2009년 4월 3일 금요일

Tactual Perception of Solidity

자료: Encyclopaedic Dictionary of Psychological Terms (공)저: J C Banerjee, 

In passing the hand along the horizontal surface of the table, a perception of the several parts as nearer or farther, advancing or receding is required. This is the knowledge distance--the quanititative muscular consciousness. The perception of solidity gives a more definite knowledge of distance along with the simultaneous tactual sensations. In the perception of a cricket ball in his hand, for instance, a blind boy clasps it between his two hands and experiences many localized touch sensations together with a number of muscle sensations by which he knows the beat position of his hands and arms. He comes to know that the object is round and hard. Hardness or impenetrability is the quality of the solid substance and this can be perceived from pressure, contact, and quanity of tactuo-muscular sensations. If the object is a larger one all these sensations are experienced in a more detailed manner. The shape, size, or magnitude along with the solidity. Hence solidity is to be perceived by active touch

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