2009년 1월 30일 금요일

Issue as a verb seen through its synonyms

Synonyms: appear, emerge, issue, loom(1), materialize, show

These verbs mean to come into view
  • a ship appearing on the horizon
  • a star that emerged from behind a cloud; 
  • a diver issuing from the water; 
  • a peak that loomed through the mist; 
  • a job offer that materialized overnight; 
  • a shirtsleeve showing at the edge of the jacket. 
  • ..... See Also Synonyms at seem.

Synonyms: stem(1), arise, derive, emanate, flow, issue, originate, proceed, rise, spring

These verbs mean to come forth or come into being
  • customs that stem from the past
  • misery that arose from war
  • rights that derive from citizenship
  • disapproval that emanated from the teacher
  • happiness that flows from their friendship
  • prejudice that issues from fear
  • a proposal that originated in the Congress
  • a mistake that proceeded from carelessness
  • rebellion that rises in the provinces
  • new industries that spring up.

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