2018년 1월 9일 화요일

Dic/ of sorts

'Not a typical or good exampe.' Is that of this meaning only?

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─ of sorts:
  1. of various kinds
  2. of a poor or inferior kind. also 'of a sort'
Webster's New World College Dictionary indicated as their source.

─ of sorts, of a sort:
  1. Of a mediorcre or inferior kind: a constitutional government of a sort.
  2. Of one kind or another: knew many folktales of sorts.
... The American Heritage

─ of sorts:
3. sorts. in of sorts, inferior; unsatisfactory: coll.: C.20. E.g. "He's certainly a writer─of sorts." Ex the ob. of sorts, of varisous kinds. P.B.: cf. the army quartermasters' j. in, e.g., "One cases [sic], wooden, packing, local pattern, of sorts."

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