... I was off on my estimates a little bit.
... I guess I was off too much.
... What time should we be off on our trip? We should be off by dawn.
... I'm off on my diet again.
... Max likes to get off on marijuana.
2009년 10월 30일 금요일
Dic & seach: off, off on
Dic: be past doing something
- She was past caring about anything by then and just wanted the pain to end.
- Often by the time they do accept the truth they are past being able to put words to feelings.
PREP : v-link PREP -ing | If you are past doing something, you are no longer able to do it. For example, if you are past caring, you do not care about something any more because so many bad things have happened to you. (= beyond)
| If you say that someone or something is past it, they are no longer able to do what they used to do.
2009년 10월 29일 목요일
Dic: make much of something
- We all believe you are making much of Tom when he has done no more than anyone else.
- Don't make too much of it. It was really nothing.
- Her campaign made much of economic issues at the party convention.
토론▷ 시장을 뒤흔든 100명의 거인들
- 지은이: 켄 피셔(Kenneth L. Fisher)
- 제목: 시장을 뒤흔든 100명의 거인들 (원제: One Hundred Minds That Made the Market)
- 원서 출판일/출판사: 2007년 4월(제4판), 1993년(초판), John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
- 한국어판 출판일/출판사: 2009년 11월 10일, 비즈니스맵
| 2008년 봄에 "6장. 뉴딜개혁의 기수들"부터 맡아 이 건 번역가와 함께 공역한 책입니다. 한국어판 출판사에서 출간을 준비 중입니다. 절반 남짓 번역을 맡았지만, 이 책을 전체적으로 조망하고 의미를 되새겨보기 위해 처음부터 다시 읽느라 힘에 좀 겨웠던 기억이 납니다. 옮기는 사람 나름이겠지만, 공 들인 만큼 배우는 게 번역이라고 느낍니다. 옮긴이 소감으로 준비한 글에서 책의 의의와 독자들에 대한 당부를 적어보았습니다. (2008.08.23)
1.1 마이어 암셸 로스차일드(게토에서 나와 각광을 받다).. 1.2. 네이선 로스차일드(현금이 왕이고 신용이 총리였던 시대).. (생략).. 1.5. 코넬리우스 밴더빌트(법 위에 군림한 사나이)..1.6. 조지 피바디(금융과 자본가를 발굴한 인물).. 1.7. 주니어스 스펜서 모건(현대 금융시장을 주물렀던 마지막 인물).. (생략)2장. 언론인과 작가들
2.1 찰스 다우(그의 이름이 모든 것을 말해준다).. 2.2. 에드워드 존스(로저스와 해머스타인을 떼어놓을 수는 없다).. 2.3. 토머스 로슨(“주식시장 도박이야말로 최악이다).. 2.4. 포브스(재무 보고서에 인간미를 담은 인물).. 2.5. 에드윈 르페브르.. 2.6. 클래런스 배런.. 2.7. 벤저민 그레이엄(증권분석의 아버지).. (생략)3장. 투자은행가와 주식중개인들
3.1. 오거스트 벨몬트(유럽을 대표해서 미국에 투자하다).. 3.2. 에마뉴엘 리먼과 아들 필립(월스트리트 기업들의 역할 모델).. 3.3. 존 피어폰트 모건(역사상 가장 강력했던 자본가).. 3.4. 제이콥 쉬프.. 3.5. 조지 퍼킨즈.. 3.6. 존 피어폰트 “잭” 모건(채워야할 빈자리가 가장 컸던 인물).. 3.7. 토머스 라몬트(세대 전체의 횃불이었던 인물).. (중략).. 3.11. 시드니 와인버그(현대 투자은행가들의 역할 모델)4장. 혁신가들
4.1. 엘리어스 잭슨 “럭키” 볼드윈 (운이 좋으면 원하는 대로 할 수 있다).. 4.2. 찰스 여키즈(정치인을 움직여 독점권을 얻은 인물).. 4.3. 토머스 포천 라이언(미국 최초의 지주회사).. 4.4. 러셀 세이지(사계절의 사나이).. 4.5. 로저 뱁슨.. 4.6. 로 프라이스(성장주의 아버지).. 4.7. 플로이드 오들럼(최초의 현대적 기업사냥꾼).. (생략)5장. 은행가와 중앙은행장
5.1. 존 로(중앙은행제도의 아버지는 별로 아버지답지 않았다).. 5.2. 알렉산더 해밀턴(미국 금융시장의 대부).. 5.3. 니콜라스 비들(교양인이 정상배를 이길 수가 없었다).. 5.4. 제임스 스틸먼(심령술사가 미국 최대 은행을 이끌다).. 5.5. 프랭크 밴더립(모든 월스트리트 사람들의 역할 모델).. 5.6. 조지 베이커(돌다리도 두드려본 인물).. 5.7. 아마데오 자니니.. 5.8. 폴 워버그.. 5.9. 벤저민 스트롱.. 5.10. 조지 해리슨.. (생략)6장. 뉴딜 개혁의 기수들
6.1. E.H.H. 시몬스 (과대한 정부를 낳은 원조의 한 사람)7장. 사기범, 부정행위, 불한당
6.2. 윈스럽 W. 올드리치 (분노의 칼을 빼 든 명문가 자제)
6.3. 조지프 P. 케네디 (증권거래위원회 초대 위원장)
6.4. 제임스 M. 랜디스 (자신도 감옥에 가고 말았던 경찰)
6.5. 윌리엄 O. 더글러스 (월스트리트로 들어온 대법원 판사?) | Google books 원문
7.1. 찰스 폰지 (그 유명한 폰지 수법의 원조)8장. 기술적 분석가와 경제학자, 그 밖의 값비싼 전문가들 | Google books 원문
7.2. 새뮤얼 인설 (월스트리트를 모독한 자, 대가를 치르다)
7.3. 아이바 크뤼거 (성냥을 가지고 놀다가 화염에 타죽다)
7.4. 리처드 휘트니 (월스트리트 사상 가장 질펀한 부정)
7.5. 마이클 J. 미핸 (미국 증권거래위원회 징계대상 1호에 오르다)
7.6. 로웰 M. 비렐 (현대적 대형 사기범의 결정판)
7.7. 월터 텔리어 (저가주 사기의 제왕)
7.8. 제리와 제랄드 레이 부자 (미꾸라지 한 마리가 온 연못을 흐리다)
8.1. 윌리엄 P. 해밀턴 (기술적 분석을 처음으로 현실에 적용하다)9장. 성공한 투기꾼, 모사꾼, 수완가
8.2. 에반젤린 애덤스 (별자리를 봤던 그녀, 인기 스타가 되다)
8.3. 로버트 레아 (이론을 실천으로 승화시키다)
8.4. 어빙 피셔 (1920년대 세계에서 가장 위대한 경제학자였던가, 아니면 특히 위대하다는 경제학자의 말을 귀담아듣지 말아야 할 실패 사례인가?)
8.5. 윌리엄 D. 갠 (별빛에 이끌린 트레이더들, 기묘한 대가를 좇아 “갠” 각을 긋다)
8.6. 웨슬리 클레어 미첼 (의미 있는 데이터를 낳은 월스트리트의 아버지)
8.7. 존 메이나드 케인스 (돌팔이 주술사들과는 다른 예외적인 인물, 하나)
8.8. R.N. 엘리엇 (영험한 마력의 성배인가, 아니면 돌팔이 약방문인가?)
8.9. 에드슨 굴드 (돌팔이 주술사들과는 다른 예외적인 인물, 둘)
8.10. 존 매기 (차트 말고는 전부 집어던지다)
9.1. 제이 굴드 (피를 빨아먹던 자, 피를 토하다--악령 "굴"이 씌어서 굴드였던가?)10장. 실패한 투기꾼, 모사꾼, 수완가
9.2. “다이아몬드” 짐 브래디 (때로는 행운의 여신이 함께 했던 남자)
9.3. 윌리엄 H. 밴더빌트 (아버지가 틀렸음을 증명하다)
9.4. 존 W. 게이츠 (“백만불 내기”가 별명이었던 사람을 보고 도대체 뭐라고 해야 할까?)
9.5. 에드워드 해리먼 (겉모습은 얌전해도 큰 힘을 휘두르다)
9.6. 제임스 J. 힐 (기회가 문을 두드릴 때)
9.7. 제임스 R. 킨 (굴드를 빼면 그를 당할 자가 없었다)
9.8. 헨리 H. 로저스 (월스트리트의 푸른 수염: “해적깃발을 올려라!”)
9.9. 피셔 형제 (자동차 도시의 거물)
9.10. 존 J. 래스콥 (소비자금융의 개척자)
9.11. 아서 W. 커튼 (주가를 흔들고, 치고, 바로 빠진다)
9.12. 버나드 E. “세렘 벤” 스미스 (언제나 부자였던 카멜레온)
9.13. 버나드 바룩 (그는 승리도 하고, 패배도 했지만, 언제 떠나야할 줄 알았다)
10.1. 제이콥 리틀 (너무 심하게 나갔던 최초의 선수)11장. 특이할 뿐, 시장의 한가운데에 있었던 사람들
10.2. 제임스 피스크 (그처럼 그런 연인을 만나 그렇게 바람난다면, 그대도 죽은 목숨이다!)
10.3. 윌리엄 크래포 듀랜트 (반쪽은 미래를 보는 건설자, 반쪽은 거친 도박꾼)
10.4. F. 오거스터스 하인츠 (일과 향락의 양 극단을 달리느라 정력을 소진하다)
10.5. 찰스 W. 모스 (교활한 냉열한, 손대는 것마다 파탄 나다)
10.6. 오리스 P.와 맨티스 J., 밴 스웨링건 형제 (레버리지로 사는 자, 레버리지로 죽는다)
10.7. 제시 L. 리버모어 (타고난 “투기꾼 소년”이었으나 실패한 사람)
11.1. 헤티 그린 (마녀의 비방일지 몰라도, 그녀처럼 하기는 쉽지 않다)맺는글
11.2. 패트릭 볼로냐 (거저 생기는 돈은 없다)
11.3. 로버트 R. 영 (그는 왔다 갔지만, 금융가의 모습을 바꿔놓았다)
11.4. 사이러스 S. 이튼 (조용하고 유연하게 큰 재산을 일구다)
(익명으로도 덧글을 남길 수 있지만, 구글 계정이 있으시면 "후속 덧글을 이메일로 보내기"를 선택해서 사이트를 다시 방문하지 않고도 전자우편으로 받아볼 수 있습니다. 구글이 다른 온라인사업자들과 제휴를 넓혀가기를 기대합니다)
2009년 10월 26일 월요일
Dic: keep someone posted
- Keep me posted on your progress.
PHRASE : keep inflects, oft PHR on/with n | If you keep someone posted, you keep giving them the latest information about a situation that they are interested in.
[민변] 미국의 검찰제도
자료: http://minbyun.org/?document_srl=4769
※ 유익한 자료를 인터넷에 공개해주신 민변에 감사드린다. 이하는 상기출처(URL 포함)의 자료를 읽어가며, 메모와 함께 개인블로그에 보관할 용도이므로 원 내용을 보실 분은 상기 URL 출처를 참조해주시기 바란다. 아울러 본 자료의 원작자나 발행인 혹은 제삼의 권리자께서 본 게시물이 저작권 관련 피해 소지가 있음을 전자우편(우측 상단의 전자우편(Email me) 링크 참조)이나 덧글(하단 "Post a comment" 클릭)로 알려주시면 즉시 삭제할 것임을 밝힌다.
1. 서론
2. 검찰의 조직
3. 검사의 직무
4. 검사의 재량권
6. 결론
2009년 10월 23일 금요일
Dic: have something (all) to yourself
- I'm going out, so you'll have the place to yourself.
- I need the time to have the office to myself.
keep something to yourself: to not tell anyone about something.
- I'd appreciate it if you kept it to yourself.
Encumbered Shares
Capital Stock, Its Shares and Their Holders: A Comparison of India and Delaware
자료: http://ssrn.com/abstract=913282
지은이: Vasudev, P. M., The University of Auckland
Worldwide Junior Corporate Scholars Forum Conference,
March 2007.
The paper explores the origin of "shareholder supremacy" in Anglo-American corporate law and the present legal position of corporate capital stock, its shares and their holders. The study is comparative, and the statutes of India and Delaware are selected for comparison. The paper argues that Indian company law, which is based on English law, adopts the "business model" of corporations that gives at least as much importance to the business of companies as it does to their finances. But American corporate law, as it has evolved over the last two hundred years and exemplified by the Delaware statute, creates a "financial model" in which corporations are treated mostly as issuers of securities, and the statute treats the securities as commodities in which corporations deal. The Delaware statute has a bias in favour of the stock market and adopts the policy of encouraging trade in the securities.
The paper traces the process of development of corporate law in the two jurisdictions, and attempts to explain the divergence in their philosophies in the context of the respective developmental processes. The implications of the two philosophies for corporate behavior and governance are also examined. The comparison also illustrates how Indian company law is converging towards the American financial model, since the government of India adopted the policy of economic liberalization and globalization in the 1990s.
Keywords: Corporations, shareholder supremacy, corporate law, stock market, corporate governance
※ 메모:
Voting Rights or the Empowerment of Share Capital
The law on companies or corporations was, as we have seen, formulated on the salutary principle that the capital contributed by the shareholders would be exposed to business risks, and in turn, the shareholders would be empowered to manage the company, either by electing themselves or others as directors and to regulate the directors. Voting rights were the instruments that empowered the shareholders to elect the directors and regulate them. The principle behind the voting rights attached to shares is that the capital stock of a company represents its “ownership,” which means that it must carry the right to vote on the corporate affairs. A majority rule regime, similar to that in the political democracy, was established for corporations. In corporations, which are essentially vehicles for pooling capital, each share of its capital stock had a vote, similar to every citizen having a vote in the political democracy.25
In the formative years of corporate law, all shares of capital stock had compulsory and equal voting rights, and companies had no freedom either to take away or whittle down the voting rights. But the principle of compulsory and equal voting rights for all shares was abandoned in America during the movement for liberalization of corporate law.26 Companies could issue shares that had no voting rights and they were also free to formulate different varieties of voting rights for different classes of shares. These devices were meant to enable businessmen to retain corporate control even after public issue of the capital stock of their companies.
Although Securities Laws also do not make any efforts to regulate the rights attached to shares issued by listed companies, the stock market has been wary of nonvoting shares or shares with disproportionate voting rights. The New York Stock Exchange earlier prohibited corporations listed on it from issuing shares without voting rights. But this was recently diluted when General Motors issued such shares and the Exchange did not take any action.27
2009년 10월 22일 목요일
Kleinwort, Benson: the history of two families in banking
2009년 10월 20일 화요일
경제를 공부하다
- 한국은행 e북으로 배우는 경제
..(1) 알기 쉬운 경제지표 해설
..(2) 우리나라의 통화정책
..(3) 우리나라의 금융제도
..(4) 우리나라의 통화지표
..(5) 우리나라의 금융시장
..(6) 우리나라의 지급결제제도
..(7) 우리나라의 외환제도와 외환시장
.. cf. 한국은행의 통화정책 (발표자료)
- 한국은행 주요 경제통계 해설 책자
.. (8) 우리나라의 국민계정 체계 ( http://ecos.bok.or.kr/ )
.. (9) 연쇄가중 경제성장률의 이해 ( http://ecos.bok.or.kr/ )
.(10) 국제수지표의 이해: Part1, Part2(BPM6 1단계 이행 및 분류체계 변경) ( http://ecos.bok.or.kr/ )
- 영림원 CEO를 위한 신경영학(I, II, III)
.. III권 1편 《재무관리》:
... 2장 기업가치 평가
... 3장 재무보고와 투명경영
... 4장 재무적 건전성 평가
... 5장 자본시장과 자금조달
.. III권 2편 《원가정보와 성과측정》:
... 1장 원가측정 및 성과평가의 핵심과제는 무엇인가?
... 2장 원가계산은 어떻게 하나?
... 3장 원가정보는 어떻게 이용하는가?
... 4장 균형성과표에 의한 성과평가
- 대차대조표/손익계산서 개요:
(1) [이명헌경영스쿨] 투자자를 위한 재무제표 해석: 01. 대차대조표 개요 ; 02. 손익계산서 개요
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[한국신용평가] 기업어음제도에 대한 소고
2009년 10월 19일 월요일
A History of the New York Swamp
자료: 자료
History of the Swamp
The art of tanning was introduced in New York coeval with its settlement. The rotund Dutchmen who were under the rule of Perter Minuit and his successors wore a garb of leather, and the artizans added a leather apron ! These were made from deerskins. The agile animals that furnished these skins could be killed near the site of the present swamp. In the possession of the Beekman family are antlers of deer which William Beekman, their ancestor, shot in Beekman Street and its vicinity about 1688.
In 1664, New York, or--as it had been previously named--New Amsterdam, came into the possession of the Enlgish. Some tanners from London came here. They introduced the apprentice system. Seven years was the term of service for a boy of the age of fourteen years, at which they were indentured. The early tanners made their leather into shoes, and the trades were not separated until about the time of the Revolution.
In 1669 the first patent known here was granted to Adriasen and Christopher Van Lear for a "mill to grind or rasp the rind of bark of oaks to be used in tanning." The tanning properties of the hemlock tree were then unkown. Outside of New York there was a tannery owned by the Hunlst family at Greenwood, Brooklyn. All the rest of these establishments, with their contiguous shoe shops, were located near the present corner of Broad and Beaver Steets. Conrent Ten Eyck was the first tanner. He located near that corner in 1653. Tanners were ordered outside of the city wall(Wall Street) at the time of the English occupation and were located near Maiden Lane.
A relic of the old Dutch tanners has come down to the present day. It is the coat of arms of John Harpending, who owned most of "Shoemakers' Pasture," a name given to sixteen acres of land running north from Maiden Lane, between Gold and Nassau streets, to the Park. He gave the money and land with which to build the church at the corner of Fulton and William Streets, and his coat of arms, consisting of an old fashioned graining plate and beam, surmounted by a currier's knife, used by tanners, hung over the pulpit until it was demolished in 1875.
Five tanners in 1680 bought and occupied Shoemakers' Pasture. Eventually it came into the possession of John Harpending, one of the original purchasers. In 1696 he cut it up into 164 house lots, and from the proceeds of their sale he became a very rich man. It is now the center of the mercantile section of New York, but it was a wild, rough tract when the tanners bought it.
After this tract was sold the tanners settled around the "Collect," or lake, on Centre street, where now stands the "Tombs" prison. It was famous as the pond where Robert Fulton conducted his experiments. He propelled upon its surface, by steam, a small boat, before he sailed the Clermont up the North River.
Only upper leather was tannered here in those early days, and it was thought necessary for the hides to lay in the vats for a year. All sole leather was imported from London. As late as 1768 Governor Moore wrote to the "Lords of Trade" in London: "The tanning of leather has been carried on here (in New York) for many years. Leather is greatly inferior, in quality, to that made in Europe, and the tanners have not yet arrived at the perfection of making sole leather."
The tanners did not remain very long at the Collect pond. About 1790 they began to cluster around the swamp. James Brooks and Jacob Lorillard, who had formerly tanned in Centre and in Magazine street, appear in the directory of 1800 as located in Jacob street.
George Washington once lived on the border of the Swamp. In 1798, having taken the oath of office as first President of the United States on the spot where his statute now stands in Wall Street, he took up his official residence in the large mansion at No. 3 Cherry street, near Frankfort street. This remained the Executive Mansion for one year, or until the capital was removed to Philadelphia. The members of the cabinet were housed in Franklin Square, at the junction with Frankfort street, and its vicinity. Every day after dinner the state coach with four cream-colored horses, drove Lady Washington and the President either up the leafy Bowery or through Pearl street to the Battery, the great pleasure ground of New York. ...................
Visitors to the Executive Mansion had to pass the Swamp, for it was the northernmost , boundary of the city. All beyond was pasture, or at best, farms and forest. To most of them the view of tanneries, with the vats laid down in parallel rows was an unwonted sight. .....
Colonel John Mansfield, a Lynn shoemaker, commanded the Lynn and Salem Regiment at Bunker Hill. Roger Sherman, of Connecticut, shoemaker, and Francis Lewis, of New York, hide dealer, represented these trades in the first Continental Congress. They were among the signers of the Immortal Declaration. These men, no doubt, visited their beloved General, and later, perhaps, partook of the hospitality of their fellow craftsmen in Francfort street.
About the beginning of last century the Swamp was a favorite place for turkey shooting on Thanksgiving day and other holidays. The Pearl street boys used to build forts of the spent tan, piked with cattle horns, and defend them against the invaders who came from "Fly Market," or .....
Early Swamp tanners
The old tanners who did business in the Swamp previous to 1800 sold their product to dealers on the west side, who in turn supplied the shoe makers who were their only customers. ......
The Swamp began to figure in the political history of New York about the commencement of the present century. The prominent leather dealers became leaders in the political parties and officers of the organization had their headquarters at the celebrated Washington and Tammany Halls. .....
merchant bank
Merchant bank: 영국에서 어음인수 또는 증권발행을 주요업무로 하는 금융기관을 가리키며,그 기능여하에 따라 어음인수 등의 인수신용업무에 종사하 는 인수회사(accepting house)와 주식 및 사채의 발행 등을 지원 하는 발행회사(issuing house)로 크게 구분된다.머천트 뱅크는 전통적인 어음인수 및 주식발행업무와 관련하여 보험,은행,해운업무 등을 취급하고 리스,팩토링 및 상거래업무 등도 맡고 있다.이와 같이 머천트 뱅크는 종합적 금융기관의 성격을 띠고 있으며 일반적 으로는 종래의 은행업무개념에는 포함되지 않는 증권업무 등을 포함 한 광범한 부수업무를 자유롭게 수행하는 금융기관을 가리킨다. 나라에 따라서 투자은행 또는 금융회사른 명칭을 사용하기도 하는데 업무범위도 그 나라의 법규와 관습에 따라 다르다.
In banking, a merchant bank is a financial institution primarily engaged in offering financial services and advice to corporations and to wealthy individuals. The term can also be used to describe the private equity activities of banking.[1]
The chief distinction between an investment bank and a merchant bank is that [:]
- a merchant bank invests its own capital in a client company
- whereas an investment bank purely distributes (and trades) the securities of that company in its capital raising role.
Merchant banks, now so called, are in fact the original "banks". These were invented in the Middle Ages by Italian grain merchants. As the Lombardy merchants and bankers grew in stature based on the strength of the Lombard plains cereal crops, many displaced Jews fleeing Spanish persecution were attracted to the trade. They brought with them ancient practices from the middle and far east silk routes.
- Originally intended for the finance of long trading journeys, these methods were now utilized to finance the production of grain.
- Christians were strictly forbidden the sin of usury.
- The Jewish newcomers, on the other hand, could lend to farmers against crops in the field, a high-risk loan at what would have been considered usurious rates by the Church, but did not bind the Jews.
The Jewish trader performed both finance (credit) and an underwriting (insurance) functions.
- He would derive an income from lending the farmer money to develop and manufacture[--][(]through seeding, growing, weeding and harvesting[)][--] his annual crop (the crop loan at the beginning of the growing season).
- He would underwrite (insure) the delivery of the crop (through crop or commodity insurance) to the merchant wholesaler who was the ultimate purchaser of the farmer’s harvest.
- And he would make arrangements to supply this buyer through alternative sources (the merchant function) of supply (such as grain stores or alternate producer markets), should any particular farming district suffer a seasonal crop failure.
- He could also keep the farmer (or other commodity producer) in business during a drought or other crop failure, through the issuance of a crop (or commodity) insurance against the hazard of failure of his crop.
It was a short step from financing trade on their own behalf to settling trades for others, and then to holding deposits for settlement of "billete" or notes written by the people who were still brokering the actual grain. And so the merchant's "benches" (bank is a corruption of the Italian for bench, banca, as in a counter) in the great grain markets became centers for holding money against a bill (billette, a note, a letter of formal exchange, later a bill of exchange, later still, a cheque).
These deposited funds were intended to be held for the settlement of grain trades, but often were used for the bench's own trades in the meantime. The term bankrupt is a corruption of the Italian banca rotta, or ["]broken bench["], which is what happened when someone lost his traders' deposits. Being "broke" has the same connotation.
A sensible manner of discounting interest to the depositors against what could be earned by employing their money in the trade of the bench soon developed; in short, selling an "interest" to them in a specific trade, thus overcoming the usury objection. Once again this merely developed what was an ancient method of financing long distance transport of goods.
Islam makes similar condemnations of usury as Christianity.
The medieval Italian markets were disrupted by wars and in any case were limited by the fractured nature of the Italian states. And so the next generation of bankers arose from migrant Jewish merchants in the great wheat growing areas of Germany and Poland. Many of these merchants were from the same families who had been part of the development of the banking process in Italy. They also had links with family members who had, centuries before, fled Spain for both Italy and England.
This course of events set the stage for the rise of banking names which still resonate today: Schroders, Warburgs, Rothschilds, even the ill-fated Barings, were all the product of the continental grain trade, and indirectly, the early Iberian persecution of Jews. These and other great merchant banking families dealt in everything from underwriting bonds to originating foreign loans. Bullion trading and bond issuing were some of the specialties of the Rothschild family.
Modern practices
Known as “accepting and issuing houses” in the U.K. and “investment banks” in the U.S., modern merchant banks offer a wide range of activities, including [:]
- portfolio management,
- credit syndication,
- acceptance credit,
- counsel on mergers and acquisitions,
- insurance, etc.
Goldman Sachs, Morgan Stanley, The Weston Group, maintain an active merchant banking presence.
Further reading
- Ferris, Paul (1984). Gentlemen of Fortune: The World's Merchant and Investment Bankers. London: Weidenfeld and Nicolson. ISBN 0-297-78380-7.
- Wechsberg, Joseph (1966). The Merchant Bankers. Boston: Little, Brown.
- O'Sullivan, M.D. (1962). Italian Merchant Bankers in Ireland in the Thirteenth Century: A Study in the Social and Economic History of Medieval Ireland. Dublin: A. Figgis.
- Rosenbaum, Eduard (1962). M.M.Warburg & CO, Merchant Bankers of Hamburg; A Survey of the First 140 years, 1798 to 1938. London.