─. 정통(바를 正; 거느릴 統): 바른 계통. 정당한 계통, 혈통.
─. 정통(正統): 바른 계통. 적장(嫡長)의 혈통. 사물의 중심이 되는 요긴한 부분. ...
* * *
─ 1. orthodox beliefs, methods, or systems are ones which are accepted or used by most people. (= conventional, ≠ unorthodox)
- Many of these ideas are now being incorporate into orthodox medical treatment.
2. If you describe someone as orthodox, you mean that they hold the older and more traditional ideas of their religion or party. (= conservative, traditional)
─ 1. conforming with established or accepted standards, as in religion, behaviour, or attitudes.
2. ...
─ 1. orthodox ideas, methods, or behaviour are accepted by most people to be correct and right. (= conventional)
2. someone who is orthodox has the opitions and beliefs that are generally accpeted as being right, and does not have new ideas or different ideas.
3. ...
─ 1. ...
4. Adhering to what is commonly accepted, customary, or traditional:
- an orthodox view of world affairs.
─ 1. (of beliefs, ideas or activities) considered traditional, normal and acceptable by most people:
- orthodox treatment/methods.
- orthodox views/opinions.
- We would prefer a more orthodox approach/solution to the problem.
─ 1. (esp of belies or behaviour) generally accepted or approved of; following generally accepted beliefs. (= traditional, ≠ unorthodox, cf. heterodox)
2. following closely the traditional beliefs and practices of a religion.
... Cobuild, Collins, LDOCE, American Heritage, CALD, OALD
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