2009년 8월 13일 목요일

Dic: Have your fingers on the pulse of, your hands on the pulse of

7. PHRASE : Ns inflect, usu PHR after v
If you have your finger on the pulse of something, you know all the latest opinions or developments concerning it.
  • He claims to have his finger on the pulse of the industry.
  • It's important to keep your finger on the pulse by reading all the right magazines.
cf. 4. N-SING : the N of n
If you refer to the pulse of a group in society, you mean the ideas, opinions, or feelings they have at a particular time.
  • The White House insists that the president is in touch with the pulse of the black community.
..... Cobuild

cf. (Have, keep, put,....) hands on the pulse of: Followings are some examples gathered on the Net:

In case you are one among the many prospective employees looking for lucrative US jobs, it is important to keep your hands on the pulse of the career employment growth trend in the US and act diligently.
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The study allows us to keep our hands on the pulse of employee benefits trends, said William Raczko, vice president of MetLife’s Institutional Business. “These days that pulse is beating pretty rapidly due to the pace of change in the economy,” he added. Still, employers remain steadfast on preserving workplace benefits, according to the survey. Fewer than 15% of employers expect to scale back their benefits programs.
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Democratic members of Congress are a very diverse lot, they represent all aspects of our country, so when they get together to work on an issue, every sort of minority view is
considrered and represented. When US Democrats get together, we have our hands on the pulse of the country. We have a very diverse country, and we also have a very diverse world. This is why the world gets along with America when us Democrats are in charge, MUCH more so than when the Republicans are in charge.
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Going to play devil's advocate for just a minute, but I will say I agree with you for the most part. It makes sense that the market will continue to move to outsourcing the grunge work in IT (seattle...grunge...!) When it comes to security, you can get a lot for a fairly standardized box, appliance, service, or employee. But what you lose is the "hands-on-the-pulse" that you can get from an internal employee or team that takes care of these grunge issues. After a year or two working in my environment, I definitely have a distinct gut feel when it comes to seeing something weird or where to apply some extra effort during a slow day. Outsourced people may not have quite that affinity. They may also not be able to make quick, agile decisions when it comes to incidents, and instead have to work through someone else either by means of authorization or hands-and-eyes. In addition, getting a standardized service/product is detrimental when targeted attacks go beyond the easily recognizable. To some extent, outsourcing security, for instance, is a lot like a signature-based detection or prevention, especially if they act as the eyes from the NOC/SOC and don't actually work in the infrastructure and systems.
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Clearly, Prof Baek is not just a passive observer. Her interest and fascination in Korean film and literature stems from her intense curiosity for the Korean language, people and culture, and her desire to trace, understand and make sense of the rapid, complex and sometimes incomprehensive changes going on in modern Korean society. In putting her hands on the pulse of Korean movies and literature, you can even say that she is concurrently tracing the pulsating heartbeat of Korean society, and in finding out what makes Korea as a nation, and Koreans as a people, tick.
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It would be my opinion that the engineers that were working on it were concerned, no doubt about it, but I have to say I believe that people honestly felt we understood it well enough that we were not going to have a shuttle accident. I don't know that the same degree of concern was shared by people: some were very concerned, some maybe not as concerned. We needed to keep our hands on the pulse. We needed to watch the situation. But we had analysis that led us to believe we had captured the problem...

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