아들과 아빠가 다정하게 배드민턴을 친다.
한 처자는 건강을 챙기느라 열심히 걷고
노래 강습을 받고 나오는 중년의 여성들이 고양된 음파를 흩뿌린다.
특히 어둑한 초저녁 달빛 아래 그들 특유의 고요한 노래를 선사하는 푸른 나무들이 있다.
내가 그들 되어 누리지는 못해도 아무런 이유 없는 이 희한한 기쁨이 도대체 얼마 만인가.
세상사로 애먹는 친구를 위로한 덕인가 보다.
투자와 금융을 공부하고 시장과 인간을 다시
자료: http://en.cnki.com.cn/Article_en/CJFDTOTAL-LKXB201106013.htm
In December 1935,Wu Ting -chang became the Minister of Industry in the Nanjing National Government from a banker and a journalist and had been the Chairman of the Guizhou provincial government for seven years since January 1938.
CF. http://archive.org/stream/whoswhoinchinabi00shan/whoswhoinchinabi00shan_djvu.txt
Wu Ding-chang (Wu Ting-chang)
WU DING-CHANG (Ta Chuan), banker and newspaper directorj born in Chekiang, 1884; Hanlin Scholar under the Manchu Regime; governor, Bank of China, 1912; director, the Government Central Mint, 1913; Vice-Minister, Ministry of Agriculture and Commerce, 1915; Vice-Minister, Ministry of Finance, 1917-20; president, Yien Yieh (Salt Industry) Commercial Bank, since 1921; chairman, the Banking Syndicate of Yien Yieh (Salt Industry) Commercial Bank, since 1921; chairman, the Banking Syndicate of Yien Yieh, Kincheng, Continental and China and South Sea Banks, since 1922; president of the Ta Kung Pao Newspaper Company and the Kuo Wen News Service and Weekly Company, since 1926; address: Yien Yieh Commercial Bank, Peking Road, Shanghai.
자료 1: 검찰청, 사건처리절차 (불기소)
검사가 형사사건의 피의자에 대하여 공소를 제기하지 않는 결정을 통상 불기소 또는 불기소 처분이라고 부르고,
지은이: Howard L. Boorman
자료: 구글도서
※ 발췌:
( ... ) In 1929 Ch'en Yi prepared to begin a new career in the government administration.
( ... ) After 1949, Ch'en continued to hold senior positions in the government and in major people's organizations. During the first five years of the new regime, he was a member of the Central People's Government Council and a vice premier of the Government Administratin Council. His major specific duties continued to lie in the economic sector. He was the first minister of heavy industry(1949-50), chairman of the economic-financial committee of the Government Administration Council (1949-54), ( ... )
( .... ) In December 1942, Chang was appointed secretary general of the Executive Yuan on the recommendation of H.H. K'ung, the vice president of the yuan. That appointment marked the beginning of Chang's direct participation in government administration. He was ^ex officio^ secretary general of the National Mobilization Council. ( ... )
출처: Stacey Bieler(2014). Patriots Or Traitors: A History of American Educated Chinese Students. Routledge
자료: 구글도서
... ...
지은이: H.D. Fong
출처: The Tsing Hua Journal of Chinese Studies
자료: http://nthur.lib.nthu.edu.tw/bitstream/987654321/63800/1/JA01_1963_p69.pdf
시기: 미상
CF. The characteristic and value on Western language document of former Nankai Institute of Economics
CF. Republican China, 1912-1949 (John K. Fairbank et al.)
자료: http://www.cgdev.org/event/complexity-theory-and-development-policy (Feb 5, 2013)
발표자: Owen Barder, Senior Fellow and Director for Europe, Center for Global Development
※ 요약 및 발췌:
( ... ) Using ideas from complexity theory, Owen Barder will argue that development is a property of an economic and social system, not the sum of what happens to the people within it. Drawing on the understanding of complex adaptive systems in physics and biology, Barder will address important policy implications for policymakers who want to bring about faster development in their own country, or to help other countries to make faster progress. ( ... )
명사와 결합한 전치사구, 즉 전치사와 명사만으로 만들어진 어구 내에 문장이 전달하려는 메시지의 주된 이미지가 형성될 때가 많다. 이 부분을 주어와 서술어 관계로 풀어야만 우리말처럼 읽힐 수 있다.
ex) They were eloquent spokesmen for the opposite ends of the spectrum in development on individual rights.
ex) The division between them was perhaps most fundamentally expressed by Myrdal's opposite views on individual rights in development.... ...
자료: http://www.etiquettescholar.com/dining_etiquette/table_manners/seating_etiquette.html
※ 발췌 (excerpt):
"The place of honor at the table is to the right side of the host because most people are right-handed. Men help seat the woman seated on his right then sits. A host helps the lady seated to his right. The hostess is assisted by the man to her left. To make the process easier, women should approach their chairs from the right"
'code words'(maybe also 'coded words'), 'codified language'
When we talk about the political and economic structure of that period, we come to know that the government had seized the property of these revolutionary Sikhs who were now content with a coarse cloth only. But the deserved a pat; their ascending spirits was never defeated and they never brought themselves in the descending mental set up. History of that period is witness to these facts and the language used by the Sikhs of that period clearly shows that they had created many code words for different type[s] of messages so that the enemy could not know about their dialogue and side by side no revolutionary should be the victime of any sort of depression. In this codified language at places some bitterness is also there but that can be understood as reaction to the cruelties being perpetrated by the rulers.
.... CHAPTER 4, Impact of Sikh Theology: 18th Century
Cultural Marxism─the "Political Correctness", redefinition, re-education & indoctrination of you and your nation
( ... ) In the early 1990’s, when our media adopted the new language rules called “political correctness,” rule violators risked their jobs and suffered the media’s wrath. A synthesis of the Marxist equality ideas and political correctness have become known as “Cultural Marxism”. Patrick Buchanan explained the ideology behind these rules, “Political Correctness is Cultural Marxism, a regime to punish dissent and to stigmatize social heresy as the Inquisition punished religious heresy. Its trademark is intolerance.” Cultural Marxism is a relative trend of our times as opposed to a universal truth, yet it is banded about as if it is a universal truth and critics are deposed as one would be if one broke a sacred code.
( ... ) "Anti-Fascism", "Equality", "Diversity" and "Multiculturalism" have thereore become code words for Anti-Conservative, and the person who holds the Conservative position is considered a fascist.
( ... ) Political Correctness is an immense hurdle in British Politics. Politicians often cannot discuss issues upfront and have to use a codified language, and progress is often hindered by “political point scoring” which is often done on the basis not of the facts of the matter being discussed, but because someone may have contradicted a “truth” defined by political correctness. This creates a stalemate in this country for many issues that need urgent attention. ( ... )
... ....
[블로그, 상식으로 사는 세상] 미국 독립선언서 1776.7.4. (같은 출처 블로그 주인장의 영한 번역문)
[주철민의 역사공부방] 미국 독립선언문
United States Declaration of Independence (Wikipedia)
The Declaration of Independence: A Transcription (http://www.archives.gov/)
Jefferson's Original Declaration of Independence Did Not Use the Word "Creator" (Jim Allison)
[주한미국대사관 공보과, 2006년] Living Documents of American History And Democracy (살아있는 미국 역사와 민주주의 문서): 독립선언문(1776), 버지니아 권리장전(1776), 미국의 헌법(1787), … …
출처: STIR Magazine, Spring 2015
자료: P2P Foundation, Apr 2015
지은이: Michel Bauwens
※ 발췌 (excerpt)─발번역 주의 !
"자본주의가 항상 유기적이고 지배적인 시스템은 아니었다. 완전한 생산양식(즉, 사회와 문명의 한 형태로서 가치를 창출하고 분배하는 일관된 방식)의 지위를 성취하기 전에 자본주의는 구사회를 자신의 모습대로 주형하려고 해크(hack)해야 했다. 칼 폴라니는 (이른바 선대제 시스템)의 예를 들면서 초창기 상인들이 장인들과 길드 노동에 계속 의존했으며 이러한 초기에는 상품화된 노동에 의존할 수 없었던 상황을 설명한다.
오늘날 돈을 지불받는 경우든 지불받지 않는 경우든 다양한 기여자들의 공동체들이 '공유 자산(사용자들이 관리하는 공유 자원)'을 창출하고 있다. 이처럼 '공유 자산을 지향하는 생산'인 '프로토proto' 생산 시스템이 출현하고 있는데, 이 상황 역시 초창기 시절의 자본주의가 맞았던 상황과 다르지 않다. 이와 같이 이미 노동과 상품의 논리를 넘어서면서 새로 출현하고 있는 탈자본주의적 논리는 어떻게 자리를 잡게 된 것인가? 어떻게 peer production을 유기적 시스템으로 만들 것인가?
자료: http://rosebellkagumire.com/2013/06/17/push-for-transparency-at-g8-alone-will-not-solve-land-grabs-in-africa/
지은이: Rosebell Idaltu Kagumire, JUNE 17, 2013
※ 발췌 (excerpt):
[In] 2012, a few months before he passed away, Ethipian Prime Minister Meles Zenawi while attending the World Economic Forum on Africa was asked a question that intrigues most African citizens. Why do African leaders-revolutionaries turn to looting their own countries once in power? The (...) leader of Ethiopia responded by highlighting foreign corporations' role in impoverishing Africa. He hinted that African leaders, in their quest to find jobs for an increasing unemployed populatin, were being held hostage by corporations that come in to invest.
“The vast majority of the loot[ing] is done by properly organized companies through all sorts of accounting gimmicks,” he said. “I think that is the most insidious form of corruption. It affects everybody, including those whose hands are not in the till.”
True as it may be, the response was just one sided. ( ... ... )
( ... ... ) land grabbing has also become an every day reality in most African countries. ( ... )
In August 2001, the Ugandan army violently expelled over 400 peasants families from their land in the district of Mubende and leased the land to Kaweri Coffee Plantation Ltd., which is full subsidiary of the German Neumann Kaffee Gruppe (NKG) based in Hamburg.
Over 10 years the company has used the land to establish a large-scale coffee plantation. FIAN, an international human rights organization the right to adequate food has issued reports on efforts by 400 evicted families to get justice in vain.
Both the company and Uganda government in this case have denied local peasants their rights as listed down in the international Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights. FIAN, an organization working on right to food lodged a formal complaint to the Germany’s National Contact Point (NCP)for OECD Guidelines for Multi-national Enterprises but still the matter is not yet solved.
In the same district, in 2010, a UK-registered – The New Forest Company (NFC) was involved in what Oxfam described as illegal eviction of some 20,000 Ugandan peasants from arable land to plant trees.
The company had been given a go-ahead by the Uganda National Forestry Authority , which licensed NFC’s operations in 2005 and permitted the company to evict the residents in Mubende and Kiboga districts whom they said were encroachers. NFC had attracted investments from International and European banks to expand their Ugandan plantation.
After the international spotlight NFC suspended operations in Uganda to give way for negotiations and mediation.
For the last 20 years the Ugandan regime headed by President Museveni has concentrated more on attracting Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) at the expense of local investment. Most of these foreign companies in agriculture come in the name of employment but what they really do is increase food insecurity as more land meant for food production is given up through investment deals.
( ... ... )
자료: https://www.oxfam.org/en/grow/ugandan-community-reaches-agreement-british-company
※ 발췌 (excerpt):
In September 2011, Oxfam profiled a land deal in Uganda in which villagers were being evicted to make way for timber plantations. Now, the Mubende community has signed a Final Agreement with the New Forests Company (NFC), concluding nearly 15 months of negotiations that were facilitated by the Office of ComplianceAdvisor/Ombudsman (CAO). The CAO handles complaints from communities affected by investments made by the International Finance Corporation, the private sector arm of the World Bank.
Oxfam welcomes that an agreement has been reached through mediation. As part of this agreement, NFC will contribute funds into a community-run cooperative that has been set-up by the Mubende community. NFC will also implement development projects to benefit the affected community. The community remains far from restoring its livelihoods but the outcome of the mediation process provides a basis for community members to start to rebuild their lives.
"I am optimistic about the future but this will depend on how soon we are able to get land. At the moment we are not farming or raising animals but I am hopefulthat through the co-operative we will be able to buy land and move forward," said Emmanuel Bagibariho, a community representative from Mubende who was part of the team that negotiated the agreement on behalf of the affected community.
( ... ... )
( ... ... )
We need the United States to speak out. In the long march of history, at least two poles of attraction and antagonism have been the norm in world politics. Rarely has only one nation carried the burden of leadership. The unipolar world of the 21st century, dominated for the past two decades by the United States, is a historical anomaly. And given America’s role, it bears a responsibility to defend democracy and speak out against those nations that trample it.
I distinctly remember the vivacious optimism that inundated the United States when the Soviet Union imploded in the early 1990s. This was not glee generated by the doom of an implacable enemy, but thrill germinated by the real possibilities that the future held for freedom.
And nothing encapsulated the spirit of the times better than the idea of “no democracy, no aid.” Democracy would no longer be the esoteric virtue of Westerners but the ubiquitous expression of our common humanity.
But sadly America’s actions have fallen far short of its words. Suspending aid, as many diplomats are apt to point out, is no panacea for all the ills of the world. Nor are sanctions. But that’s a poor excuse for the cynicism that dominates conventional foreign policy. There is space for transformative vision in diplomacy.
Sanctions tipped the balance against apartheid in South Africa, minority rule in Zimbabwe, and military dictatorship in Myanmar. Sanctions also buttressed peaceful transitions in these countries. Without the hope of peaceful resolution embedded in the sanctions, a descent to violence would have been inevitable.
( ... ... )
자료: [보도자료] 은성수 기획재정부 국제경제관리관, 세계은행 이사 선출 (2014. 10. 13)
※ 발췌:
세계은행(World Bank) 개요
1. 국제부흥개발은행(IBRD : International Bank for Reconstruction and Development)과 국제개발협회(IDA : International Develpment Association)를 통칭.
2. 세계은행그룹 : 세계은행 + 3개 기관(총 5개 기관)
Under dictatorial rule, people need not think─need not choose─need not make up their minds or give their consent. All they need to do is to follow. This has been a bitter lesson learned from Philippine political experience of not so long ago. By contrast, a democracy cannot survive without civic virtue. ... The political challenge for people around the world today is not just to replace authoritarian regimes by democratic ones. Beyond this, it is to make democracy work for ordinary people. [n.8]Democracy does creates this opportunity, which relates both to its "instrumental importance" and to its "constructive role." But with what strength such opportunities are seized depends on a variety of factors, including the vigor of multiparty politics as well as the dynamism of moral arguments and of value formation.[n.9] For example, in India the priority of preventing starvation and famine was already fully grasped at the tme of independence (as it had been in Ireland as well, with its own experience of famine under British rule). The activism of political participants was very effective in preventing famines and in sharply condemning governments for allowing open starvation to occur, and the quickness and force of this process made preventing such calamities an inescapable priority of every government. And yet successive opposition parties have been quite docile in not condemning widespread illiteracy, or the prevalence of non-extreme but serious undernourishment (especially among children), or the failure to implement land reform programs legislated earlier. This docility of opposition has permitted successive government to get away with unconscionable neglect of these vital matters of public policy.
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