2009년 3월 12일 목요일

pay the price, pay a price

pay the price :

2. [Fig.] to suffer the consequences for doing something or risking something. 
  • Oh, my head! I am paying the price for drinking too much last night.
... McGraw-Hill Dictionary of American Idioms and Phrasal Verbs. © 2002

pay the price:

to accept the unpleasant results of what you have done 
  • She dropped all her friends when she met Steve and now that he's gone, she's paying the priceShe has no one to turn to. (often + for ) 
  • I have paid the price for working nonstop - my health has suffered.
.... Cambridge Idioms Dictionary

pay the price also pay a price:

to accept the unpleasant results of something. = pay the piper 
  • He achieved great fame in his later years, but he certainly paid the price
  • Professional athletes often pay a price for the beating their bodies have taken.

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