2009년 3월 30일 월요일

손, 손바닥, 손목 부위 골격 용어 (일부)

자료: KMLE 의학검색엔진, http://www.kmle.co.kr/

※대한의협/옛 대한의협 의학용어 사전 검색: 
  • carpus:  손목, 손목뼈, 수근골(手根骨)
  • metacarpus: 손허리, 손바닥뼈, 중수(中手), 중수골(中手骨)
  • metacarpal bone :  손허리뼈, 중수골(中手骨)
  • trapezium : 큰마름뼈, 큰마름골, 대능형골(大菱形骨).
  • trapezio(-)metacarpal: pertaining to or connecting the trapezium(손목 큰마름뼈) and the metacarpus(손바닥뼈). 
  • cf. trapezio(-)metacarpal joint, temporomandibular joint: 의학약어로 TMJ로 불림.

File:Scheme human hand bones-en.svg

cf. 손목 골격 (자료: Wikipedia, http://www.answers.com/topic/carpus-1)

Bone: Carpals
Proximal: A=Scaphoid, B=Lunate, C=Triquetral, D=Pisiform
Distal: E=Trapezium, F=Trapezoid, G=Capitate, H=Hamate
Latinossa carpi
Gray'ssubject #54 221
/ Elsevier

In tetrapods, the carpals is the sole cluster of the bones in the wrist between the radius and ulna and the metacarpus

  • The bones of the carpus do not belong to individual fingers (or toes in quadrupeds), 
  • whereas those of the metacarpus do. The corresponding part of the foot is the tarsus
Carpal bones are not considered part of the hand but are part of the wrist. The carpal bones allow the wrist to move and rotate vertically, horizontally and laterally.

In crustaceans, "carpus" is the scientific term for the claws or "pincers" present on some legs.




In some macropods, the scaphoid and lunar bones are fused into the scaphollunar bone.[1]

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