─ emphasizes something to be considered
─ You use after all when introducing a statement which supports or helps explain something you have just said.
─ used when you are explaining sth or giving a reason.
- after all, she is your boss, so invite her.
- he is, after all, our president.
- I thought you might know somebody. After all, you're the man with connections.
- Can’t I stay up late tonight? After all, there’s no school tomorrow!
- You got a fair price for your car. It’s six years old, after all.
─ in spite of expectations
─ You use after all when you are saying that something that you thought might not be the case is in fact the case.
─ used to show that sth is the opposite of what you first intend to do or expect to happen.
- came to the party after all
- I came out here on the chance of finding you at home after all.
- I think I will have something to eat after all.
- We could have left our coats at home — it didn’t rain after all.
..... WordNet, Cobuild, OALD
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