone from being able to do what they want or hope to do.

─ to destroy irrevocably and utterly.

─ to stop something from happening, or spoil plans for something.

  • As last, we were able to put paid to the matter of who is to manager the accounts.
  • A serious back injury put paid to her tennis career.

.... McGraw-Hill Dictionary of American Idioms and Phrasal Verbs, & various

Dic/ Usages/ "my word is my bond"

1. FORMAL. used to say that you will definitely do what you have promised.


a serious promise that you make to someone.
"my word is my bond." SPOKEN. FORMAL. used for saying that people can trust you because if you promise to do something, you will do it.
3. "your word is your bond." OLD-FASHIONED. FORMAL.
if someone's word is their bond, they always keep a promise. 
  • "But listen, you have to promise never to telll any one." "My word is my bond."
4. "my word is my bond."
It's maritime broker's motto. Since 1801 the motto of the London Stock Exchange (in Latin "dictum meum pactum") where bargains are made with no exchange of documents and no written pledges being given.
5. "my word is my bond." used to indicate that one will always do what one has promised to do.
  • You can believe me when I say I'll help you. My word is my bond.
6. The person saying "my word is my bond" is saying:
my word should be the guarantee, and no written contract outlining obligations or penalties is necessary. A bond is not a chain link, it is a contractual agreement that outlines forfeiture if the obligation (or promise or contract) is broken.
7. My Word Is My Bond (Rabbi Reuel Dillon)
※ 발췌(excerpt): Since 1801 the motto of the London Stock Exchange expressed in Latin was, "dictum meum pactum". Translated to English it means, "My Word Is My Bond". This motto expressed the practice where agreements and transactions were made with no exchange of documents and no written pledges being given. The assurance was the integrity word of the individual. People's livelihood depended on it. Their life was bound up in their word, and trust was not something to be taken lightly.
... LDOCE, Macmillan, Cambridge Dic, Urban Dic, Merriam-Webster, uaddit

2016년 10월 18일 화요일

My friend to sail through in this sea of world

I always feel you not as my part that I can command

But as a friend to sail with

To sail through in this sea of world


[용어] market counterparty

1. Counterparty (Wikipedia)

※ 발췌 (excerpt):
Within the financial services sector, the term market counterparty is used to refer to governments, national banks, national monetary authorities and international monetary organisations such as the World Bank Group that act as the ultimate guarantor for loans and indemnities. The term may also be applied, in a more general sense, to companies acting in this role.

Also within financial services, counterparty can refer to brokers, investment banks, and other securities dealers that serve as the contracting party when completing "over the counter" securities transactions. The term is generally used in this context in relation to "counterparty risk", which is the risk of monetary loss a firm may be exposed to if the counterparty to an over-the-counter securities trade encounters difficulty meeting its obligations under the terms of the transaction.

2. Counterparty (Investopedia)

3. Cayman Islands Monetary Authority─Statement of Guidance: Classification of Clients

※ 발췌 (excerpt):

3.1. It is important to classify clients correctly since the classification of a client
will determine the level of protection that they receive.

3.2. As the diagram below shows, there are two client classifications that mark two different levels of protection; professional clients and private clients. There is also a third category that mainly falls outside the definition of ‘client’ and that is that of market counterparty. Though a professional client can in certain circumstances be re-classified as a market counterparty, and a private clients can in certain circumstances be re-classified as a professional client (see Conduct of Business Regulation 12), a private client can never be re-classified as a market counterparty.

4. Market counterparties

The reason that market counterparties are excluded from the definition of client is that market counterparties are experienced professionals who have full understanding of the way in which the market works and the risks and rewards involved. Market counterparty dealings are lightly regulated. In the Regulations a market counterparty is listed to be either:

• A government (including a quasi-governmental body or a government agency).
• A central bank or other national monetary authority
• A supranational whose members are countries or central banks (e.g. IMF)
• A state investment body or public debt management body
• A professional client where classified as a market counterparty under the
provisions of Regulation12

4. 전문투자자규제에 관한 비교법적 고찰 및 입법적 개선과제 (오성근 지음 | 증권법 연구, 2010)

※ 발췌 (excerpt):

영국은 1997년 금융감독기구(FSA)의 설립에 이어 2000년 금융서비스·시장법을 제정하였다. 그리고 동법에 의거하여 제정된 舊업무행위규칙(COB)은 투자자를 일반고객(private customers),10) 중간층고객(intermediate customers, expert),11) 시장상대방(market counterparty) 등으로 삼분하여 규제하였다(COB 4.1.4R). 그리고 동 순서로 고객을 두텁게 보호하였다. 일반고객에 대하여는 업무행위규칙(COB)의 모든 규정을 적용하고, 시장상대방에 대하여는 거의 적용하지 아니하였다. 중간층고객에 대하여는 그 중간, 즉 규정에 따라 적용의 유무가 결정되거나 적용시 조건이 첨부되기도 하였다. 대체로 시장상대방12)에는 금융기관 등이, 중간층고객에는 법인 및 개인 부유층이 포함되었다. 일반고객은 그 이외의 개인고객이 주를 이루었다. 다만 고객구분 삼분법 중 시장상대방에 대하여 고객(client 또는 customer)이라는 용어를 붙여 사용하지 아니한 방식은 현행 영국의 업무행위규칙(COBS)과 동일하다.

주석 12)  영국의 시장상대방의 정의는 수시로 변경되어 고정적이지는 않았다. 다만 舊업무행위규칙이 폐지되기 직전에는 (a) 국가 또는 영토의 정당한 정치조직. 여기에는 공적 기관(a quasiᐨgovernmental body or a governmental agency) 등을 포함한다. (b) 국가 또는 영토의 중앙은행 기타 국립통화기구, (c) 국가 또는 (b)를 회원으로 하는 국제기구, (d) 국가의 투자기구(a State investment body) 또는 공채 관리기관, (e) 인가사업자(firm). 여기에는 변호사, 회계사 및 보험계리사(actuary)는 포함되지 않는다. 그리고 해외금융기관. 다만 COB 4.1.7R(본인이 중간층고객의 경우의 예외)에 의하여 중간층고객으로서 지정투자업무 내지 부수업무가 행하여지는 경우는 제외된다. (f) 해외금융기관 또는 인가사업자(기업연금 제외)가 동의하는 경우에 그 지정대리인 내지 그룹 내 회사 (associate), (g) COB 4.1.12R에 따라 시장상대방으로 간주되는 대규모 중간층고객, (h) COB 4.1.8R에 의거 시장상대방으로 간주되는 공인(recognised)투자거래소, 지정투자거래소, 규제시장, 결제기관(clearing house) 등이 해당한다. 또한 ① 규제집합투자기구(regulated collective investment scheme) 또는 ② COB 1.14R에 의거 본래는 시장상대방이지만, 일반고객으로 분류된 자가 아닌 자 등도 시장상대방에 해당한다.

5. 자본시장통합법하의 투자자 구분 제도 현황 및 시사점 (2008년 3월 1~7)

※ 발췌 (excerpt):

영국의 경우 금융기관이 투자자를 private customer(일반투자자), intermediate customer(준전문투자자), market counterpary(전문투자자)로 구분하여 영업행위기준을 달리 적용할 수 있도록 하고 있으며...

6. ... ...

2016년 10월 17일 월요일

Dic/ semantic mapping/ 오래도록 빛을 발하다

오래도록 빛을 발하다.

Can it be translated into English as: shed (throw, cast) light for a long time? Maybe not.

To shed light on, throw light on, or cast light on something means to make it easier to understand, because more information is known about it. (= clarify)
  • A new approach offers an answer, and may shed light on an even bigger question.

I attempt to map it into an adjective, 'venerable'.

Dic/ usages/ now (again, some of its various usages as a 'connector')


As adv:

─ given the present circumstances.
─ used when you know or understand something because of something you have just seen, just been told etc.
─ You use now to indicate that a particular situation is the result of something that has recently happened.

  • now we'll have to stay to the end.
  • Having met the rest of the family, she now saw where he got his temper from. 
  • She told me not to repeat it, but now I don't suppose it matters. 
  • Diplomats now expect this mission to be much less ambitious.
Also as adv:

─ You can say 'Now' to introduce information which is relevant to the part of a story or account that you have reached, and which needs to be known before you can continue. (SPOKEN)
  • My son went to Almeria in Southern Spain. Now he and his wife are people who love a quiet holiday. 
  • Now, I hadn't told him these details, so he must have done some research on his own.
─ You say 'Now' to introduce something which contrasts with what you have just said. (SPOKEN)
  • Now, if it was me, I'd want to do more than just change the locks.

As conj:

─ (sub.; often followed by that) seeing that; since it has become the case that.
─ You use now or now that to indicate that an event has occurred and as a result something else may or will happen.
  • now you're in charge, things will better. 
  • Now you're settled, why don't you take up some serious study? 
  • Now that she was retired she lived with her sister.

As sentence connector:

─ a) used as a transitional particle or hesitation word.
  • now, I can't really say.

2016년 10월 16일 일요일

Dic/ in part, in (some, ...) part

1. You use in part to indicate that something exists or happens to some extent but not completely. (FORMAL) (= partly)

2. in part: to some degree; partly

3. in part: to some extent; in some degree; not wholly

  • The levels of blood glucose depend in part on what you eat and when you eat.
  • The accidents were due in part to the bad weather.

... COBUILD, COLLINS, CALD, WordNet, ...

  • This job involves in some part selling your soul for a good salary.

2016년 10월 15일 토요일

Dic/ keep on + prep something or someone

BrE. informal. to talk continuously about something or repeat something many times, in a way that is annoying. (= go on)

keep on about:

  • There is no need to keep on and on about it!

keep on at:
  • If I didn't keep on at the children, they'd never do their homework.
.... LDOCE

2016년 10월 12일 수요일

Song/ Les uns contre les autres

On dort les uns contre les autres
On vit les uns avec les autres
On se caresse, on se cajole
On se comprend, on se console
Mais au bout du compte
On se rend compte
Qu'on est toujours tout seul au monde

On danse les uns contre les autres
On cours les uns après les autres
On se déteste, on se déchire
On se détruit, on se désire
Mais au bout du compte
On se rend compte
Qu'on est toujours tout seul au monde

On dort les uns contre les autres
On vit les uns avec les autres
On se caresse, on se cajole
On se comprend, on se console
Mais au bout du compte
On se rend compte
Qu'on est toujours tout seul au monde

Mais au bout du compte
On se rend compte
Qu'on est toujours tout seul au monde

Song/ Sur un prélude de Bach

Lorsque j'entends ce prélude de Bach
Par Glen Gould, ma raison s'envole
Vers le port du Havre et les baraques
Et les cargos lourds que l'on rafistole
Et les torchères, les grues patraques
Les citernes de gasoil

Toi qui courais dans les flaques
Moi et ma tête à claques
Moi qui te croyais ma chose, ma bestiole
Moi je n'étais qu'un pot de colle

Lorsque j'entends ce prélude de Bach
Par Glen Gould, ma raison s'envole
Et toutes ces amours qui se détraquent
Et les chagrins lourds, les peines qu'on bricole
Et toutes mes erreurs de zodiaque
Et mes sautes de boussole

Toi, les pieds dans les flaques
Moi, et ma tête à claques
J'ai pris les remorqueurs pour des gondoles
Et moi, moi je traîne ma casserole

Dans cette décharge de rêves en pack
Qu'on bazarde au prix du pétrole
Pour des cols-blancs et des corbacs
Qui se foutent de Mozart, de Bach

J'donnerais Ray Charles, Mozart en vrac
La vie en rose, le rock'n roll
Tous ces bémols et tous ces couacs
Pour Glen Gould dans c'prélude de Bach.

Dic/ some usages/ take in

─ If you take something in, you pay attention to it and understand it when you hear it or read it.
─ to understand or absorb something that you hear or read; to accept something as true.

  • Lesley explains possible treatments but you can tell she's not taking it in.
  • Gazing up into his eyes, she seemed to take in all he said.
  • I read the whole page without taking anything in.
  • He just couldn't take in what had happened.

─ If you take something in, you see all of it at the same time or with just one look.
─ to notice something with your eyes.
  • The eyes behind the lenses were dark and quick-moving, taking in everything at a glance.
  • He took in every detail of her appearance.
  • She started to relax and take in her surroundings.

 ... COBUILD, Oxford Phrasal Verbs Dictionary for Learners of English

2016년 10월 11일 화요일

Dic/ eye-opening

1. serving as an eyeopener; enlightening: ex) an eye-opening investigation of government corruption. (Random House Dictionar via Dictionary.com)

2(1). causing a strong emotional reaction because of unexpectedness: ex) hunting for a first apartment in a big city is an eye-opening experience for young people.

2(2). causing wonder or astonishment: ex) that acclaimed animal-cum-magic act had a number of eye-opening moments. (Merriam-Webster Thesaurus)

3. eye-openersomething that surprises you and teaches you new facts about life, people, etc.: ex) Living in another country can be a real eye-opener. (Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary & Thesaurus)

4. eye-opening. (of an event or situation) unexpectedly enlightening: ex) this documentary should be an eye-opening experience to all. (Oxford Dictionary-US)

2016년 10월 10일 월요일

Dic/ Synonyms/ resigned


  • He gave a resigned smile.
  • stoical. He had been stoical at their parting.
  • patient. years of patient devotion to her family.
  • subdued.
  • long-suffering. He went back to join his loyal, long-suffering wife.
  • compliant. a docile and compliant workforce.
  • submissive. Most doctors want their patients to be submissive.
  • acquiescent. The other men were acquiescent but he had an independent streak.
  • unresisting.
  • unprotesting.

  1. Submitting without objection or resistance: acquiescent, nonresistant, passive, submissive. See RESIST.
  2. Enduring or capable of enduring hardship or inconvenience without complaint: forbearing, long-suffering, patient. See ACCEPT
.... Roget's II: The New Thesaurus

2016년 10월 9일 일요일

[발췌] Lateral thinking skills

자료: https://www.kent.ac.uk/careers/sk/lateral.htm

Lateral thinking, is the ability to think creatively, or "outside the box" as it is sometimes referred to in business, to use your inspiration and imagination to solve problems by looking at them from unexpected perspectives. Lateral thinking involves discarding the obvious, leaving behind traditional modes of thought, and throwing away preconceptions.

2016년 10월 7일 금요일

Dic/ Usages/ 개과천선하다, 행동을 고치다


mend one's way:

reform (oneself), be reformed:

be a reformed character:

turn over a new leaf:

clean up one's shit:

clean up one's act:

2016년 10월 6일 목요일

Dic/ Usages/ I'll say, I would say

I'll say.

  - I agree. (based on the full form 'I will say the same thing')

  - Absolutely. I strongly agree. (Synonym: you can say that again.)

  • "Did you enjoy the film?" "I'll Say."

I'll say! used to show that you agree very strongly with what has been said.
  • "Does he eat a lot?" "I'll say!" 

'I would say' and 'I guess' have the same meaning?

 - I would say he is not coming.
 - I guess he is not coming.

A participant says:

They have only very approximately the same meaning, in that both imply some degree of uncertainty and leave room for others or for facts-on-the-ground to contradict what follows.
  • I would say characterizes what follows as a personal opinion or judgment: ex) From what I know of him I would say he is coming.
  • I guess characterizes what follows as a conjecture or inference: ex) Well, if he were coming he'd be here by now, so I guess he's not coming.

But there's obviously room for some overlap: an opinion may be based on inference, and a conjecture may be based on opinion.

... ...

2016년 10월 5일 수요일

Dic/ Usages/ 간을 보다, 가능성을 타진하다

get one's feet wet:

test the waters:

fly a kite:

Dic/ Usages/ pre-position or preposition (as a verb)

1. Prepositioning (Language Log, June 2015)

... I was surprised and wondering how 'preposition' could be used as a verb and what it could mean. ...

2. "America is prepositioning battle tanks with our East European NATO allies to counterbalance Russia." (Thomas L. Friedman | NYT, June 2015)

3. How pre-positioning can make emergency relief more effective (Les Roopanarine | Guardian, Jan 2013)

  • pre-positioning locally procured relief items in area vulnerable to natural disaster can save lives.
  • In response, relief items were pre-positioned in Senegal, Cameroon and Ghana.
  • A huge amount of money needs to be made available upfront for pre-positioned goods. 
4. "US Dollar seesaws upward amid pre-positioning for Yellen speech." (Daily FX, Aug 2016)

5. ...

Dic/ position (as a verb)

16) to put in the proper or appropriate place; locate

17) sport/ to place (oneself or another player) in a particular part of the field or playing area.

18) to put (someone or something) in a position (esp. in relation to others) that confers a strategic advantage:

  • He's trying to position himself for a leadership bid.
19) marketing/ to promote (a product or service) by tailoring it to the needs of a specific market or by clearly differentiating it from its competitors (e.g. in terms of price or quality)


2016년 9월 14일 수요일

[발췌: Alwyn Young's] The African Growth Miracle (2012)

출처: Alwyn Young, “The African Growth Miracle,” NBER Working Paper 18490. October 2012.

※ 발췌 (excerpt):

In a similar vein, although the on-line United Nations National Accounts database provides GDP data in current and constant prices for 47 sub-Saharan countries for each year from 1991 to 2004, the UN statistical office which publishes these figures had, as of mid-2006, actually only received data for just under half of these 1410 observations and had, in fact, received no constant price data, whatsoever, on any year for 15 of the countries for which the complete 1991-2004 on-line time series are published.

2016년 8월 31일 수요일

Christophe ?

Je te vois, Christophe.
C'est bien longtemps que je t'ai vu.

C'était un rêve.
Choi aussi était là ; elle était avec toi.

Tous les deux et moi volent, en prenant un avoin.
Un avion, tout petit et léger, sans toit ni portes, mais qui avait de très longue ailes.
Nous nous amusons à un vol ; tu étais le pilote.

Après un atterissage forcé, sain et sauf, nous nous donnons du bon temps.
En nous relaxant, nous bavardant, nous promenant.

2016년 8월 29일 월요일

[메모] 보험 가입 꼭 살펴볼 서류 (주간경향, 2010)

출처: 주간경향, 보험 가입 꼭 살펴볼 서류, 2010. 07.13

※ 발췌:

1. 보험계약청약서
회사용과 가입자 보관용 2부로 작성되며, 고지의무와 자필서명을 필히 한 다음 가입자용을 보관한다면 문제될 것이 없다. 단 백지청약서에 서명을 요구한다면 계약을 거부하는 게 좋다.

2. 상품안내장
모집설계사가 해당 상품의 장점만 나열돼 있는 안내장을 가입자에게 보여 주며 설명하다가 막상 계약 성사 단계에서 다시 가져가는 수가 있다. 이 안내장이 추후 분쟁이 생겼을 때 입증 자료로 사용될 수 있기 때문에 반드시 청약서와 함께 보관하도록 한다.

3. 보험상품 설명서
가입자가 숙지해야 할 자료다. 보험료의 구성 비율 및 상세 보장 조건을 나타내며, 보험 가입자의 권리의무, 보험 계약 관련 특히 유의사항, 보험금 지급 관련 특히 유의사항, 보험료 납입 연체에 따른 계약해지 및 부활 등 보험계약의 중요한 사항이 집약돼 있기 때문에 반드시 내용을 검토하고 자필서명한 다음 보관해야 하는 서류다.

4. 보험약관
요즘 약관은 책, CD 등 다양한 형태로 존재한다. 대표적인 것 하나만 있으면 된다.

5. 가입설계서
해약환급금이 예시된 것을 꼭 보관하자. 보장 내용이 쉽게 정리돼 있어 보기 쉽다.

(생략: 6. 7. 8. )

[메모: 금융감독원] 금융생활 안내서 (보험편), 2007년

출처: 금융감독원 소비자보호센터, 금융생활 안내서 (보험편), 2007년 12월

보험 상품은 일반적으로 계약 시에 수반되는 몇 가지 서류가 있습니다. 계약서류인 보험계약청약서와 상품의 중요내용을 설명해주는 상품설명서와 보험보장의 범위를 명시하고 있는 약관, 보험가입사실을 증명하는 보험증권입니다. 따라서 청약서에 자신의 계약의사를 서명으로 확인하기 전에 반드시 요구해야 하는 서류는 상품설명서약관입니다. 상품설명서와 약관이 없는 경우에는 청약서 작성을 다음으로 미루는 것이 현명합니다.

    ⑦ 보험료 납입기간과 보험기간 살피기(자동갱신계약 여부)

    ◦ 보험 상품은 장기상품이며, 보험료 납입기간과 보험보장기간이 상이할 수 있습니다. 그리고, 보험료를 내는 방식도 여러 가지 방법이 있습니다. 따라서, 보험료를 일정하게 납입하는 방식인지 아니면, 기간이 지남에 따라 일정금액씩 상승하는 방식인지를 확인하는 것이 좋습니다.

    ◦ 자동갱신특약은 특정기간(예를 들어 1년, 5년 등)이 경과하면 계약의 계속여부를 보험회사가 결정할 수 있는 권리가 있는 계약입니다. 따라서, 갱신기간(예를 들어 1년, 5년 등) 도래시 마다 보험료가 상승하거나, 보험계약을 보험회사가 일방적으로 해지할 수 있다는 것을 염두에 두셔야 합니다. 무관심하게 내버려두고 있다가 막상 보험사고가 발생했을 때 이미 갱신거절로 보험계약이 소멸된 후라면 보장을 받을 수 없게 됩니다.

    ◦ 보험료 납입기간과 보장기간은 다를 수 있습니다. 예를 들어 보험료 납입기간이 10년이더라도 보험료 납입이 완료된 후 남은 보험기간 동안은 보험사고를 보장받을 수 있으므로 계약을 해지하거나 변경할 필요가 없습니다.

    ⑪ 보험계약자와 피보험자가 다른 경우

     ◦ 보험 가입을 하는 계약자 본인을 보험대상으로 하여 보험계약을 체결하는 경우가 많지만 때로는 가족을 대신해서 보험을 가입하는 경우도 많이 있습니다. 이 경우 보험료를 내는 보험계약자와 보험대상이 되는 피보험자가 다른 경우가 발생하게 되는 데, 반드시 피보험자의 동의가 있어야 합니다. 왜냐하면, 타인의 생명을 담보로 몰래 보험을 가입하고 고의로 타인을 생명을 해친다면 사회적인 문제가 발생하게 되므로, 이러한 경우를 방지하기 위해 보험계약자와 피보험자가 다른 경우에는 법에서 반드시 피보험자의 서명을 받도록 하고 있는 것입니다. 가족 또는 부부라 하더라도 예외가 없으므로 반드시 피보험자의 서면동의(자필서명)을 받아야 합니다.

    ⑰ 약관이나 보험 증권을 분실한 경우

     ◦ 보험약관은 모든 보험회사의 홈페이지에 게시되어 있습니다. 따라서, 해당 보험사의 홈페이지에서 다운로드를 받을 수 있습니다. 증권의 경우에는 해당 회사의 홈페이지나 고객센터에 증권 재발급을 신청하면 다시 발급받을 수 있습니다.

  1) 보험가입 후 보험회사에 대한 알릴 의무

   □ 계약자 또는 피보험자는 보험계약을 맺은 후 피보험자의 직업 또는 직무변경으로 인한 위험 증가 및 주소변경 등 보험약관에서 정한 ‘계약후 알릴 의무’사항이 발생하였을 때, 지체 없이 회사에 알리고 보험증권에 확인을 받아야 합니다. 그렇지 않은 경우 보험금 지급이 거절될 수도 있으므로 매우 주의해야 합니다.        

2016년 8월 25일 목요일

Dic/ into the ground

into the ground: beyond what is requisite or can be endured ; to exhaustion.

work/drive/run yourself into the ground: to work so hard that you become very tired or ill.

  • Kay's working herself into the ground trying to meet her deadlines.
... Collins, LDOCE

run something into the ground:
  1. to cause something to become less successful. ex) Unless she gets some help, she will probably run her business into the ground.
  2. to use something so much that it does not work any more. ex) I gave that car to my son and he ran it into the ground

run yourself into the ground: to do so much you become unable to do anything well. ex) He'll run himself into the ground if he keeps working at this pace.

... Cambridge Dictionary of American Idioms 

run into the ground:
  1. pursue a topic until it has been thoroughly discussed or exhausted, as in They've run the abortion issue into the ground.
  2. Ruin or destroy, as in During her brief time as chief executive Marjorie just about ran the company into the ground.
cf. Both usages allude to pushing something so far that it is, in effect, buried. 
... The American Heritage® Dictionary of Idioms 

알려지지 않은 의도와 부정확한 판단의 무한 고리 [에서 벗어나기]

우울증 인지치료 연구한 뉴저지 의과대학의 아서 프리먼 교수는 "아무도 의도하지 않은 상황에서 괜히 모욕을 느낀다면, 그 고통은 당신이 자초한 것이다."라 했다. 누군의 말이나 행동에서 메타태그를 읽어내는 예민함과 눈치를 가졌다고 믿기전에 생각해볼 말.
자아가 건강한 사람이라면, 자신에 대한 신문 스크랩을 모두 믿지 않는다. 추종자들이 완벽하다고 칭찬해준다고 해서 그 말을 그대로 믿지도 않는다. 그들은 과거의 성공이 앞으로의 성공을 보장해줄 거라고 생각하지 않는다. ─아서 프리먼, 뉴저지 의과대학 교수
"다른 사람의 마음을 임의로 읽는 데 의존하지 말고, 상대방과 의사소통하는 능력을 키워야 한다. 이 때 첫 단계가 가장 어려운데, 바로 다른 사람의 마음을 읽을 수 있다는 믿음을 버리는 것이다." ─아서 프리먼, 뉴저지 의과대학 교수
당신이 모든 이에 대해 완벽하게 언제나 마음을 읽을 수 있다고 믿을 때, 당신에게는 문제가 생긴다. 따라서 기억해야 할 것은, 당신은 몇몇 사람에 대해 어느 정도 정확하게 가끔씩 추측할 수 있을 뿐이라는 것이다. ─아서 프리먼, 뉴저지 의과대학 교수

2016년 8월 20일 토요일

Dic/ beat into

beat someone into (doing) something: to beat a person until the person agrees to do something or to assume a particular attitude.

  • They had to beat John into submission before he gave up.
  • Max threatened to beat Lefty into helping him rob the candy store.

beat something into someone: Fig. to use physical abuse to get someone to learn something; to work very hard to get someone to learn something.
  • Do I have to beat this into your head?
  • Why can't you learn? Why do I have to beat in this information?
  • Can't you learn by yourself? Does someone have to beat it in?

beat into:

 1. To mix something with something else with a vigorous stirring motion.
 2. To batter someone or something into some state or condition.
 3. To force someone to do something, esp. through the use of physical violence.

  • I beat the eggs into the milk and flour gently, so that the batter didn't get too stiff.
  • The robbers beat their victim into submission.
  • I didn't want to cooperate with those crooks, but they beat me into being the driver of the getaway car.

... McGraw-Hill Dictionary of American Idioms and Phrasal Verbs, The American Heritage

2016년 8월 19일 금요일

[발췌: Holly Young] Youth entrepreneurship: your stories (Guardian, Apr 2014)

출처: Guardian, 30 April 2014.

※ 발췌 (excerpt):

From bringing live sports to a Nairobi slum to setting up an IT firm Dhaka, we share some of the stories submitted to our latest witness assignment.

Youth entrepreneurship is in vogue. Business leaders and policymakers are getting on board, and it frequently pops up as a topic on the conference circuit. But when we look past the excitement, does it stand up as an effective solution to the mounting youth unemployment crisis? What is the reality for young people trying to start, and build, business in the global south?

To find out, our recent Witness assignment called on young entrepreneurs to share their experiences. What drove them towards a DIY approach to job creation? Who helped them along the way and what were the key challenges? And is it really a silver bullet for the job crisis in the global south?

Here are a few picks from your contributions:

( ... ... )

'The only thing holding back Ugandan entrepreneurs is access to capital', Farooq Kiryowa in Kampala, Uganda.

My name is Farooq Kiryowa, Together with my business partner Sula Abdul I co-own Energy Uganda Foundation, a business based in Kawempe on the outskirts of Kampala providing efficient and safe cookstoves.

The business began in 2006 with a start-up cost of UGX 1.5m(£398). At the time, the team comprised four full-time employees, including myself. The main challenge that our business was finding the right source of capital. This is especially hard if you are a small-scale business owner in the developing world.

In Uganda where there is a very large informal economy, very few banks are prepared to offer loans without solid collaterals, salary slips, well-documented financial records or a number of guarantors. ( ... ... )

For us, the turning point was enrolling into a loan guarantee programme in 2009, run by the NGO GVEP International. The programme targeted small energy enterprise that would otherwise struggle to obtain a bank loan.

Eight years later, our company offers employment to 48 permanent staff.

Our story shows the typical problems faced by start-up business. The only thing holding back Ugandan entrepreneurs is access to capital. People are not lacking in motivation or skills, they just simply don't have the means to finance their ideas. ( ... ... )

'My business allows me to pay two employees and cover my basic needs', Charles Kaindi, in Nairobi, Kenya.

Before becoming an entrepreneur, I often had to borrow money from friends and family to pay my bills every month.

I have now founded an entertainment business called the Sao Paolo Stadium in Kibera, Nairobi. The business offers services like a PlayStation, DVD movies and live football matches on television to residents in the Kibera slum in Nairobi. ( ... ... ) I was helped along the way by the support of the Kenya Youth Business Trust.

( ... ... )

[발췌] An economist's answer to the youth employment crisis in Africa (Guardian, Mar 2014)

출처: Jan Rieländer and Henri-Bernard Solignac-Lecomte in Paris, Guardian, 21 March 2014.

※ 발췌 (excerpt):

This is a tough time to be young in Africa. Although the growth prospects of the continent are good─growth rate estimates are 4.8% in 2013 and 5.3% in 2014─40 million young people are estimated to be out of work and many more in poor employment.

The African Economic Outlook estimates that 53 million of Africa's 200 million young people between ages of 15 and 24 are in unstable employment and 40 million young Africans are out of work. However, while 18 million of them are looking or a job, 22 million have already given up.

Working with the Gallup world poll to collate household data for 37 countries, partners in the African Economic Outlook also found that only a minority of young working Africans have a 'good' job. Wage employment in the formal sector concerns only 7% of youth in low income countries (LICs) and 10% in middle-income countries (MICs). Others fall in categories defined by International Labour Organisation (ILO) as 'vulnerable employment', including self-employment and unpaid work (such as family farming). And while self-employment may not be bad per se, in the overwhelming majority of cases it reflects the lack of alternatives, and implies precarious living conditions and working poverty.

Surprisingly, Africa's poorest countries have less unemployed youth than the better-off countris. As countries grow richer, consumers start flocking to known brands, away from local products that used to provide livelihoods for many locals. With rising incomes, families also have more capacity to support their young job seekers, who can therefore be more selective, rejecting job offers that fo unfilled. A trend that leads to higher youth unemployment and potentially broader social costs.

Removing obstacles for local business

So how can we remove obstacles for local business? First, there is the attitude of governments towards small business. The fate of Tunisian vegetable seller Mohamed Bouazizi is an example of the importance of this. Early in 2011, he torched himself and sparked a revolution. Instead of providing him with services and incentives to register his business, government officials had been impounding his equipment and his vegetables, preventing him from growing his business and feeding his family.

Second, governments can support social insurance adapted to the needs of small businesses such as Bouazizi's. ( ... ... )

Third, many small entrepreneurs in Africa do not have access to the loans that could allow them to grow their business. Although obtaining very small amounts of financing has become easier thanks to microfinance, obtaining medium-sized loans, say $10,000, is very difficult. Most banks are not interested. They make money more easily with bigger firms.

Fourth, better services could do a great deal. For instance, a stable electricity supply would allow many to start small-scale production outfits.

Training young people for the jobs that African firms offer

Many young peole in Africa suffer from skills mismatches. They have been to school, even university, but did not obtain the practical skills that employers are seeking. Many firms are looking for young people with technicl skills to operate machines and oversee manufacturing processes but cannot find them. At the same time Africa boasts the highest share of students in the humanities and social sciences of any region in the world. Many young people with a university education cannot find work. In South Africa, for example, firms report 600,000 vacancies, while 800,000 young university graduates are unemployed.

Does Africa need a new industrial policy?

( ... ) Recent evidence gives a few hints of the most promising sectors.

( ... ... )

The greatest potential for inclusive growth may actualy be found in agriculture and agroindustry: beyond the well-known examples of export sectors such as cashew nuts and cut flowers, the next big thing may well be African local and regional markets, buoyed by steady demographic growth, urbanisation and rising income levels.

( ... ... )

[발췌: C-E Chikezie] Decent work for youths: it's not about us vs them (Guardian, Jan 2014)

출처: Guardian, 23 Janruary 2014

※ 발췌 (excerpt):

Our discussion of the issue of youth unemployment often magics away the politics of a globalised world and leaves us just with well-introduced, country-specific, projects.

Youth unemployment is a global problem, although its manifestation in the poorest countries are all the more stark.

The analysis and remedies presented in a report this month by McKinsey on youth unemployment in Europe apply just as well in underdeveloped Afrian economies. Employers have positions to fill but cannot find suitable candidates among the armies of unemployed. Graduates leave eduation with skills ill-suited to employers' needs.

We can also draw similar conclusions about the ultimate impact this has on youths themselves. According to the Prince's Trust Youth Index 2014, joblessness and long-term unemployment among young people in the UK is associated with heightened feelings (compared to their peers in work or education) of hopelessness and helplessness (feeling they have nothing to live for) and symptoms of mental illness, including suicidal thoughts, panic attacks and feelings of self-loathing. It's a pretty bleak picture but one with which youths in, say, the urban slums of downtown Freetown, Sierra Leone would immediately empathise.

( ... ... )

In fact, for too long, development industry ignored jobs. The World Bank asserts now that jobs drive development but jobs used to be the elephant in the room. The millennium development goals only surrptitiously slipped in a new target to "achieve full and productive employment and decent work for all, including women and young people" belatedly in 2005.

( ... ... )

2016년 8월 18일 목요일

동시에 엄습하는 기쁨과 슬픔

기쁘면서 동시에 슬픈 감정.

2016년 8월 16일 화요일

[참고] The komplex plane- Discontinuous humor


[발췌: Ian McMaster] Three economists (2009)

출처: Business Spotlight Blog by Ian McMaster (11.02.2009)

There are three types of economists: those who can count and those who can't. That's an old joke, I know, but it's still one of my favourites.

At the moment, the most common criticism of economists is not that they can't count, but that they didn't see the financial crisis coming.

What is the point of having economists if they can tell you when the economy is likely to continue as it has in the recent past, but can't foresee dramatic changes (which is precisely when you want their advice)?

Such economists are about as much use as doctors who always say you will remain in the same state of health. The key difference is that, after your health changes, doctors usually know why. Economists, on the other hand, are notorious for their different interpretations of history.
Over the past ten years, two economists in particular have enhanced their reputation by forecasting the doom that was on the horizon.

The first Cassandra is Robert J. Shiller, the American professor of economics at Yale University. Shiller warned back in 2000 that the stock market was experiencing a bubble that would burst. He is also known for his (correct) pessimism about the US housing market.

The second prophet of doom is Nouriel Roubini, the Turkish-American professor of economics at the Stern School of Business at New York University. Roubini forecast a crash back in 2005. His pessimistic projections have led the media to dub him "Dr Doom".

My own favourite doomster also writes incisive analyses of the US economy — and has done so for many years. But, unlike Shiller and Roubini, he is British. He is also a former professional oboe player and is now 82.

When I was an economics student in the late 1970s, this doomster was the director of the Department of Applied Economics in Cambridge, England. Before that, he had worked for the British Treasury for 14 years. And he later became one of the Treasury's "six wise men", a panel of independent forecasters.

His name? Wynne Godley. On Friday, we'll look in more detail at Godley's economic analyses.

* * *

Words of Wisdom (13.02.2009)

Look at the following comments and guess when they were written:

"For more than a year now, a recession has been developing, and is clearly now accelerating. It began when life went out of the property market. The downturn has been compounded by an overdue reduction in net borrowing by households which is now reducing consumption."
"I think the seizing up of financial markets may well result in a collapse in lending in the US to the non-financial sector so large that it causes a recession deeper and more stubborn than any other for decades — and deeper than anyone else is expecting."

Difficult, I know. But go to the top of the class if you guessed January 1991 for the first comment (about Britain) and January 2008 for the second one.

The comments show how little things change, although what was called a "financial squeeze" in 1991 is now usually dubbed a "credit crunch".

Both quotes are from Wynne Godley, an 82-year-old British economist and former professional oboe player. Godley has been one of Britain's most insightful (and unconventional) economists over the past 40 years.

The first quote is from a fascinating collection of articles written by Godley between 1988 and 1992, and republished by the New Statesman magazine. The second is from the Financial Times new year's survey of economists for 2008.

Godley, seen as a permanent pessimist by some, has consistently warned about the dangers of unsustainable long-term trends, such as excessive borrowing by US consumers. His analyses have also emphasized the interplay of the different economic sectors (government, the private sector, foreign trade).

From the obvious statement that net borrowing by all economic sectors taken together must equal zero - for every borrower there must be a lender - Godley derives fascinating conclusions. For example, he explains the need for increased government deficits if there is a reduction in net borrowing by households and firms (as in 1991 and now).
At the end of 2007, in a paper called "The U.S. economy: Is there a way out of the woods?", Godley wrote: "We conclude that at some stage there will have to be a relaxation of fiscal policy large enough to add perhaps 2 per cent of GDP to the budget deficit."

How right he was.

[발췌: The Economist] The unmeasurable lightness of being (1996)

출처: The Economist, Nov 23, 1996.  Vol. 341,  Iss. 7993,  pp. 85-86 (2 pp.)

※ 발췌 (excerpt):

Economic statistics can cause governments to lose elections or wipe billions off share prices. Unfortunately, many of the numbers are wrong.

THERE are three kinds of economists: those who can count and those who can't." That old joke gets a good laugh at economics conferences, yet it cuts dangerously close to the bone. Economists spend much time churning statistics through computer models or using them to justify policy, but few worry about the reliability of those numbers. They ought to: traditional measures of economic performance are becoming increasingly dodgy.

Number-crunching is not just an academic issue. Important questions, such as why all the billions of dollars invested in computers have failed to boost productivity growth, rest upon the accuracy of official statistics. Faulty figures distort people's vision. America's economic debate, for example, has been shaped partly by official numbers showing that productivity growth has slowed-from an annual rate of 2.6% in 1960-73 to 0.9% in 1980-95-and that real wages have stagnated. Calculate those figures correctly, however, and America's true rate of productivity growth in the 1990s could be almost as high as in the
1960s, while real wages could be rising at a respectable pace. ( ... ... )

[발췌] The Monk Manager and the Road to Abbey Management: Essays in Organisation ...

출처: The Monk Manager and the Road to Abbey Management: Essays in Organisation ...
자료: 구글도서

※ 발췌 (excerpt):

12. 'Gestalt' therapy

[This section draws on the work of Gaston De Cock of the University of Leuven. Gestalt therapy as a training method, has heen based on the work of Fritz Perls.]

It is important to note that Gestalt therapy has little or nothing in common with Gestalt psychology. In connexion with the latter one could consult some of the work of amongst others Kurt Koffka, Wolfgang Koehler and Max Wertheimer. According to the principle of Gestalt therapy, humans experience reality through certain forms of existence or specific ways of contact with the worl. Note that this does not mean that the reality of human life is something out there alien to the person and unconnected to this thinking and consciousness. George Berkeley even argued that there was no reality at all apart from the perception of things in the mind of people.

The following existential forms are usually identified:

a. Aboutism ─ In the contact with the world determined by aboutism people do not get really personally involved nor committed to reality. Their thinking, actions, behaviour, always seem to be about something else no directly related to themselves. It is quite unfortunate that most of the sciences operate in a reality of this 'aboutist' level only. Thiking of the psychologist, sociologist, economist, etc., who discusses issues of human reality as if he or she were to belong to a different realm or as if he or she were to be a 'humanite' of a completely different species compared to those involved with the concepts of his or her theories. One could consult in this connexion e.g., ( ... ... ) Aboutism, as existential form therefore, is essentially based on non-involvement or at least on the pretence of non-involvement.

b.Shouldism ─ The experience of reality guided by shouldism is concerned with what should be or what ought to be. Cases of this type of existential activity can be found pretty openly in religion, moral philosophy, ethics, deontology and in fact in most normative science. Many a positive science however─think of a specific kind of positive economics, psychology, management[─]openly pretend to dwell in 'aboutism' and 'isism'. Yet quite often a wide array of hidden shouldist assumption and purposes is barely hidden beneath the surface statements. Think of the way Frank Green and Peter Nore[1977] have discussed and analysed 'The myth of objectivity in positive economics'. Compare with the criticism of Edmund Ions[1977] of the fashionable use of [pseudo-] mathematical techniques in various social sciences. According to the Ions a good deal of the time the author in question becomes so engrossed and overtaken by his mathematical methodology that he largely ignores the argument he was actually supposed to be dealing with. Not unfrequently when one confronts mathematicians ^pure sang^ with the so-called mathematical analysis used in say economics and the like, their reaction is often one of bewilderment and surprise. ( ... ... ) In two articles under the titile: 'When numbers get serious' and 'The problem with statistics' ^The Economist^ [cf. 23 November 1996] is very critical of the current application of a particular branch of mathematics. Under the caption: 'Damned lies. Economic statistics are in a bad way the paper stresses that in relation to economic activity: "finding the right numbers is much harder than you might think ... [because] many ... [economic] activities cannot be seen and cannot be numbered". Spending much more public money on gathering the 'right' figures and numbers may help but: "they would still be far from perfect". The harsh conclusion is: "the fact that economics are becoming increasingly unmeasurable, at least in precise ways" and we ought better learn to live with that. ^The Economist^ recommends: "Greater modesty ... in the application of statistical exactitude ... [in the sense that] ... policymakers should not set targets that are over-precise", or in other words, that are more precise: "than the underlying data can support". One must at long last accept that: "most statistics are approximations". John Maynard Keynes knew this already many years ago when he quipped that: "It is better to be roughly right than precisely wrong". This idea must have been at the back of the mind of people like Graham Galer of Royal Dutch Shell and Denis Loveridge [1992] of the Open University Business School when they developed the notion of ^scenarios^ rather than just forecasting. In scenario-writing one does not attempt to forecast precisely what exactly is going to happen when, where and how. Scenarios try to produce nothing more but neither less than say, two or three, perhaps four at the most, of reasonably wide 'bands' of meaningful potential future activity and development. The scenarios are supposed to be quite different yet paradoxically intimately related in meaning. ^The Economist^ does not leave it at that and in the same issue [Volume 341, Number 7993] with some tongue-in-cheek reference to Milan Kundera it continues it assault on 'economic statistics' under the caption: "The unmeasurable lightness of being". The article starts with the old joke that: "There are three kinds of economists: those who can count and those who can't
.  But in a more serious tone the paper denounces economists for: "churning statistics through computer models ... [whereas] ... few worry about the reliability of those numbers". The late Jean Gimpel must be smiling now in the Walhalla of academics when ^The Economist^ stresses that: "Important questions, such as why all the billions of dollars invested in computers have failed to boost productivity growth, rest upon the accuracy of official statistics", even wondering whether the numbers collected are relevant at all. Three main reasons are given for the enormous challenges to the significance of current figures. One, the growing importance of internal decision-making in multinational corporations. Two, ordinary and conventional collection of figures has tremendous difficulty with the: "production and manipulation of ideas" which reflects an apparently incessantly increasing share of economic output. That is why the number-crunchers often steer away from: "fast-growing sectors such as software, telecommunications, entertainment, health care and financial services" not to mention education. Three: "new goods, shorter product cycles and rapid quality improvements" make it much more delicate to measure the variation in output and prices over various periods of time. ( ... ... ) To conclude: "standard economic statistics fail to capture many of the benefits of information technology, which increasingly take the form [back to Jean Gimpel] not of cost saving or greater volume, but of improved quality, time saving, convenience and increased consumer choice".

c. Isism ─ Isism refers to the search for the why in events and things. This existential activity is reflecte in the examination of the meaning and being of things in the cognitive experience leading to ontology: what does it mean to be what one is, what there is, what things and events are.

d. Gestalt therapy [not to be confused with Gestalt psychology] ─ Rather than to talk about something else [cf. aboutims], or to argue how things should be [shouldism], or to explore why things are what they are [isism], in Gestalt therapy one tries to understand what is via the how, not via the why. Authenticity of behaviour is encouraged. In other words, you are urged not merely to say what you are feeling, but to be what you are and where you are.

The questions asked are:
- what are you doing
- what are you feeling
- how are you doing whatever you are engaged in doing
Via these questions people are assumed to learn to confront the Here & NOw.

The slogans of Gestalt therapy are:
- do not think, use your senses
- abandon doing as if, stop pretending
- loose your mind and come to your senses.

( ... ... )