2018년 1월 16일 화요일

An article about Teen Daze's album 'Themes for Dying Earth' and the music

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※ 발췌 (some excerpt):

Lie down, close your eyes, listen. Even when you think you're perfectly still, everything in and around you is in constant motion, ever changing, impossible to stop. There is no way for mankind to arrest the course of nature, but a lot can be done to interfere with it and chances are few this meddling might be a positive one. Yet, we're all just a minuscule particle living in an infinite space, and it's distressing to realize how small and irrelevant each and every one of us alone is within a big system of the world.

Jamison Isaak knows it very well. ( ... ... ) Playing and moving evey day put him in a state of big anxiety, to the point that he decided to call off all the gigs and returns to his secluded home in British Columbia to work on new music. The result of all of this is Teen Daze's latest album, 'Themes for Dying Earth.'

"Experiencing more cultures, and more countries and more places, opened up the amount of things that I care about, like climate changes: it affects everyone, all the world. Doing that traveling definitely gave me a greater empathy for people. As a person, that trip certainly shaped me and shaped what I wanted to talk about with the next record" Jamison tells me about the seven months he spent with his wife in Australia. ( ... ... )

The Fraser Valley in British Columbia is, in fact, one of the main actors in the landscape of the album: "In my past records I've done a genuinely intentional job of trying to build a new world, with an escapist mentality," Jamison explains, "and this time I felt much more inspired and conscious about trying to create more of a soundtrack for what's actually just outside my window; it was so absolutely natural to try and represent the amazing scenery I see outdoors. ( ... ... )"

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