2017년 11월 27일 월요일

Dic/ set someone up: put someone in a position (in which ... )

─ set (someone) up:

   § to do something that makes it likely or possible for (someone) to do, get, or experience something.

  • The team's excellent defense set them up to score the winning touchdown.
  ☞ usually + for:
  • I think you're just setting yourself up for a big disappointment.
    [= you're expecting something that won't happen and you will be disappointed when it doesn't]
   § to cause (someone) to be in a bad situation or to appear guilty
  • Those aren't his drugs. Someone must have set him up!
  • He claimed he was set up by the police.


   § to put someone in a position in which they are able to do someting, or in which something is likely to happen to them.

   ☞ set somebody up for:
  • If he won the fight, it would set him up for a title shot.
  • Anyone with public duties sets themselves up for attack.

─ set sb up [TRICK SOMEBODY]

   § to trick someone in order to achieve what you want, esp. to make it appear that they have done something wrong or illegal.
  • Cox claimed that the police had tried to set him up.
   § If you are set up by someone, they make it seem that you have done something wrong when have not.
  • He claimed that he had be set up after drugs were discovered at his home.

.... http://www.learnersdictionary.com/definition/set; LDOCE; COBUILD

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To set yourself up for something means to put yourself in the position where that "something" will happen to you again. The son is asking why she is doing something that will lead to being hurt by this man again. 

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