2014년 10월 26일 일요일

Dic: cut sb some slack

  • Hey, cut me some slack, man, I'm only a few bucks short. 
  • Officials have asked the Environmental Protection Agency to cut Utah some slack in enforcing the Clear Air Act.
  • I'm going to cut you some slack. Because it's the last day of classes, we don't have to talk anything serious today.
  • If you and your kids don't agree about their futures, cut them some slack─explain your views, but don't try to force them to agree.

* * *

△ cut(give) sb some slack: (spoken) to allow someone to do something without criticizing them or making it more difficult.

△ cut sb some slack: (American & Australian informal) to allow someone to do something that is not normally allowed, or to treat someone less severely than is usual.

△ cut sb some slack: to give someone additional freedom

... LDOCE, Cambridge Idioms Dictionary, Cambridge Dictionary of American Idioms

아무리 초라하면 어떨까, 아무리 없다한들 어떨까


그리고 내가 무언가─너에게도─의미 있는 걸 했다거나 하고 있다는 의견이나 암시.

그를 통해 존중받고 싶어하는 마음 일으킴.

그런 게 왜 필요할까?

그것은 어떤 두려움의 반영.

그러나 그 두려움을 애써 꼭꼭 숨기고 다른 문화적 장치로 덮어 가리려고 한다.

보수주의자는 자기가 보수(保守)하려는─지키려는─무엇을 왜 지키려고 하는지 생각해 봤을까.

자신이 지키려고 하는 게 무엇인지 잘 모르고 있다.

그 반대편의 사람들은 자신이 부수고 싶어하는 울타리와 제약이 자신의 내면에까지 파고들어 있음을 생각해 봤을까.

자신의 내면과 생활에 파고든 적을 외면화하기 바쁘다.

2014년 10월 24일 금요일

Dic: it's not a stretch to V

Cf. by any stretch of the imagination: as much as anyone could imagine; as much as is imaginable. (often negative.)
  • I don't see how anyone by any stretch of the imagination could fail to understand what my last sentence meant.

it's not a stretch to V: 

  • In the context of a social network, it is not a stretch to conceive of virtual gifts as important objects, especially as their availability can be strictly limited.

not a stretch is a reference to stretching your imagination─to think something that is a little, but not very far, outside conventional thoughts. Here it means "it'not difficult."

2. Michael Boylan, Public Health Policy and Ethics, ...
( ... ) Patients, then, are in the position of once again being manipulated by an entity that they have every reason to trust, based on traditional sentiments about the role of advocacy. It is not a stretch to imagine that as advocacy groups become funders of industry research, they too will be bound by some contract arrangements that may restrict full disclosure of research findings. Indeed, advocacy groups themselves are not well-served by unsatisfactory research results in the endeavors they support, and may also have some interest in emphasizing positive versus negative outcomes. In this environment, advocacy groups' purported single-minded pursuit of patient interest cannot be relied upon when conflicts of influence arise. 


2014년 10월 16일 목요일

[발췌: Dic] accountability

1. 교육개발 통권149호 - 학교현장에서 환영받는 학교평가는 없는가?

책무성은 영어로 ‘accountability’로 표기된다. accountability는 동사 ‘account’에서 파생되었는데, account는 ‘계산하다’, ‘설명하다’, ‘대답하다’ 등의 뜻을 내포하고 있고, 형용사 ‘accountable’은 “어떤 행위에 대하여 설명할 의무가 부과된”이라는 의미를 가지고 있기 때문에 accountability는 “특정의 이해당사자가 자신이 수행한 행위와 의무를 이행요구자에게 설명하거나 자신 행위의 정당성에 대한 물음에 답하는 정도”라고 신재철은 규정한다. 윤정일도 책무성의 개념을 종합적으로 검토하여 핵심 개념을 다음과 같이 설명하였다. 첫째, “해야 할 일”이 있고 둘째, 행위자는 해야 할 일을 한 후 “결과에 대한 보고·설명·해명”을 해야 하며 셋째, 해야 할 일을 요구한 자는 “결과에 대한 보상 또는 처벌”을 하고, 행위자는 “과오에 대한 책임과 행동 수정”을 해야 한다는 것이다.

2. 많이 가르치고도 실패하는 한국교육 (주삼환 지음)

"책임"은 자율에 자동적으로 따라붙다시피 하는 것으로 권리, 권한이라기보다는 임무이다. 그래서 사전에서도 "도맡아 해야 할 임무", "불법 행위를 한 자에게 법률상의 불이익 내지 제재가 가해지는 일"로 풀이하고 있다. 영어로는 "Responsibility"로 "Response(대응, 반응)"할 수 있는 "Ability(능력, 힘)"로 자기 행동에 대하여 대응으로 보여 줄 수 있어야 한다는 뜻에서 나왔다. "책무성(accountability)"이란 말도 자기 행동에 대하여 설명(account for)할 수 있는 힘(ability)이 있어야 한다는 뜻에서 나온 것으로 책임보다 더 구체적으로 보여 주고 설명해 줘야 한다. 재정에 대한 설명력, 교육, 성적에 대한 행정적 설명력, 사회적 설명이 절대적으로 요구되는 것이 책무성이다. 책임에는 법적, 도덕적 책임 모두가 다 포함된다.

3. 영업 비밀 유출과 기밀성 그리고 책임 추적성

책임 추적성은 특정 행동에 대한 책임이 누구에게 있는지를 식별할 수 있는 것을 의미한다. 책임 추적성은 또 정책이나 법률적 사항에 대한 책임(responsibility)과 어떠한 사거을 발생시킨 개인이나 프로그램을 식별할 수 있는 능력(accountability)으로 나누어진다.

CF. 원출처: http://eclub.inews24.com/php/news_view.php?g_serial=121896&g_menu=043500&pay_news=0


2014년 10월 13일 월요일

[메모] indy entrepreneurs, artists ... gentrification

A. Artists and indy entrepreneurs are the pioneers for urban renewal

Cheap rent attracts the artists and artists attract the galleries and coffee shops and it attracts more and more people to live in the area. Then high density mixed housing like condos and student housing etc. The city can really help out by putting in streetcars to serve stimulate more people to live in the area.

B. That's not how gentrification works. Impoverished artists move into low rent areas...
The middle and upper class population fund these artists and that then creates a community of wealth consumption generally in the form of bars and restaurants. Which gives incentive for the local police to provide a greater presence along the periphery of these zones of wealth. This drives out lower income residents (read:minorities) further incentivizing upwardly mobile white people to move in. This increases property values, driving up rent and property tax. Poor minorities, who see no job benefits from this movement, can no longer afford to live there and have to move out.
Increased rent further incentivizes the immigration of upwardly mobile persons, encouraging greater policing, the destruction of low income housing and the driving out, through economic and social prejudice, of poor minorities.

This is gentrification. It does not help poor minority communities. It blows them apart.

2014년 10월 12일 일요일

Dic: go against the grain

  • It goes against the grain for Williams to admit that he's wrong.
  • I don't think she likes to praise men. It goes against the grain.
  • It's not easy to go against the grain and buy stocks when others are selling them.
  • The changes will certainly rub against the grain here. (Usage notes: sometimes used verbs other than go.)
  • Privatisation goes against the grain of their principle of opposition to private ownership of industry.
* * *

△ If something that you say or do goes against the grain, you do not like saying or doing it and it is not what you would usually say or do. (cf. take with a pinch of salt)

△ to do something that is the opposite of what is usually done. (Etymology: from the act of cutting wood against the grain─in the direction opposite to the direction in which the fibers in the wood lie.)

△ grain: (19) natural disposition, inclination, or character (esp. in the phrase go against the grain)

△ If you say that an idea or action goes against the grain, you mean that it is very difficult for you to accept it or do it, because it conflicts with your previous ideas, beliefs, or principles.

... Cambridge Idioms Dictionary, Cambridge Dictionary of American Idioms, Collins, Cobuild

2014년 10월 11일 토요일

[메모] 임팩트 있는 변화를 위한 리더십의 본질

자료: http://socialinnovationgroup.kr/archives/3437

※ 발췌:

이와 관련해서 비영리 영역에서 오래전부터 회자되어온 경구 중 ‘Doing good by doing well’ 혹은 ‘Doing good to Doing Well’이 있습니다. 열심히 최선을 다해서 성실하게 선한 가치를 추구하는 것을 넘어서 그일을 탁월하게 수행해내는 것, 의미 있는 변화를 창출하는 것, 실질적으로 임팩트 있는 변화를 창출하는 것이 중요함을 강조하는 경구라고 할 수 있습니다. ( ... ... ) 이러한 고민 속에  비영리 조직들은 성과 향상과 혁신을 위해 기업경영의 성과시스템과 혁신 프로그램을 도입하는데 애를 쓰고 있습니다. 저 역시 지난 10여년간 BSC(비전-미션-전략에 기반하여, 재무-고객-운영-학습과 성장관점을 균형 있게 정렬시키는 전략경영시스템) 컨설팅을 중심으로 블루오션전략 컨설팅 등을 하면서 비영리 조직들과 소통을 해왔습니다.

그러나 최근들어 생기는 근본적인 의문은 정말 기업의 성과시스템과 경영혁신 프로그램을 통해서만 비영리 조직의 성과창출과 혁신이 가능한가에 대한 것입니다. 왜냐하면, 수익을 내고 이윤을 창출하는 것이 궁극적인 목적인 기업조직과 영혼의 생기를 가진 지역사회와 온전한 시민성의 주체로서 영혼의 생기를 가진 시민들의 삶에 의미 있는 변화를 창출하는 비영리 조직의 혁신 방법론이 정말 같은 것인가에 대한 회의가 저의 내면 속에 주체할 수 없는 무게로 다가오기 때문이었습니다. 그런 점에서 오늘은 우선 기업 조직의 리더십과 다른 비영리 조직에 적합한 리더십의 의미를 고찰해보고자 합니다.

[발췌: C. Farrell's] 'Social Finance': Doing Good by Doing Well (Businessweek, 2014)

자료: http://www.businessweek.com/articles/2014-04-01/in-social-finance-investors-can-make-money-by-doing-good
지은이: Chris Farrell | Apr 01, 2014

※ 발췌 (excerpts):

Americans celebrate innovation, a term that the dictionary says stems from the Latin verb innovare—to “make new.” ( ... ) Innovators are admired for their game-changing insights that upend old ways of doing business, and create economic opportunities.

Add the word “financial” to “innovation” and the love fest stops cold. Financial innovation is now considered something of an oxymoron, which is hardly surprising in view of the widespread wealth-and-job destruction of recent years, when credit-based derivatives and similarly engineered securities went catastrophically bad. What financiers call innovations are often nothing more than cleverly designed products for making old-fashioned, leveraged bets.

That said, the commonplace dismissal of financial innovation goes too far. A number of products in today’s financial ecosystem deserve the innovation accolade. Among them are Charles Schwab (SCHW) and discount brokerage, Vanguard and stock equity-index mutual funds, Grameen Bank and microlending in developing nations, PayPal (EBAY) and online payment services, and Kickstarter for funding home-grown ideas. Innovations such as these offer society a real return.

“Social finance” has a good chance of joining this list. In essence, these are fledgling financings that aim to tap global capital markets to help fund nonprofit programs dealing with some of society’s most intractable problems, from reducing chronic homelessness to therapeutic services for incarcerated youth. The big, tantalizing idea is that social finance could become a force for greater efficiency and effectiveness in tackling the roots of poverty.

The first financing was sold in the United Kingdom in 2010 and the tactic has since spread to Australia, Canada, and the U.S. (The Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco has put forth a 147 page booklet of collected essays [PDF].) The basic concept is that investors earn a return only if the nonprofit program succeeds at meeting measured goals. The pay-for-success formula asserts a market discipline that rewards effective nonprofits, which will then find it easier to raise further funds from satisfied investors.

( ... ... )

Social finance is at the experimental stage. These are complicated financings that currently rely on such investors as foundations and venture-like philanthropies that are willing to earn below market-rate returns. Some recent financings act more like fixed income securities while others offer equity-like characteristics.

Take the recent $13.5 million offering funding a five-and-a-half-year effort by the Center for Employment Opportunities (CEO) to provide reentry employment services for 2,000 former prison inmates in New York City and Rochester, N.Y. The initiative represents a partnership between government (New York State and the U.S. Department of Labor), the nonprofit sector (Social Finance, an organization focused on nurturing the sector and CEO) foundations (Robin Hood Foundation, Rockefeller Foundation, Pershing Square Foundation, and others) and the private sector (Bank of America Merrill Lynch and Chesapeake Research Association). The federal and state government will make outcome-based payments when CEO achieves certain benchmarks. Investors will earn a return at that point. The investment may be worthless if CEO doesn’t perform well.

( ... ... )

2014년 10월 10일 금요일

[메모] 탄소증권: 탄소 배출(증)권, 탄소 상쇄(증)권

자료: http://webbook.me.go.kr/DLi-File/pdf/2011/05/5503240.pdf

온실가스에 대해서는 편의상 이산화탄소를 계량화된 감축활동과 상쇄활동이 이루어진다.[비문임] 교토 체제는 온실가스 중 이산화탄소를 간판 상품으로 내세워 배출량(emissions)을 상품으로 그리고 크레디트(credit)를 화폐[거래단위 unit]로 삼아 국가간 온실가스 거래를 실시한다. ( ... ... )

4. 배출권은 '권리'가 아니라 배출량을 표시한 증서[券]이다. 시장[CCX]에서 쓰는 탄소증권은 허용권과 상쇄권을 포함한다.

기후변화에서 통용되는 배출권(emissions)이라는 말은 온실가스를 배출할 권리를 표창[?? 부여, 지칭]하는 것이 아니다. 배출권은 일정량의 배출량을 담은 증서[券]이다. 영어권에서는 배출(emission)에 's'를 붙여 경우에 따라 '배출량' 또는 '배출권'으로 사용한다. 배출권은 배출량을 일정한 거래단위로 표창[??]하기 때문에 '배출권 거래'는 '배출량 거래'로 불리기도 한다. 영어식 표현으로는 양자가 동일하다. 국제 민간기구인 시카고기후거래소(CCX)는 계약법리에 기초하는 '탄소증권' 약정서(conracts)를 거래단위로 쓰며 허용권(allowances)과 상쇄권(offsets)을 구분한다. 상쇄는 거래·신탁·증여 당사자들 사이에 주고받을 기존의 채권·채무가 없기 때문에 "기존의 채권·채무를 서로 주고받는 " 개념의 '상계(相計)'와 다르다.

( ... )

교토 체제의 거래단위[크레디트]는 상품에 따라 각각 다르다. 배출권 거래제(emissions trading system)는 AAU를, 청정개발체제는 CER을 그리고 공동이행은 ERU를 크레디트로 쓴다. 조림・재조림에서 얻는 RMU도 일정한 경우에 크레디트로 인정된다. 크레디트는 화폐가 아니라 회계처리[상각] 수단이지만 국가간에 거래되는 온실가스 배출량이 UNFCCC의 국가별 등록부에서 상각될 때 온실가스 감축의무가 이행된 것으로 보기 때문에 거래단위로 통용된다.

2014년 10월 4일 토요일

[발췌: R. Sparkes's] Socially Responsible Investment: A Global Revolution

출처: Russell Sparkes (2003). Socially Responsible Investment: A Global Revolution. John Wiley & Sons.
자료: 구글도서

※ PIRC. Pensions and Investment Consultants (PIRC)

CF. What is Pirc ? (Telegraph, 13 Jul 2011)
Pirc, a powerful shareholder group, has demanded that James Murdoch stand down as chairman of BSkyB in a bid to clear up the "questionable governance practices" at the company. Here, we look at what Pirc does.
Pensions and Investment Research Consultants (Pirc) is one of the largest pension representation and lobby groups in the UK. Its clients include pension funds, faith-based investors, trade unions, banks and asset managers. Formed in 1986, it now deals with more than £200bn of assets invested by pension holders, and hails itself as "the UK's leading independent research and advisory consultancy providing services to institutional investors on corporate governance and corporate social responsibility". On July 13, 2011, Pirc said that pension schemes should challenge their fund managers who voted in favour of James Murdoch's appointment as chairman of satellite television broadcaster BSkyB. Recently, it has also issued guidance to shareholders at fashion house Burberry and retailer Tesco.

※ 발췌 (excerpts): 

Some people may be surprised to see Pensions and Investment Consultants (PIRC) described as an SRI research provider, as it it best known for its UK corporate governance work. PIRC's Corporate Governance Service(CGS) was launched in 1991 at a conference addressed by Sir Adrian Cadbury, and is now used by private and public sector pension funds and investment managers with combined assets of over £300 billion. In fact, however, PIRC has always seen SRI as a core concept of its activities, according to PIRC managing director Alan McDougall: 

We had an imperative to make socially responsible investment financially acceptable ... It was our view that there was nothing socially responsible about losing money. If we were dealing with money, it had to be commercial. PIRC aims to enable it pension funds clients to develop prudent long term investment strategies which both meet the wider economic best interests of beneficiaries and which recognise pension funds' wider responsibilities.[n.18]

PIRC publicly entered the SRI market with the launch of its SRI service in January 2000, as it recognised that the data compiled by CGS could easily be used for SRI purposes. PIRC's CGS databae contains detailed reports on each of the over 800 companies that constitute the FTSE All-Share Index, not just on corporate governance but also on issues of shareholder concern such as environmental policy, and the appointment of women to the board. PIRC's SRI service is based on the belief that 'wealth creation for the benefit of shareholders is achieved by companies establishing best practice standards in relations with key stakeholders. Institutional investors thus have a common interest with other stakeholders in issues of corporate responsibility and corporate performance over the long therm'.[n.19] Its SRI reporting is based on the following issues: [n.20]

2014년 10월 1일 수요일

[용례] values of people in

Some examples of the above collocation: 

( ... ) Why is this so? To a great extent, the answer rests in the shared beliefs, expectations, and core values of people in the organization─what is known as ^organizational culture^. Once established, these beliefs, expectancies, and values tend to be relatively stable and exert strong influences on organizations and those workers in them.

( ... ) In the novel The Great Gatsby, Fitzgerald uses the literary technique of symbolism to reflect what life in the 1920's was like, through Fitzgerald's eyes. The image of Doctor T. J. Eckelburg's eyes is used to signify a disappointed godlike being. Fitzgerald uses the the two women in yellow at Gatsby's party to as a symbol to represent the values of people in the 20's. The food provided at Gatsby's party is symbolic of people who lived in the 20's. Through Fitzgerald's use of symbolism to describe the costumed characters of the 20's the reader can learn to constantly, and consistently examine the people that they surround themselves with. The novel also teaches the lesson of being true to one's self, since true closure may only come one honesty is achieved. Fitzgerald is not only a consequential author but an effective moral adviser as well. 

Great post of an important topic. There should indeed be more studies starting from understanding people’s values rather than ecosystems. The underlying values of people in a particular society are important guidance for decision-makers, planners, designers, managers and researchers who attempt to do good for that society. ( ... )

( ... ) As an example, creativity is likely to be more valued by the R&D department than it is by the accounting. Related to this, people who regularly work together tend to develop shared values, which may differ from the shared values of people in other areas with which there is less frequent contact. ( ... )

( ... ) The children made strides toward understanding the difficult concept of culture; yet we - children and adults alike - never really "get there." These kinds of cultural explorations should be consistently embedded across grade levels and content areas so that students and their adult mentors have as a goal "moving toward" deeper understandings of and appreciation for the cultural beliefs and values of people in our communities and beyond.

Several studies examine the values of lower level managers; however, they generally do not have sufficient data in order to compare managerial values with values of people in other professions. For example, Akaah (1996) examines how organizational rank affects managerial ethics, but his sample consists only of upper- and lower-level managers.

Cross-cultural training involves not only learning about the place you’ve come to, but comparing it to what you’ve come from-to the assumptions and values that have shaped you. In Culture Matters, therefore, you will be examining the behaviors and values of people in your host country in relation to those of people in your own. This workbook does not intend to suggest that American culture is necessarily superior or inferior to your host country’s culture. 
