- 월세(실제로 지불한 주택 또는 주거용 토지의 임대료 및 권리금), 주택설비 및 수선비(수선재료비, 설비수리서비스비용) 및 기타주거비(공동주택관리비, 화재보험료, 승강기유지비)가 포함되어 있다.
- 이외에 주거생활과 관련된 비용이라 할 수 있는 전기․가스․난방비 등이 광열비, 상하수도료, 가구집기․가사용품비, 주택관련세금, 전세평가액, 보증부월세평가액, 자가평가액은 별도로 계상되고 있다(통계청. 2002).
- 이때 자가가구의 주거비용은 귀속임대료(imputed rents) 방식으로 물가지수에 포함한 지수인 자가주거비용포함 총지수를 별도로 작성하고 있으며, 임차형태가 월세인 경우에는 매월 지불하는 월세액을, 전세의 경우에는 전세보증금의 기회비용을 지수로 산출한다.
2011년 12월 31일 토요일
[자료] 집세조사 방법론: 추정법 중심으로 고찰
2011년 12월 30일 금요일
[자료] near-market vs. non-market (goods or activities)
Basic principle for measuring non-market activity. Non-market goods and services should be treated as if they were produced and consumed as market activities. Under this convention, the prices of non-market goods and services should be imputed on the basis of the comparable market goods and services.
[기타 메모] 한국의 국민계정 이해
[자료] 국민소득과 경기(제2편 1장)
[자료] 국민소득 계정과 국제수지
- 소비지줄: 국내 거주자(Domestic Resident)의 지출로 국내에서 경제활동을 하는 외국인의 지출도 포함한다.
- 투자지출: 공장 신축과 새로운 장비의 도입에 의해 발생한 지출
- 정부지출: 국방, 치안, 그리고 교육서비스를 제공하기 위하여 정부가 사용하는 재화와 용역에 대한 지출
- 경상수지(Current Account Balance): 재화와 용역의 수출(Export)-재화와 용역의 수입(Import)
국민총생산= 국내 총생산+해외수취 요소소득(Factor Payments from Foreign Countries)-해외지불 요소소득(Factor Payments to Foreign Countries)
국민소득=국민 총생산-감가상각비- 간접세
CA = EX - IM = Y - (C + I + G)
- 저축이 투자보다 많을 경우에는 경상수지는 흑자이다. 이 경우에는 순해외직접투자(Net Foreign Investment)와 금융자본이 해외로 유출(Financial Capital Outflow)되는 경우이다.
- 위 항등식의 마지막 관계식을 정리하면 다음과 같다. I = S - CA. 투자는 저축에 의해서 조달되거나 경상수지 적자에 상응하는 금융자본의 유입에 의해서 조달된다. 경상수지의 적자는 금융자본의 유입 또는 해외 순투자{=Net Foreign Investment??}가 음(Minus)인 것을 의미한다.
2011년 12월 29일 목요일
[자료] 국민계정과 귀속계산
[자료] 한국의 국민계정, 1911-2007: 주요지표를 중심으로
2011년 12월 27일 화요일
Some sources on chain weighting
Year | Expenditure | Prices | Quantity | |||
Computers | Trucks | Computers | Trucks | Computers | Trucks | |
1 | 100 | 106 | $1.00 | $1.00 | 100 | 106 |
2 | 105 | 98 | $0.80 | $1.05 | 131.3 | 93.3 |
3 | 103 | 104 | $0.60 | $1.10 | 171.7 | 94.5 |
4 | 99 | 100 | $0.40 | $1.15 | 247.7 | 87 |
Notice that since Expenditure = Price*Quantity, real quantities are just Expenditure/Price. Often you start with quantities and prices and then derive expenditures; but you can’t do that with computers like you can with oranges, because although an orange in 1981 is the same as an orange in 2005, a computer is not – it’s harder to count up “quantity” in two different years. So, to get an idea of “quantity”, the best thing is to look at total expenditure and divide it by the price level.
Yr. 1 Real Investment = (100 comp's)*($1) + (106 trucks)*($1) = $206
Yr. 2 Real Investment = (131.3 comp's)*($1) + (93.3 trucks)*($1) = $224.60
Yr. 3 Real Investment = (171.7 comp's)*($1) + (94.5 trucks)*($1) = $266.20Yr. 4 Real Investment = (247.5 comp's)*($1) + (87.0 trucks)*($1) = $334.50
Yr. 2 Nominal Investment = (131.3 comp's)*($.80) + (93.3 trucks)*($1.05) = $203
Yr. 3 Nominal Investment = (171.7 comp's)*($.60) + (94.5 trucks)*($1.10) = $207
Yr. 4 Nominal Investment = (247.5 comp's)*($.40) + (87.0 trucks)*($1.15) = $199
Yr. 2 Investment Deflator = 203/224.60 = 0.904
Yr. 3 Investment Deflator = 207/266.20 = 0.778
Yr. 4 Investment Deflator = 199/334.50 = 0.595
- to first calculate year-on-year real rate of growth of each component separately.
- Then, use expenditure shares for the current year to weight each component and calculate an average rate of growth.
- Then, apply this average growth rate to the previous year’s real GDP and calculate real (cumulated) GDP in the new year.
Growth_comp's = (com_new-com_old)/com_old=(131.3-100)/100= 0.313
Growth_trucks =(93.3-106)/106= -0.120
avg.growth = (weight_comp's)*(growth_comp's) + (weight_trucks)*(growth_trucks) = (.517)*(.313) + (.483)*(-.120) =0.104
Yr. 2 Real Investment = $206*(1+.104) = $227.42Yr. 2 Deflator = (Yr. 2 nominal) / (Yr. 2 real) = 203/227.42 = 0.893
avg. growth = (0.498)*(0.307) + (0.502)*(0.013) = 0.159
Yr. 3 Real Investment = $227.42*(1+.159) = $263.58Yr. 3 Deflator = (Yr. 3 nominal) / (Yr. 3 real) = 207/263.58 = 0.785
(...) 연쇄가중법에서는 고정가중법과 달리 비교년의 실질GDP를 직접 추계하는 데 사용되는 공통된 기준(기준년 또는 가중치)이 없으므로, 물량지수를 먼저 구한 후 이를 연장하여 실질GDP를 구한다. 단계별로 나누어 설명하면 다음과 같다.
- 우선, 전년도 가격 또는 금액 가중치를 이용하여 매년도의 전년대비 물량증가율, 즉 연환지수(link factor)를 산출한다.
- 다음으로, 지수기준년6) (예: 2000년= 100)으로부터 각 연도의 연환지수를 누적적으로 곱하여 비교년의 지수기준년 대비 물량증가율, 즉 연쇄지수(chain index)를 도출한다.
- 마지막으로, 지수기준년의 GDP 금액에 당해년의 연쇄지수를 곱하여 연쇄 실질GDP 시계열을 작성한다. (...)
6. 자료: http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20071019170226AAI8XW9
You are given the following information on an economy that produces 3 commoditiesyear 1: commodity x(P=$390 Q=20), commodity y(P=$40 Q=120), commodity z(P=$5 Q=1000)year 2: commodity x (P=$410 Q=22), commodity y(P=$60 Q=138), commodity z(P=$7 Q=1050)I've calculate the current dollar GDP to be 17600 for year one and 24650 for year two, but am confused as to how to calculate the constant dollar GDP using a chain-weighted index. What in the world is a chain-weighted index??
* * *
I believe you're in Somers class, I've been looking for answers on this as well.I used the price from year one and multiplied it by the quantity from year two (and three), however my total differs from what he gave us on the solutions sheet, since I get:Constant Dollar GDPYear 2 = 19,350 (he says 19,360)Year 3 = 20,305 (his 20,328)--------------I finally figured it out!You have to take the average price of Year 1 and 2:[390+410]/2= 400, [40+60]/2= 50, [5+7]/2= 6Then multiply them by the quantities in Year 2400x22, 50x138, 6x1050 = 22,000afterward you do the same for in Year 1:400x20, 50x120, 6x1000 =20,000then... ([22,000-20,000) / 20,000] + 1 = 1.1
Now you take the current base year GDP=17,600 and multiply it by 1.1=19.360
Dic: involved as meaning complex or complicated
4 [ADJ] △ If a situation or activity is involved, it has a lot of different parts or aspects, often making it difficult to understand, explain, or do. (= complex, complicated)
- The operations can be quite involved, requiring many procedures.
2011년 12월 26일 월요일
Dic: yield (주다 에서 산출, 양보/양도, 굴복)
자료: www.innisfreeisland.com/attachment/gk44.hwp
위 자료 출처에서 발췌:
@ yield '주다'에서
➀ 산출하다 produce
# His business yields big profits.
➁ 양보하다 give way ; 양도하다 turn over
# You must yield to traffic from the left.
➂ 굴복하다 give in, submit, surrender
# We were forced to yield
➃ 산출, 생산량 produce ; (투자)수익 income
# The trees gave a high yield this year.
# yield on bond
yield는 단순히 ‘굴복하다’와는 의미가 다른다. surrender(굴복하다)에는 왜 ‘산출량’의 뜻이 없는 것일까? 그것은 바로 yield는 원래 ‘패배하다’ 보다는 ‘남에게 내주다’의 의미가 중심 이미지로 잡혀 있기 때문이다.
2011년 12월 25일 일요일
Dic: be under way, get under way
also underway
- An investigation is underway to find out how the disaster happened...
- The conference gets under way later today with a debate on the family.
Mirror: help to V vs help V
- He helped me to lift my heavy baggage.
- He helped me lift my heavy baggage.
- He made me lift my heavy baggage.
- Economists have developed supply-and-demand analysis to help explain the major trends in output and prices.
- Economists have developed supply-and-demand analysis to explain the major trends in output and prices.
- Supply-and-demand analysis (developed by economists) have explained the major trends ...
- Supply-and-demand analysis (developed by economists) have helped explain the major trends ...
2011년 12월 24일 토요일
[용어 및 자료] sovereign debt fund
[용어 및 자료] Lending facilities & FRB's monetary policy
자료: http://www.investopedia.com/terms/l/lending-facility.asp#axzz1hRto5YwC
Definition of 'Lending Facility'
A mechanism that central banks use when lending funds to primary dealers. Lending facilities provide financial institutions with access to funds in order to satisfy reserve requirements using the overnight lending market. Lending facilities are also used to increase liquidity over longer periods such as by using term auction facilities.Investopedia explains 'Lending Facility'
Lending facilities were developed to enhance efficiency when depository institutions require capital. Central banks often accept a variety of assets as collateral from financial institutions in exchange for supplying the loan. These lending facilities can take the form of term auction facilities, term securities lending facilities, treasury automated auction processing systems (TAAPS) or the overnight lending market.
CF. FRB's monetary policy
1. Federal Open Market Committee
The term "monetary policy" refers to the actions undertaken by a central bank, such as the Federal Reserve, to influence the availability and cost of money and credit to help promote national economic goals. The Federal Reserve Act of 1913 gave the Federal Reserve responsibility for setting monetary policy. The Federal Reserve controls the three tools of monetary policy--open market operations, the discount rate, and reserve requirements. The Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System is responsible for the discount rate and reserve requirements, and the Federal Open Market Committee is responsible for open market operations. Using the three tools, the Federal Reserve influences the demand for, and supply of, balances that depository institutions hold at Federal Reserve Banks and in this way alters the federal funds rate. The federal funds rate is the interest rate at which depository institutions lend balances at the Federal Reserve to other depository institutions overnight.
2. Credit and Liquidity Programs and the Balance Sheet: OverviewChanges in the federal funds rate trigger a chain of events that affect other short-term interest rates, foreign exchange rates, long-term interest rates, the amount of money and credit, and, ultimately, a range of economic variables, including employment, output, and prices of goods and services.
Structure of the FOMC: (...)
Dic: review of the prefix, hyper-
■ hyper-
- above, over, or in excess: hypercritical
- (in medicine) denoting an abnormal excess: hyperacidity
- indicating that a chemical compound contains a greater than usual amount of an element: hyperoxide
■ hyper-
1. more than usual, especially too much
- hypersensitive (= too sensitive)
- hyper-inflation
- a hyper-extended knee
- a hyperlink (= from one website to another)
- I hated my father. He was hyper-critical and mean...
- He is one of those lean, hyper-fit people.
CF. ■ hyper: If someone is hyper, they are very excited and energetic. (INFORMAL)
- I was incredibly hyper. I couldn't sleep. (= hyperactive)
2011년 12월 23일 금요일
[일부 자료] 미국 관세의 역사
자료 1: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tariffs_in_United_States_history
자료 2: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Morrill_Tariff
자료 3: The Civil War Tariff ( http://mises.org/daily/5442 )
자료 4: My History Ocean 제공,
2011년 12월 21일 수요일
F. Bastiat and his 'negative railroads'
- Even if the producers in a society are benefited by these tariffs (which, Bastiat claims, they are not), the consumers in that society are clearly hurt by the tariffs, as they are now unable to secure the goods they want at the low price at which they should be able to secure them.
- The tariffs completely negate any gains made by the railroad and therefore make it essentially pointless.
- All economic decisions should be made with the consumer in mind (this is the central theme of Bastiat's economic ideology, and favoring the consumer rather than the supplier is demand side economics, the opposite of supply side economics, but Bastiat does not share the interventionism of Keynesian demand side economists).
- Tariffs serve no purpose but to negate the gains provided to society by technology, labor, ingenuity, determination and progress.
There should be a break in the railroad from Paris to Bayonne at Bordeaux; for, if goods and passengers are forced to stop at that city, this will be profitable for boatmen, porters, owners of hotels, etc.
Dic: wine and dine
3 [PHRASE] Vs inflect △If you wine and dine, or if someone wines and dines you, you go out, for example to expensive restaurants, and spend a lot of money.
- Colleagues were furious at doing her work while she wined and dined...
- A lot of money went on wining and dining prospective clients.
△wine and dine someone: to treat someone to an expensive meal of the type that includes fine wines; to entertain someone lavishly.
- The lobbyists wined and dined the senators one by one in order to influence them.
- We were wined and dined every night and given the best hotel accommodations in town.
- They can afford to use the proceeds to wine, dine, or even bribe the officials who give out import licenses.
2011년 12월 16일 금요일
[자료] poverty threshold
자료: http://www.ocpp.org/poverty/how/
(...) In 1963-1964, Molly Orshansky of the Social Security Administration developed poverty thresholds.
- Orshansky based her poverty thresholds on the "thrifty food plan," which was the cheapest of four food plans developed by the Department of Agriculture. The food plan was "designed for temporary or emergency use when funds are low," according to the USDA. Based on the 1955 Household Food Consumption Survey from the USDA (the latest available survey at the time),
- Orshansky knew that families of three or more persons spent about one third of their after-tax income on food. She then multiplied the cost of the USDA economy food plan by three to arrive at the minimal yearly income a family would need.
자료: 구글이 보관한 삭제된 링크
(...) 미국 사회보장청의 오샨스키(Mollie Orshansky)는 미국의 3인이상 가구의 엥겔계수가 대개 1/3이라는데 착안해서 최저한의 식품비를 계산한 뒤 여기에 3을 곱하여 빈곤선을 계산하는 편법을 제안하였다. 오샨스키의 이 방법은 지금까지도 미국의 공식적 빈곤선(poverty line)계산에 이용되고 있다. (...)
2011년 12월 13일 화요일
Mirror: 메모
- 어의가 상당 정도 세밀하게 구분되는 표현을 여러 개 동원해 문장을 구성하면 독자를 혼란스럽게 만든다.
- 세밀하게 갈라지는 의미들 자체가 전달하려는 메시지의 중요한 부분일 때는 그리해야겠지만, 그렇지 않다면 그러한 표현들이 쓸데없는 장식이 될 것이다. 그뿐 아니라 해당 글귀를 읽어가는 순간 독자 머릿속에는 분화된 의미를 재생하려는 뇌회로가 분주하게 작동할 텐데, 전달되어야 할 중요한 부분도 아닌 곳에서 뇌 에너지를 쓰게 만들면 분명히 민폐가 될 것이다.
2011년 12월 12일 월요일
조문해주신 분들께 감사드립니다
김익흥, 박용수,
탁정모(유비온), 김국종, 김기형, 홍문국, 박삼렬, 조옥환, 김경중, 강원호, 김지동, 유선영, 백준봉, 김찬우, 장종익, 김래원, 이문수, 김광진, 이영원, 장지환,
정태근, 김기철, 김창수, 한인영, 김동욱, 권도형, 한영수, 김태환, 박종현, 유성권, 유충권
entitlement, entitlement program
1. entitlement: (def.3) A government program that guarantees and provides benefits to a particular group: “fights . . . to preserve victories won a generation ago, like the Medicaid entitlement for the poor” (Jason DeParle). ...자료: http://www.answers.com/entitlement
2. Entitlement program: Government program that requires payment to anyone who meets specific qualifications; those who qualify are thus ‘entitled' to the payments. Social Security, Medicare, food stamps, etc. Are entitlement programs. ...자료: Business Dictionary: http://www.answers.com/topic/entitlement-program
3. A federal program that guarantees a certain level of benefits to persons or other entities who meet requirements set by law, such as Social Security, farm price supports or unemployment benefits. It thus leaves no discretion with Congress on how much money to appropriate, and some entitlements carry permanent appropriations. ...자료: Lectric Law Library, http://www.lectlaw.com/def/e081.htm
Some remarks on 'anarchy plus (a/the) constable'
자료 1: 'Anarchy plus a Constable' ( By Monty Pelerin, American Thinker, April 20, 2010 )
"Anarchy plus a constable" was Thomas Carlyle's description of classical liberalism. Gerald O'Driscoll, in an "An Economy of Liars" in the Wall Street Journal, discussed the breakdown of honesty and ethics and related it to the current financial crisis.
One of O'Driscoll's points dealt with laws versus ethics. Others have pointed out that the more laws a society has, the less ethical it becomes. Instead of doing what is "right," the boundary becomes: "is it legal or within the law." O'Driscoll described it thusly (my italicized emphasis added):
The idea that multiplying rules and statutes can protect consumers and investors is surely one of the great intellectual failures of the 20th century. Any static rule will be circumvented or manipulated to evade its application. Better than multiplying rules,financial accounting should be governed by the traditional principle that one has an affirmative duty to present the true condition fairly and accurately-not withstanding what any rule might otherwise allow.Another point dealt with what economist's refer to as "regulatory" capture, a joining of interests between the regulator and the regulated: (...)
자료 2: The Theory of the State: an economic perspective (By Ronald Findlay & Stanislaw Wellisz, September 2003 )
Columbia University Department of Economics, Discussion Paper Series
The principle of laissez- faire, so closely associated with Adam Smith and the classical
economists, should certainly not be considered an endorsement of anarchy as the ideal
form of social order. Despite the theological overtones of divine providence in the
imagery of the “invisible hand”, Smith and his followers did not regard the market and
the price mechanism as a spontaneous form of natural order that would prevail in any
social group. Political organization in some form is necessary to provide the framework
of law and order within which justice could be maintained and contracts enforced. Thus
even one of their harshest critics, Thomas Carlyle, described their system not as anarchy,
but as “anarchy plus the constable”. (...)
자료 3: The Works of Thomas Carlyle ( By Thomas Carlyle, Henry Duff Traill )
2011년 12월 6일 화요일
[자료] 우리나라 경제학원론 대학 교과서에서의 자본주의 시장경제와 정부의 역할에 대한 서술 현황과 대안모색
- 첫째, 자본주의 시장경제에 대한 서술이 자본주의 시장경제의 본질적 근간인 ‘사유재산제’와 ‘선택의 자유’가 간과되고 가격 또는 시장기구에만 편향되어 있으며 이로 인해 시장실패와 정부개입이 기계적으로 강조되고 있다.
- 둘째, 정부의 역할에 대한 서술의 경우에도 ‘생산적 (또는 시장실패 교정) 기능’에 편향되어 있다. 이로 인해 경제적 번영에 필수적인 ‘보호적 기능’이 경시되고 있다.
- 마지막으로, 자본주의 시장경제와 정부의 역할에 대한 역사적 관점에서의 설명이 부족하다.