2009년 3월 12일 목요일


자료: Wikipedia,  http://www.answers.com/topic/chisel

Steel woodworking chisel.

chisel is a tool with a characteristically shaped cutting edge(such that wood chisels have lent part of their name to a particular grind) of blade on its end, for carving and/or cutting a hard material such as woodstone, or metal. The handle and blade of some types of chisel are made of metal or wood with a sharp edge in it.

In use, the chisel is forced into the material to cut the material. The driving force may be manually applied or applied using amallet or hammer. In industrial use, a hydraulic ram or falling weight ('trip hammer') drives the chisel into the material to be cut.

gouge, one type of chisel, is used, particularly in woodworking,woodturning and sculpture, to carve small pieces from the material. Gouges are most often used in creating concave surfaces. A gouge typically has a 'U'-shaped cross-section.



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