2011년 11월 19일 토요일

Dic: lock as a verb meaning fixed position or situation

3【FIXED POSITION】 [I/T] △to become fixed in one position and impossible to move, or to make something become fixed

  • The wheels suddenly locked.
lock sth around/round sth
  • He locked his hands around the younger man's throat.
  • A moment later they were locked in an embrace (=holding each other very tightly in a loving or friendly way).
  • Their eyes locked together (=they could not look away from each other) for an instant.
4【FIXED SITUATION】 [T usually passive] △if you are locked in a situation, you cannot get out of it
be locked in/into sth
  • Security forces and militants are locked in a vicious cycle of killing.
  • The company is locked into a three year contract with PARCO.
be locked in battle/combat/dispute etc. △to be involved in a long, serious argument or fight with someone
  • They are now locked in a bitter custody battle over the three children.
..... LDOCE

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