2009년 5월 22일 금요일

Craft, Skill and Style

자료(source): http://markpenny.wordpress.com/2006/05/04/craft-skill-and-style/

※ memo: I paste here the above post to take a note and remind. To read the original post, please refer to the link above.
※ Read once again putting some anotations.


In an earlier post, "Art and Craft", I suggested that "craft is something like skill, the ability to make real what is in your head to make. And like skill, it is subject to style."

I was thinking about the distinction between craft and skill last night while dodging and weaving my way home from the cram school. I decided that [:]

[C]raft and skill differ in level. 
  • Skill is the ability to apply technique to the medium, to shape pieces of the whole. 
  • Craft is the ability to combine the pieces and their shapes into a larger unit of presentation.
In woodcarving terms, it would come out something like this: 
  • It takes skill to shape the wood in any given way at any given point, 
  • but it takes craft to shape the entire piece in any given way or ways to achieve a particular effect.
Skill lies in the work. 
Craft lies in the effect. 
Style is an element of craft and skill manifesting itself as technique in the case of skill and design in the case of craft.

I prefer to read the final sentence as follows:

Style is an element of craft and skill. Style manifests itself as technique in the case of skill, and it manifests itself as design in the case of craft.

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