2008년 11월 14일 금요일

scythe and pitchfork

자료: http://www.bauk.org/bauk/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=88&Itemid=105

※ 메모: 

... In addition to the Luchot, the two letters, and the produce, we find in our semel two agricultural implements – a scythe and a pitchfork. Contrary to other movements (communist) that draw on their flag the hammer and sickle, which represents agricultural and industrial development, we emphasize only agricultural implements. This is because our ideal society is an agrarian one, where every family in Am Yisrael was allotted a plot of land of their own, for ever. And from this land everyone was guaranteed at least a minimal existence. We see in the development of industry a giant step forward for society, which of course potentially enhances the quality of life. Yet we also see the gaps formed in such a society, that is the seed of social strife. Factory owners becoming wealthy and powerful at the expense of the working class; greed on one side and jealousy on the other side, etc. Some how there is a parallel between technological development and advanced weapon systems. Against all this our prophets saw in the end of days “they will turn their swords into plowshares…for no nation will rise up against another nation.”(Isaiah 2,4) Industrial and technological advances must become the sustenance of life, like agriculture. In an agrarian existence where everyone knows the borders and boundaries of their existence, there is the possibility for internal peace and brotherhood. ...

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