2011년 2월 6일 일요일

[생활자료] Homemade solar cells - Easy Maintenance

자료: http://begreenblog.com/alternative-energy/homemade-solar-cells-easy-maintenance/

Homemade solar cells, sounds like you need to be at least a scientist or probably an qualified technician, but that really is not the case at all . Using the help from an excellent internet information guide you will be able to make your own homemade solar cell system. Whatever your skill level and you have never tackled a Do it Yourself project in the past, so long as you are willing to do the work yourself, and put in the effort to complete the system, you will be able to do it.. There are DIY solar panel kits obtainable in the hardware store, however if you follow the info pack and use the list of parts included you can build your solar cells cheaper than any store prices.
The sun is the greatest single source of energy since the world was created and has remained continuous for countless millions of years. Since the dawn of mankind we have made use of that energy to keep warm, start fires, dry food for the winter and many other ways. With the advance of solar cells people from every continent of the globe are becoming a lot more interested the solar cell as a way of producing their energy using homemade solar panels to capture the energy from the sun.
Over the last ten years the know-how regarding the solar cell has greatly been enhanced so that with this new generation of Photovoltaic cells, that are very effective at converting sunlight directly to electrical energy, residential photovoltaic systems are now very popular  .
What this does is allow you to produce your own electrical energy right on your property, the first step by using the information contained in your pack, is to make your first solar panel. Your present electric company is not the only choice you have as a source power for your property, although they would like you to think so, and they do all they can to keep you thinking that.
The primary reason behind your Do It Yourself endeavor  is to save your hard earned money on the arrangement, you can make your own solar cells, link them up to form a solar panel and make your own homemade renewable solar energy system at a fraction of the price of a retail system. Be aware that the one you construct will be equally as good and equally efficient, simply follow the  written instructions in the kit that has a “take you by the hand” method both with written  and video instructions, so that you can read and see exactly what to do. Make your homemade solar cells for yourself? – Why would you not?
The United States is one of the world’s largest oil importers using twenty percent of the world’s oil every year, but it contains only one fiftieth of the world’s oil reserves, so the bulk of Americas needs have to be imported from foreign countries.  As well as the enormous number of vehicles on the road, a significant portion of that oil is used to generate electricity for homes and businesses. The dominant eastern economies, such as India and China, are increasing up their usage of oil sharpening competition for the worlds residual oil deposits, so America needs to look for ways to reduce its reliance on oil and  solar energy is a renewable energy sources and a major option.
So now you see the problems the USA, and other countries, find themselves in regardingtheir demands for fossil fuels in the future. Over and above these troubles when we do use them they cause additional CO2 emissions forcing an increase global warming, so you can also comprehend the necessity for all Americans to be apprehensive. The response promoted here is to build your own homemade solar cells system, using your guide, make it for fraction of store and get your own energy for a fraction of your present cost.
Your system will be simple to maintain, easy to build and easy to operate, and you can store the energy you produce during daylight hours and use it overnight or on less sunny days. You can do this with non of the large pre-payments of a store bought system, as you are using you own time and labor.
Save money on the build, save money on your energy bills and help save the earth from pollution, not bad for a few days work, follow the links and we will show you how.

  1. Do It Yourself Energy with Green Energy
  2. Addressing The Subject, How Does Solar Energy Work?
  3. Why Use Solar Reflective Coatings For Your Roofs?
  4. Be Self-Sufficient in Energy and Go Green
  5. Magnetic Energy Generator – Air Cleaner and Home Power Saver

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