2016년 12월 31일 토요일

"봄의 나뭇잎 소리나 곤충의 날개가 부스럭거리는 소리"

"봄의 나뭇잎 소리나 곤충의 날개가 부스럭거리는 소리"

대지가 생동하는 모습을 담은 아름다운 묘사다.

인디언들은 물웅덩이 수면으로 내리꽂히는 바람의 부드러운 소리를 좋아한다. 한낮에 내린 비에 씻긴 바람 그 자체의 냄새를 좋아한다. 그러나 당신들의 도시에는 봄의 나뭇잎 소리를 듣거나 곤충의 날개가 부스럭거리는 소리를 들을 만한 곳이 없다. <시애틀 추장> 
출처: https://twitter.com/bot_Indian/status/815122579157463040

웬만한 산이나 숲에서는 온갖 다양한 소리가 어우러지니 곤충의 날개가 부스럭거리는 소리는 아마도 다른 소리들 때문에 못 들은 것 같지만, 그것 역시 생명이 생동하는 온갖 소리들 중의 그저 한 예시일 뿐이다.

야밤에 산길에 오르면 바람에 뮈는 나뭇잎 소리며, 주인을 잃거나 그들로부터 버림받은 산견들이 잠들었다가 놀래서 퍼득거리는 소리며, 말벌들이 웅웅거리는 소리며, 별의 별 소리가 다 들린다.

예전, 한 백여 일 동안 즐겨 야간산행을 벗 삼던 기억을 적었던 글 다시 본다.
낮의 산이 아버지라면 밤의 산은 할아버지 같고, 또 낮의 산이 갖가지 색의 화사한 아가씨들이라면 밤의 산은 한 가지 색깔의 푸근한 어머니 같습니다. 어둠이 산을 감싸는 덕에 온갖 소리가 아주 가까이서 살갗을 스치듯 들려옵니다.

지척이 지옥, 지척이 천국

아침이 열리고 태양이 대지를 비추면
다람쥐 쳇바퀴 도는 생활을 시작해야 한다.

아무리 다람쥐 쳇바퀴가 지겨운 멍에 같아도
세상사의 굴곡에 치이면, 오히려 ‘제발 다람쥐 쳇바퀴 도는 식으로라도 굴러가 달라’고 애원하는 나를 발견한다. 이게 도대체 뭔가...

세상사의 복잡다기한 사태와, 이루 다 형언할 수 없는 괴물들을 보면
지척이 다 지옥이고, 아귀들 천지다.

마음 한 사위 내둘러 내 심소에서 날려 버리면
또 바로 지척이 천국일진데
요새는 그곳이 아주 멀다.

2016년 12월 25일 일요일


짐에서 깨어 보니 새벽 3시 반쯤 되었다.

다시 잠을 청하려는데, 미세한 소리가 들린다.

약 30-40초 간격으로 진동하듯 떨리는 소리가 남서쪽 방향으로부터 들려온다.
소리 간격이 20초 정도로 짧아질 때도 있다.
소리 울림이 지속되는 길이는 약 3-5초 정도.

종소리 같다.

환청인가? 지금은 안 들린다.

2016년 12월 24일 토요일

조세 지출(tax expenditures)

자료: 네이버 (행정학사전)
원출처: 행정학사전, 2009. 1. 15., 대영문화사


정부가 받아야 할 세금을 받지 않음으로써 간접적으로 지원해 주는 조세 감면을 일컫는다. 정부가 조세를 통해 확보한 재원을 바탕으로 직접 지원해 주는 예산 지출과 대칭되는 개념이다. 조세 지출은 동일한 액수만큼의 보조금을 준 것과 같다는 의미에서 ‘숨은 보조금(hidden subsidies)’이라 부르기도 한다. ( ... )
미국의 1974년 의회 예산 및 지출거부통제법(Congressional Budget and Impoundment Control Act)에는 조세 지출을 “현실의 총소득에 특별비과세, 특별면제, 특별공제를 허용하거나 또는 특별한 세액공제, 특혜적 세율, 또는 세 부담의 이연(移延)을 허용하는 연방정부의 세법 규정 때문에 야기되는 세수 손실”로 정의하고 있다.

CF. 출처: 2016년도 조세지출 예산서 (대한민국 정부)

조세지출의 정의:

OECD(1996)는 조세지추의 개념을 "조세 체계상 일반적인 원칙인 기준조세체계(benchmark tax system)*를 벗어난 것"으로 규정.

* 세목별 과세 대상, 세율 구조, 과세 구간, 과세 단위, 과세 기간, 국제 조세 규약 등을 포함.

다만, 국가별로 조세체계가 상이하고 조세지출의 범위에 대한 국가간 합의된 기준이나 원칙은 존재하지 않으므로 각국 사정에 따라 조세지출의 범위를 달리 설정.

우리나라의 현생 조세특례제한법에서는 조세지출을 "조세감면, 비가세, 소득공제, 세액공제, 우대세율적용 또는 과세이연 등 조세특례에 따른 재정지원"이라고 규정(조특별 제142조의 2)

따라서 조세지출이란 "조세의 일반적인 과세체계에서 벗어난 조세특례에 의하려 납세자에 대한 재정지원을 목적으로 발생하는 국가 세입의 감소"로 정의.

2016년 12월 20일 화요일

When something happens, it just happens.

Oh, what is this? What life of this time is this?

When something happens, it happens.

I don't know why it happens, I just see it happen.

It's the thing, without me knowing anything about it.

So happen many unexpected affairs in life ...
including, you know, really many things: of course my and everybody else's births and deaths, growing-up, competitions, and surely love affairs, finding some meaning in life, and just living up to these days.

Reaching some target I defined abruptly turns into a delusion,
then a torture, agonizing, trying to find another meaning, and something happens again ...

Some delight encountered in the way is no longer a happiness, it's becoming yet another happening.

What's this?

2016년 12월 17일 토요일

Dic/ Semantic field/ therapy

자료: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Therapy

Semantic field:

The words ^care^, ^therapy^, ^treatment^, and ^intervention^ overlap in a semantic field, and thus they can be synonymous depending on context. Moving rightward through that order, the connotative level of holism decreases and the level of specificity (to concrete instances) increases. Thus, in health care contexts (where its senses are always noncount), the word ^care^ tends to imply a broad idea of everything done to protect or improve someone's health (for example, as in the terms ^preventive care^ and ^primary care^, which connote ongoing action), although it sometimes implies a narrower idea (for example, in the simplest cases of wound care or postanesthesia care, a few particular steps are sufficient, and the patients's interaction with that provider is soon finished).

In contrast, the word ^intervention^ tends to be specific and concrete, and thus the word is often countable; for example, one instance of cardiac catheterization is one intervention performed, and coronary care (noncount) can require a series of interventions (count). At the extreme, the piling on of such countable interventions amounts to interventionism, a flawed model of care lacking holistic circumspection─merely treating discrete problems (in billable increments) rather than maintaining health.

^Therapy^ and ^treatment^, in the middle of the semantic field, can connote either the holism of ^care^ or the discreteness of ^intervention^, with context conveying the intent in each use. Accordingly, they can be used in both noncount and count senses (for example, ^therapy^ for chronic kidney disease can involve several dialysis treatment per week).

The words ^aceology^ and ^iamatology^ are obscure and obsolete synonyms referring to the study of therapies.

2016년 12월 16일 금요일

[자료] 은행의 재무 건전성 지표: BIS 비율 (박재석, 우정경영연구소)

자료: 링크

※ 발췌 :

3. 바젤 III

이러한 이유로 2010년 말에 새로운 기준서가 발표되고 2013년부터 시행되게 되는 바젤 III가 발표되었다. 바젤 III의 주요 내용은 최소필요자본의 규제 강화, 완충자본 제도의 도입, 유동성 기준의 도입 및 레버리지 비율의 규제 등이다.

첫째, 최소필요자본의 규제를 강화하였다. 바젤 II의 기본자본(Tier 1)을 4% 이상에서 6% 이상으로 상향하고, 보완자본(Tier 2)에서도 후순위채권의 인정 조건을 까다롭게 하여 순수한 자본의 양을 늘리게 하였다.

둘째, 완충자본 규정을 신설하였다. 바젤 III에서는 바젤 II의 기본자본(Tier 1)에서 보통주를 전체 위험자산의 2% 이상 보유하도록 한 규정에 더하여 추가로 2.5% (총 4.5% 이상) 보유하게 하고6)

.... 이를 자본보전 완충자본(Capital Conversation Buffer)이라고 한다.
경기 순응성을 줄이기 위해 신용 팽창기에 보통주를 최대 2.5%까지 추가로 쌓도록 했다.7)
... 이를 경기대응 완충자본(Counter-cyclical Capital Buffer)이라고 한다.
이러한 완충자본 확충을 통해 신용 팽창기에 무분별한 팽창을 어느 정도 제어하면서 위기를 대비하게 하고 추가자본 확충으로 미래에 발생할 수 있는 손실을 흡수하게끔 했다.

... ....

CF. 바젤 III, 도입 배경 및 최근의 주요 변화

Dic/ usages: swear words/ 욕설

1. What are the funniest swear words in foreign languages that don't have any English equivalent? (Quora)

2. Godverdomme (Wordreference)

3. Translation of "fucking hell" in Dutch (Reverso)


2016년 12월 12일 월요일

[자료: Finance, Film] Master of the Universe

Surviving a German Trading Floor, Ruefully: ‘Master of the Universe,’ a Documentary About Stock Trading (NICOLAS RAPOLD, NYT, JUNE 5, 2014)

Film Review: ‘Master of the Universe’ (Jay Weissberg, Variety, June 6, 2014)

... Walking through empty spaces that were one trading pits and meeting rooms, Voss expresses an almost religious zeal when speaking about the adrenaline rush that once suffused the air, where traders' desks made their occupant truly feel like Masters of the Universe (a term coined by Tom Wolfe). ...
CF. The Bonfire of the Vanities (Wikipedia)
The story centers on Sherman McCoy, a wealth New York City bond trader with a wife and young daughter. His life as a self-regarded "Master of the Universe" on Wall Street is destroyed when he and his mistress, Maria Ruskin, accidentally enter the Bronx at night while they are driving to Manhattan from Kennedy Airport. Finding the ramp back to the highway blocked by trash cans and a tire, McCoy exits the car to clear the way. Approached by two black men whom they perceive—uncertainly, in Sherman's case—as predators, McCoy and Ruskin flee. Having taken the wheel of the car, which fishtails as they race away, Ruskin apparently strikes one of the two—a "skinny boy". ...

Greenwich Time (Tom Wolfe, NYT, Sept 27, 2008)

... Victory as recorded on those screens made them feel like Masters of the Universe. The phrase came from a 1987 novel, The Bonfire of the Vanities, whose main character, Sherman McCoy, is a 38-year-old trading-floor salesman for an investment bank averaging a million dollars a year in bonuses and living on the top-nob part of Park Avenue. One day his trading-floor telephone rings, and he picks it up and takes a buy order for so many zero-coupon bonds his commission will be $50,000. Took 20 seconds, maybe 30, and—just like that—he’s $50,000 richer! The words suddenly flash into the Broca’s area of his brain: “I’m a Master of the Universe!” Jesus Christ!—came straight from his 6-year-old daughter’s toy set of plastic figurines, the “Masters of the Universe,” who had names like Ahor, Blutong, and Thonk and look like Norse gods who pump iron and drink creatine and human-growth-hormone smoothies. ... 

금융자본의 탐욕을 다룬 영화들 (문석, 레디앙, 2012년 7월 10일)
... 오죽하면 톰 울프가 자신의 소설 <허영의 불꽃>(브라이언 드 팔마가 같은 제목으로 영화화하기도 했다)에서 트레이더인 주인공 셔먼 맥코이(영화에서는 톰 행크스가 연기)를 ‘우주의 지배자’(master of the universe)라고 묘사했겠나. ...
... ...

2016년 12월 6일 화요일

Dic/ usages/ live with yourself

Excerpt 1:

( ... ... ) could look up and through the window to see the sky. My hopes were to try anything, however slight, to strap onto some sort of sanity. But my depression told me there was nothing to see out that window anyway, and the numbness I felt only added to the confused void that held me.
The jail cell was cold, and darkness was the view through the window, just as my depressed thinking said it would be. But I did notice a hint of the glow from a nearby moon. The noise around me, and up and down the long corridor of cells, was horrendous, louder than a crowd in a sold-out arena. But my numbness almost managed to block it out as I half-heartedly thought of ways to end my life.
A recurring thought that haunted me was, ^how can I live with myself?^ The suddenly I became aware of what an odd thought that really was. ^Am I one being or two? If I can't live with myself, then there must be two of me. There must be the "I" and "self" that "I" cannot live with. Maybe only one of them is real. But how do I know which one?^
My supper of beans and rice on a plastic tray was slid into the cell through a slot in the bars at floor level. I left it untouched on the floor until lights out, when I awoke from a brief nap to clammy darkness. The guard came by to nab the food tray─well, at least I thought she did. The moon had changed positions and was now squarely framed in the tiny window, which my eyes grabbed onto.
( .... ) 
... James Nussbaumer, The Master of Everything

Excerpt 2:

Marti lay on her bed for nearly an hour, staring up at her ceiling trying to contemplate the easiest way to do it. Break up with Jack. She could hardly bear the thought. Easy? There's no way, she thought. How do you take something like simultaneously ripping out your and the one you love's hear and label it anything resembling ease? But I have to do it, she urged herself forcefully. He'll realize it's for the best.
Marti knew she would never be able to do it in person, one look into those dark blue eyes and her resolve would evaporate. With that thought secure in her mind, she nudged her phone from her purse and prepared to do the most despicable thing she had ever done─break up with the love of her life through text.
Every button she pushed seemed to punch her in the stomach, expelling any breath she managed to take. By the time she was done, she was lightheaded. But there it was. The message sat on the screen glaring at her with such indignation that she could have thrown up.
We can't be together anymore. I'm sorry.
As an afterthought, at the end she added: Please, don't ask why. Her thumb hovered over the send button for several long moments before she squeezed her eyes closed, bit back her tears, and pressed it.
The moment it was done, second thoughts and regrets created a turmoil in her mind. What have I done? She asked herself, I can never undo this. What if he hates me? I couldn't live with myself. How can I live with myself knowing that I hurt him? What if it doesn't hurt him? What if this is what he wants? Even if he doesn't see it, this is what he wants. It's not what I want. What have I done? She struggled out of ( ... ... )
.... Cydi J.C., Live on

... ...

2016년 12월 1일 목요일

Dic/ some usages/ come to do something

─(7). If someone comes to do something, they do it at the end of a long process or period of time.

  • She said it so many times that she came to believe it.

─(8). You can ask how something came to happen when you want to know what caused it to happen or made it possible.
  • How did you come to meet him?

─(26). You use the expression come to think of it to indicate that you have suddenly realized something, often something obvious.
  • You know, when you come to think of it, this is very odd.

─(2). When someone comes to do something, they move to the place where someone else is in order to do it, and they do it.
 . In British English, someone can also come and do something and
 . in American English, someone can come do something.
 . However, you always say that someone came and did something.
  • Eleanor had come to visit her.
  • Come and meet Roger.
  • I want you to come visit me.

CF. come to do sth: to start to do something:
  • I've come to like her over the months.
  • It used to hold paper bags, but gradually came to be used for magazines.
  • How did that phrase come to mean (=develop so that it means) that?
..... CALD