2009년 7월 21일 화요일


1. ADV : ADV after v, num ADV
If people or things walk or move abreast, they are next to each other, side by side, and facing in the same direction.
  • The steep pavement was too narrow for them to walk abreast.
... Cobuild

1. alongside each other and facing in the same direction: the two cars were abreast.
... Collins Essential

abreast: adverb.
  • alongside, level, beside, in a row, side by side, neck and neck, shoulder to shoulder >>
abreast of or with:
  • informed about, in touch with, familiar with, acquainted with, up to date with, knowledgeable about, conversant with, up to speed with (informal) in the picture about, au courant with, au fait with, keeping your finger on the pulse of
.... Collins Essential Thesaurus

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