2011년 11월 14일 월요일

Dic# can't be solved (...) won't go away

자료 1:

(...) The second resource is the Education Map of the Decade, created by the KnowledgeWorks Foundation to examine the forces affecting education and the economy. The map includes three key elements: trends, which represent major shifts, new developments and concepts and the driving forces that will shape the future of education; hot spots -- trends that the KnowledgeWorks Foundation thinks will have broad impact on education, and dilemmas -- problems that can't be solved and won't go away which require new thinking and new solutions. This map is more than a trend document -- it has to be experienced online. (...)

자료 2: 자료 1과 유사...

Trends -  are the core of the map and represent major shifts, new phenomena and concepts, and driving forces that will shape the future context of education.

Hotspots – are trends that have broad impacts on education and make good starting points for exploring the map.

Dilemmas – are problems that can’t be solved and won’t go away.  They require new strategies or thinking.

자료 3:

In a world filled with never-ending streams of new advances in technology and improvements in leadership methods, problems that can be solved with an invention, a well-delivered speech, or an influx of capital and equipment have already been solved. If articulating an argument or writing a check will eliminate a challenge, you can bet that challenge has already been put to rest.
However, chronic, persistent problems can’t be solved so easily. That’s because they’re rooted in human behavior, and behavioral-based challenges typically won’t go away with a single potent intervention. Unless and until we develop far more effective ways of thinking about and exerting influence on human behavior, we will never solve the most profound and persistent problems in our organizations, our personal lives, and our world.

자료 4:

Cipro can cause different side effects in people, but many people have problems with this drug, too. Again, you ABSOLUTELY need to contact your doctor asap because you MUST have treatment for that kidney infection and that can't be solved without antibiotics and the pain won't go away until they're better.Kidney infections can get worse if not treated - and that would land you in the hospital!

자료 5:

Reframe particularly difficult questions. Managers need to deal with ambiguity, connect the dots, bring clarity, or find connections not apparent to others. Sometimes, just looking at the issue differently is all that is needed. Johansen refers to this as “dilemma flipping,” which is the process of examining dilemmas (problems that can’t really be “solved” but won’t go away) and looking for opportunities or incipient new approaches within them.

자료 6:

An important contribution of the MAP is its identification of ‘trends’, ‘hot­spots’ and
‘dilemmas’. Trends lie at the core, representing ‘major shifts, new phenomena and
concepts ­ driving forces that will shape the future context of education’. Hot­spots
are those trends the IFtF believes will have ‘broad impacts on education and make
good starting points for exploring the map’. Dilemmas are ‘problems that can’t be
solved and won’t go away. They require new strategies that go beyond either­or
thinking’. Following the IFtF’s advice, I have used its map as a tool, to look back at
school physical education and its relationship to sport. In that respect, it prove

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