2008년 10월 8일 수요일

Vaccination, Immunization

자료: 위키피디아, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vaccination

※ 메모: 

The word vaccination was first used by Edward Jenner in 1796. Louis Pasteur furthered the concept through his pioneering work in microbiology. Vaccination (Latinvacca—cow) is so named because the first vaccine was derived from a virus affecting cows—the relatively benign cowpoxvirus—which provides a degree of immunity to smallpox, a contagious and deadly disease. In common speech, 'vaccination' and 'immunization' generally have the same colloquial meaning. This distinguishes it from inoculation which uses unweakened live pathogens, although in common usage either is used to refer to an immunization. The word "vaccination" was originally used specifically to describe the injection of smallpox vaccine.[3][1] 

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