2009년 9월 8일 화요일

Dic: table (some of its meanings as a verb), on the table

  • They've tabled a motion criticising the Government for doing nothing about the problem
  • They have tabled a motion for debate at the next Party Conference.
  • We will table that for later.
  • They voted to table the proposal until the following meeting.

2. VERB | If someone tables a proposal, they say formally that they want it to be discussed at a meeting.[mainly BRIT] (= propose)

3. VERB | If someone tables a proposal or plan which has been put forward, they decide to discuss it or deal with it at a later date, rather than straight away.[AM]

cf: on the table :
  • The offer on the table is an 8% increase on last year's wages
  • At 6 p.m. on Thursday 29 April, a new deal was put on the table
  • The committee agreed to leave the option to build a stadium in the city on the table.
1. if a plan or offer is on the table, it has been officially suggested and is now being discussed or thought about.
2. (American) if a plan is on the table, no one is dealing with it at present but it has not been completely forgotten.

.... Cobuild, Cambridge Idioms,

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