2010년 4월 26일 월요일

[최동석경영연구소] 계량화가 유행병처럼 퍼지다

자료: 최동석 경영연구소, http://mindprogram.co.kr/182

※ 메모:

2차 세계대전 후에 나타난 이러한 계량화 대세에 저항했던 인물이 있었는데, 그가 바로 피터 드러커였다. 불세출의 명저 <경영의 실제The Practice of Management>를 저술했다. 그 중에서도 가장 중요한 개념은 <목표와 자율통제에 의한 관리Management by Objectives and Self-Control>이다.

2010년 4월 25일 일요일

Dic#: [미국의 병원] 지역병원, 개방병원 (hospital director, hospital administrator)

지은이: 김일훈(재미 내과 전문의, 의사평론가)

※ 메모:

지역병원(Community Hospital)은 AHA(미국병원협회)의 정의에 의하면 "연방병원이 아니고, 단기입원(평균 30일 이하)을 누구나 할 수 있는 일반병원을 말한다. 전국병원의 약 80%가 여기에 속하고, 2003년도 현재 4,908개 병원이 있다. 연방병원은 전적으로 재향군인과 군인을 대상으로 한 병원이며, 그중 많은 곳은 의과대학과 제휴되어 있다.
지역병원에서도 지역 개원의의 주도로 일반환자를 입원시키는 곳은 개방된 민간병원이고, 대부분이 비영리단체이다. 여기엔 '메이요 클리닉' 등 세계적으로 유명한 곳도 있고 교회단체가 설립한 유명병원이 많다. 지역병원 중에서 전국에 산재한 카운티(郡)병원과 시립병원 그리고 일부의 주립병원(대부분의 주립병원은 주로 장기치료를 요하는 정신과병원이며, 지역병원에 포함되지 않는다) 등 공립병원은 주로 저소득층을 위해 설립된 병원이다. 따라서 공립병원은 빈곤계층의 구제역할을 하는 안전망(Safety net) 병원이라는 이미지가 정착되어 있으며, 그 중에는 뉴욕의 킹스카운티와 시카고의 쿡카운티병원 등 유명병원도 있다.
일반 민간인에게 단기입원이 공개된 지역병원은 전국에 4,908개 있어 인구 1만 명당 병원수가 1.7이 되며, 이들 병원은 도시(55.8%)와 시골(44.2%)에 골고루 분산돼 있다.
지역병원을 경영주체별로 분류한 병원은 다음과 같다(Hospital Statistics 2003 by AHA).
 △ 민간지역병원(교회 등 비영리단체설립) 2,998
 △ 공립병원(주립병원, 市 郡등 지방자치 단체설립병원) 1,156
 △ 민간영리병원(주식회사 등 영리단체 설립) 754

■ 개방병원과 의사
의사와 개방병원은 고용관계가 아니라 계약관계에 있다. 그러나 진료에 관한 한 주요 문제의 결정은 병원을 이용하는 모든 의사들 권한에 속해 있고, 따라서 미국 개원의의 최대 강점은 병원을 장악하고 있다는 점이다.
  • 공립병원의 최고위 책임자는 행정책임자인 병원장(Hospital Director)이고 그 밑에 COS(Chief of Staff, 의사책임감독관)가 있다.

    _ 군대와 비교하자면 Director가 국방장관 격이라면 COS는 참모총장이다.
    _ COS는 모든 진료업무에 병원장 재가를 받지만, 주체세력(의사)을 대표하고 그들에 영향을 미친다는 장점이 있어 병원장에게 겁을 주는 존재이기도 하다. 따라서 상하관계인 데도 불구하고 항상 알력이 있기 마련이다.

  • 민간병원은 병원운영책임자인 행정관(Administrator)과 외부의 개원의 대표자로 선출된 COS가 최고위 직책이고, 민간지역병원은 관료적인 기관이 아니기 때문에 COS 발언권이 더욱 크다. 그들 의견이 충돌되는 주원인은 운영책임자인 행정관이 적자모면을 최우선으로 하는 반면, COS는 비용에 관계없이 최고의 기술과 진료를 하려는데 있다.
과거 의료수가제(fee for service) 시기와는 달리 보험회사는 관리의료 계약환자에 대해 병원과 계약한 제한된 서비스를 의사들에게 강요하고, 진료통제에 의해서만 비용절약이 가능하기 때문이다. 최종적인 의사와 병원사이의 권한에 대해서는 이미 법원과 연방정부에서 내린 명백한 판례가 있다. 병원에서의 의사특전(privilege)과 실력 즉 질적 캐어 능력을 평가하는 책임소재는 전적으로 병원당국에 있다고 판시한 바 있다. 즉 병원당국에게 의사들 주장을 뒤엎을 수 있는 권한을 부여하여 의사들을 통제할 수 있게끔 되어 있다.
그러므로 비용문제만이 아니라 제반사항에서 행정관, 의사모임, 병원이사회는 항상 긴장관계에 놓일 수밖에 없지만, 결국 비용절약과 대외적 위신을 유지하는데 있어 병원과 협조해야만 하게 되어 있다.

2010년 4월 23일 금요일

Dic: something is in the bag, you have it in the bag

  • Once we'd scored the third goal, the match was pretty much in the bag.
  • Nobody knows who'll get the job, despite rumours that Keating has it in the bag.
  • When the score reached 12 to 2 we knew the game was in the bag.
in the bag :
  1. (informal) if something is in the bag, you are certain to get it or to achieve it.
    [Usage notes: Someone who hunts puts what they have killed in a bag.]

  2. safe or certain.
    [Usage notes: usually said about the result of a competition or election]

2010년 4월 22일 목요일

Dic: one of a kind, two of a kind

  • She's a very unusual woman, one of a kind.
  • As a female engineer who began her career in the 1940s, she was one of a kind.
  • They were two of a kind, from the same sort of background.
  • Amy and I are two of a kind. That's why we've stayed friends for so long.

PHRASE | If you refer to someone or something as one of a kind, you mean that there is nobody or nothing else like them.

PHRASE | If you refer, for example, to two, three, or four of a kind, you mean two, three, or four similar people or things that seem to go well or belong together.

Dic: quite a bit

이 표현을 찾아본 게 몇 번인지 헤아릴 수 없다. 기억이란 것이 참으로 허망하지만, 어쩔 수 없다. 반복하는 수밖에. 복습을 위해 적어두자. -ㅅ-

  • She had quite a bit to say to him when he finally showed up.
quite a bit: a large number or amount.

2010년 4월 21일 수요일

[PDF슬라이드] 국제회계기준 도입 소개 (딜로이트 안진회계법인)

자료: 딜로이트 안진회계법인

자료 작성 시점이 표지에 있으면 더 좋으련만.
일단 용어 점점/확인용으로 링크라도 기록해둔다.

Dic: 공작기계, machine tool

언제 이 분야를 다시 만나면 살펴봐야겠다. machine tool, metalworking machinery, mechanical machine tool, electronic machine tool, ... (한국어 위키백과 퐈이야!)

2010년 4월 20일 화요일

Dic: strike somebody as something

  • He struck me as a very serious but friendly person.
  • You've always struck me as being an angry man.
  • His jokes didn't strike Jack as being very funny.
  • It struck me as odd that the man didn't introduce himself before he spoke.
VERB | If something strikes you as being a particular thing, it gives you the impression of being that thing.

strike somebody as (being) something(also it strikes somebody as strange/odd etc that~): to seem to have a particular quality or feature.

.... Cobuild, LDOCE

2010년 4월 18일 일요일

Dic: grapevine, hear on/through the grapevine

  • I heard on the grapevine that she was pregnant, but I don't know anything more.
  • I had heard through the grapevine that he was quite critical of what we were doing.
2(a). The informal transmission of information, gossip, or rumor from person to person.
2(b). A usually unrevealed source of confidential information.
.... The American Heritage

2. Informal | an unofficial means of relaying information, esp from person to person
.... Collins English

grapevinegrapevine - gossip spread by spoken communication; "the news of their affair was spread by word of mouth"
scuttlebutt, gossip, comment - a report (often malicious) about the behavior of other people; "the divorce caused much gossip"

2010년 4월 16일 금요일

Dic: an opportunity (하고 싶은데 할 수 있겠다 싶은 것)

  • I get my nose into a new activity; I spend some amount of time on it. I find that I put pressure on my time. At some point, I find that something has to go. I begin to scan what I do. I look for opportunities. I look for activities that I participate in that I could stop participating in.
opportunity: N-VAR : oft N to-inf, N for n/-ing | An opportunity is a situation in which it is possible for you to do something that you want to do.
... Cobuild, an excerpt of some text

Cf. Synonyms: opportunity, occasion, opening, chance, break

These nouns refer to a favorable or advantageous circumstance or combination of circumstances.
  • Opportunity is an auspicious state of affairs or a suitable time:
    ... "If you prepare yourself . . . you will be able to grasp opportunity for broader experience when it appears" (Eleanor Roosevelt).
  • Occasion suggests the proper time for action:
    ... an auspicious occasion; an occasion for celebration.
  • An opening is an opportunity affording a good possibility of success:
    ... waited patiently for her opening, then exposed the report's inconsistency.
  • Chance often implies an opportunity that arises through luck or accident:
    ... a chance for us to chat; no chance of losing.
  • A break is an often sudden piece of luck, especially good luck:
    ... got his first big break in Hollywood.
.... The American Heritage

Dic: nose (special ability for finding or recognizing sth)

  • He had a nose for trouble and a brilliant tactical mind. 
  • As a journalist, she has always had a nose for a good story.
PHRASE : V inflects, PHR n | If you say that someone has a nose for something, you mean that they have a natural ability to find it or recognize it.
... Cobuild, OALD

The ability to detect, sense, or discover as if by smell: has a nose for gossip.
Informal. The nose considered as a symbol of prying{캐묻다, 엿보다}: Keep your nose out of my business.
.... The American Heritage

Dic: deliver

  • He has promised to finish the job by June and I am sure he will deliver.
  • She always delivers on her promises.
  • The senator delivered on her pledge.
  • He is a manager who just can't seem to deliver.

[~ on sth] to do what you promised to do or what you are expected to do; to produce or provide what people expect you to.

VERB | If you deliver something that you have promised to do, make, or produce, you do, make, or produce it.

To produce or achieve what is desired or expected; make good.

.... OALD, Cobuild, The American Heritage

2010년 4월 15일 목요일

Dic: picture (as something described or mentally imagined)

  • We are just trying to get our picture of the whole afternoon straight.
  • He pictured her with long black braided hair.
  • He pictured Claire sitting out in the car, waiting for him.
  • I tried to picture the place, but could not.
  • I'll try and give you a better picture of what the boys do.
  • The writer paints a gloomy picture of the economy.
  • The police are trying to build up a picture of what happened.
  • I have a vivid picture of my grandfather smiling down at me when I was very small.
N-COUNT : oft N of n | If you have a picture of something in your mind, you have a clear idea or memory of it in your mind as if you were actually seeing it. (= image)

VERB | If you picture something in your mind, you think of it and have such a clear memory or idea of it that you seem to be able to see it.(= imagine)

N-COUNT : usu sing, with supp | A picture of something is a description of it or an indication of what it is like.
..... Cobuild, OALD

Cf. Dic: picture (as a general situation)
  • It's a similar picture across the border in Ethiopia.
  • Luke never tells you the whole story, but you always get the picture.
  • Meyerson is back in the picture after disappearing in July.
N-SING : oft the N | When you refer to the picture in a particular place, you are referring to the situation there. (= situation)

PHRASE : V inflects | If you get the picture, you understand the situation, especially one which someone is describing to you. (= get the idea)

PHRASE : v-link PHR, PHR after v | If you say that someone is in the picture, you mean that they are involved in the situation that you are talking about. If you say that they are out of the picture, you mean that they are not involved in the situation.

.... Cobuild

2010년 4월 12일 월요일

Dic: add insult to injury

  • First, the basement flooded, and then, to add insult to injury, a pipe burst in the kitchen.
  • My car barely started this morning, and to add insult to injury, I got a flat tire in the driveway.
  • The airline charged me extra for checking in a bike and then added insult to injury by charging me for a box to pack it in.
Fig. Cliché | to make a bad situation worse; to hurt the feelings of a person who has already been hurt.

Dic: draftsmanship (draughtsmanship)

1. N-UNCOUNT | Draughtsmanship is the ability to draw well or the art of drawing.

2. draftsman (draughtsman) : N-COUNT | A draughtsman is someone whose job is to prepare very detailed drawings of machinery, equipment, or buildings.
... Cobuild
3. draftsman:
(1) a person who draws plans of structures or machinery
(2) a person who draws up legal documents, speeches, etc.
(3) an artist skillful in drawing

2010년 4월 11일 일요일

Dic: ─십사

【어미】   [‘-십사 (하다)’의 꼴로만 쓰이어] ‘시킴’이나 ‘바람’의 뜻을 나타냄.

  • 오늘밤을 지낸 다음에 오늘일랑 딱 잊어주십사 하는 거예요. 
  • 아니 억지로 잊으실 수야 없겠지만, 그저 주인 아저씨 혼자만 알고 계십사 그거예요.
※ ‘-십사’는 받침 없는 동사의 어간 뒤에, ‘-으십사’는 받침 있는 동사의 어간 뒤에 쓰임.
... 연세한국어사전

[어미] {받침 없는 동사 어간이나 ‘ㄹ’ 받침인 용언의 어간 뒤에 붙어} 합쇼할 자리에 쓰여, 정중한 부탁이나 청원을 나타내는 종결 어미. 주로 인용절에 쓴다.
  • 함께 가십사 부탁을 했지만 거절하셨다.
.... 국립국어원(네이버)

Dic: chrysanthemum

chrys·an·the·mum : 크리샌(잰)서멈

Chrysanthemums, often called mums or chrysanths, are a genus (Chrysanthemum) of about 30 species of perennial flowering plants in the family Asteraceae, native to Asia and northeastern Europe.

IMG 2967.JPG

2010년 4월 9일 금요일

세상과 사람, 사람들의 인연

내가 필요해서 생긴 인연인데
나도 모르게 내 실리를 위해서
남의 명분을 이용하지 않았는지
조심스럽게 반성해볼 필요가 있다.

실리에 따른 행동은 극히 계산적일 때도 있지만
계산이 '부팅'될 새도 없이 본능적인 행동으로 나올 때도 있다.

간혹 그것을 '무의식'이란 말로 나 스스로도 땜빵질할 때가 있지만
그 명분을 소중히 여기는 사람은

그 본능적인 행동을(혹은 계산된 행동일 때는 더욱 더)
감내하기 어렵다.

Dic: 역력(歷歷)

‘역력하다’의 어근.

역력하다: [형용사]『…에』자취나 기미, 기억 따위가 환히 알 수 있게 또렷하다.
  • 그는 얼굴에 뉘우치는 기색이 역력했다.
  • 집 안에 도둑이 든 흔적이 역력하다.
  • 머릿속에 지나간 날들에 대한 기억이 역력하게 떠오른다.
  • 그녀의 얼굴에는 피로의 빛이 역력했다.
  • 얼굴에 흥분의 빛은 역력히 나타나나 아까같이 매섭지는 않았다. ≪유진오, 화상보≫
  • 순보는 아까 올 때에 항주성 안에서 보고 듣던 모든 광경이 역력히 눈앞에 나타났다가 다시 사라진다.≪한용운, 흑풍≫
지날(역/력): 지나다, 겪다, 다니다...분명하다... / 歷代, 歷任, 歷史...

.... 국립국어원, 네이버

2010년 4월 8일 목요일

Dic: 가만있다


━ ⅰ『 …에』 몸을 움직이거나 활동하지 않고 조용히 있다.
  • 이곳저곳 돌아다니지 말고 방 안에 가만있도록 해라.
━ ⅱ
1. 관계하지 않고 잠자코 있다.
  • 아무것도 모르면 가만있어.
  • 친구가 어려운 처지에 있는데 가만있을 수는 없다.
  • 마을 사람들이 두포를 가만두지 않을 테니까 칠태는 가만있어도 원수를 갚게 되리라는 생각입니다.≪김유정, 두포전≫
  • 내가 그렇게 치는 동안 그놈은 전혀 무방비 상태로 가만있기만 할까?≪한승원, 해일≫
2. { ‘가만있어’, ‘가만있자’, ‘가만있어라’ 꼴로 쓰여} 갑자기 떠오르지 않는 기억이나 생각을 더듬을 때에 별 뜻이 없이 하는 말.
  • 가만있어, 그 사람 이름이 뭐더라?
  • 가만있어라, 그게 뭐였지?
  • 가만있자, 그래 조부께서 고향 떠나실 때 연세는 얼마나 되었소?≪최인훈, 회색인≫
.... 국립국어원(네이버)

2010년 4월 7일 수요일

Dic: make demands on, make demands of

  • I had no right to make demands on his time.
  • Please don't make demands of everyone in the shop.
  • The boss is making a lot of demands on the new machinery.
■ PHRASE : V inflects, usu PHR on n | If someone or something makes demands on you, they require you to do things which need a lot of time, energy, or money.

■ make demands of someone or something(and make demands on someone or something) : to expect someone or something to do something or act in a particular way.

■ demands [plural] : the difficult, annoying, or tiring things that you need to do, or a skill you need to have.
  • demands of: the demands of modern life.
  • demands on: The curriculum makes great demands on the teacher. There are heavy demands on people's time these days.
  • place/put demands on/upon somebody/something: the increased demands placed on police officers.
■ demands [pl.] ~ of sth, ~ on sb | things that sb/sth makes you do, especially things that are difficult, make you tired, worried, etc.
  • the demands of children / work.
  • Flying makes enormous demands on pilots.

Dic: pass over

  • She claimed she was repeatedly passed over for promotion.
  • They've been rejected, disappointed, ignored, passed over.
  • He largely passed over the government's record.
  • They seem to think her crimes should be passed over in silence.
  • Thirty attorneys were passed over for promotion by the department.
  • I was next in line for a promotion, but they passed over me.
  • I passed over the bruised apples and picked out the nicest ones.
PHRASAL VERB : usu passive | If someone is passed over for a job or position, they do not get the job or position and someone younger or less experienced is chosen instead.

PHRASAL VERB | If you pass over a topic in a conversation or speech, you do not talk about it.

pass over somebody/something | to ignore someone or something

CF. Literally. to pass above someone or something.
  • A cloud passed over our little group, cooling us a little.
  • The huge blimp passed over the little community.

2010년 4월 6일 화요일

Dic# writ in water, write on water

자료 1: http://www.phrases.org.uk/meanings/179500.html

Here lies one whose name was writ in water

Meaning: Fame, and indeed life, is fleeting.

A version of the words originate from Beaumont and Fletcher's play Philaster, 1611:
"All your better deeds Shall be in water writ, but this in Marble."
In the better known form 'writ in water' they appeared in Keat's Poetic Works, 1821.

Keats travelled to Rome and died there, aged just 25, in February, 1821. He told his friend Joseph Severn that he didn't want his name to appear on his tombstone, but merely this line:

"Here lies one whose name was writ in water."

Severn honoured that wish, as the gravestone shows - Keats is commemorated just as 'A young English poet'.

Keats's Grave - New Protestant Cemetery, Rome

at the malicious power of his enemies
desired these words to be engraved
on his tomstone
FEB 24 1821

자료 2: writ in water, http://riowang.blogspot.com/2010/03/writ-in-water.html

(... 전략) However, the best example of the adage’s new interpretation is Keats’ epitaph in the Protestant cemetery in Rome. This bitter epitaph announces that the young poet, embittered by his evil enemies, only wanted to have written on his tomb: Here lies one whose name was writ in water.

“This Grave contains all that was Mortal, of a Young English Poet, Who, on his Death Bed, in the Bitterness of his Heart, at the Malicious Power of his Enemies, Desired these Words to be engraven on his Tomb Stone: Here lies One Whose Name was writ in Water.”

English history of literature holds that this saying can be reduced to a verse in Beaumont and Fletcher’s Philaster (1611) – All your better deeds Shall be in water writ – and alludes to the vanity of all noble efforts. However, if we also take into account the complete history of the adage from classical times through Erasmus to Spenser, then the inscription suggests just the contrary: the eternity of the poet’s oeuvre, triumphing over everything transitory and evil in this world.

2010년 4월 5일 월요일

Dic: have had it

1. PHRASE : AUX inflects | If you say that someone has had it, you mean they are in very serious trouble or have no hope of succeeding.[INFORMAL] | If you say that if something happens, someone has had it, you mean that they will die or they will fail in what they are trying to do.
  • Unless she loses some weight, she's had it.
  • When they run out of ammunition, they've had it.
  • The course is hard, and if you can't face that fact, you've had it.
2. PHRASE : AUX inflects | If you say that you have had it, you mean that you are very tired of something or very annoyed about it, and do not want to continue doing it or it to continue happening.[INFORMAL] | to be tired or bored with what you are doing and decide to stop it.
  • I've had it. Let's call it a day.
  • I've had it for today. Let's go home.
  • We've all had it up to here with you, John. Get out!
3. if something has had it, it is so damaged it cannot be repaired.
  • I think this washing machine's had it.

2010년 4월 3일 토요일

Dic# hourly employee, salaried employee

자료 1: The Korea Times

한국에서 봉급 생활자를 가리키는 말로 널리 쓰이는 '샐러리맨(salaryman)'은 '봉급(salary)을 받는 사람'이라는 의미가 될 수 있지만 맞는 영어 단어는 아니다. salaryman을 영영사전에서 찾아 보면 아예 찾을 수 없거나, 있다고 하더라도 a Japanese white-collar businessman(일본의 봉급 생활자)이라는 설명을 볼 수 있다. 즉, '샐러리맨' 역시 일본식 영어라서 한국과 일본에서만 영어처럼 쓰이는 말이다.
  • 영어권에서는 '봉급 생활자'를 office worker, salaried employee 혹은 company employee 등으로 부른다.
  • office worker는 말 그대로 '사무직'으로 일하는 사람이며 '샐러리맨'에 가장 근접한 말이다. business person 또한 사무직으로 일하는 사람인데, 보통 office worker보다 직급이 높은 간부급 직원을 가리킨다.
  • Salaried worker는 '정규직'으로 근무하는 사람이며,
  • company employee는 정규직뿐만 아니라 편의점에서 일하는 사람이나 건물의 경비원(security guard)등 시간제로 일하는 사람(hourly worker)까지 포함한 모든 '피고용자, 직원'이다.
'샐러리맨(salaryman)'의 올바른 영어는 office worker이다.

자료 2: About.com (1, 2, 등)
  • A Salaried Employee is paid annually. Salaried employees are usually supervisory, managerial, or professional employees who work on an annual basis and are not paid an hourly rate. Salaried employees are typically considered to be exempt from overtime pay. That is, they work to fulfill the duties of the job.
  • An hourly employee is paid on an hour-by-hour basis. Pay for an hourly employee is calculated as hours worked times rate.Hourly employees are also considered to be eligible for overtime, according to federal law, if they work over 40 hours in a workweek. In contrast to hourly workers, salaried employees are paid an annual salary and are considered to be exempt from overtime.
  • Exempt employees are employees who, because of their positional duties and responsibilities and level of decision making authority, are exempt from the overtime provisions of the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA).
    Exempt employees are expected, by most organizations, to work whatever hours are necessary to accomplish the goals and deliverables of their exempt position. Thus, exempt employees have more flexibility in their schedules to come and go as necessary to accomplish work than non-exempt or hourly employees.
    Exempt employees are most often found in managerial, supervisory, professional, administrative, and functional leadership roles such as marketing or product development.
    Much attention has been directed at the appropriate classification of exempt employees since revised overtime rules were signed into effect in August, 2004. While many exempt employees, reclassified as non-exempt employees, gained the ability to earn overtime, others, such as team leaders, lost their overtime pay eligibility as newly exempt employees.

자료 3: 약업신문, 미국 시장 진출하기

(전략)... 미국의 임금 체계는 exempt 와 non-exempt로 되어 있어서 연봉을 받을 경우는 exempt employee 라고 해서 주당 40 시간을 일하던 60 시간을 일하던 정해진 연봉을 받는다. 하지만 시간 당 급료를 받는 non-exempt 인 경우 철저하게 일한 시간만큼 급료를 받고 혹 10 분 이라도 넘어 가면 회사에 따라 조금씩 다르지만 분 또는 초과 시간 단위로 1.25-1.5 배까지 더 주어야 하는 것이 미국의 노동법이다. 만약 non-exempt 점원이 8 시간 30 정도를 하루에 일한다면 이중 30 분은 회사가 급여를 지급 안하는 개인적 점심 시간이다. 이 점심 시간에는 계산대에 손님들이 줄을 길게 드리우고 기다리고 있어도 매니져가 점심 휴식을 취하는 점원에게 일을 하라고 요구 할 수 없는 시간이다. 돈을 안주면 일을 안한다라는 철저한 미국인의 사고 방식인 것이다. 미주 한인 업주가 종업원에게 오버 타임 보상을 안해주거나 제대로 휴가를 주지 않아 미 노동국에 고발 당하는 것을 미주 한인 신문 지상에서 가끔 보는데 미국의 노동법은 상당한 법적인 구속력을 가지고 있기에 미국에 진출하는 지상사들이 현지 미국인을 고용할 경우 특히 신경을 써야 하는 부분이다. 후에 지상사가 꼭 알아 두어야 할 노동법에 대해 자세히 애기하도록 하겠다. (이하 생략)

자료 4: yahoo answers

Converting an hourly employee to salary. What should I know?
It seems a dedicated employee always puts in a few extra minutes here and there based on need and their own personal dedication to her job. I then get concerned about the extra pay, etc.and have no real way to track. I felt a salary alleviate this. I was looking to have it be a little more than normal and add health insurance. I hadn't had a salaried employee before and wondered if there are things I should consider first. Basically, she would be moved to a managing then position. Thoughts?
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker
first make sure their job classification justifies being labeled as 'salaried'. There are restrictions on who can and cannot be classified as salaried (otherwise everyone would be considered salary and the company would never have to pay overtime). Since you say they will be moved to a manager position, you should be ok to do that.

next realize that by moving them to salaried, they are not eligible for overtime. So if they work a lot of OT, they may not like being salaried. But on the flipside, you should realize that as a salaried employee they also get paid the same no matter what. So if they only work 7 hours insteat of 8, they still get paid the same. So it works both ways.

Other than that, there's really not a whole lot else to consider. The biggest issue will be lack of overtime pay...you say they work extra and you're concerned about extra pay. Unless you increase their pay when you do this, they may end up making less money since they won't get any overtime.