2008년 9월 16일 화요일

1. Law Dictionary: Good Samaritan

One who renders voluntary aid without compensation to a person who is injured or in danger. There is no requirement to intervene; however, if one chooses to be a Good Samaritan then one may face liability ifreasonable care is not exercised and the rescued party is further injured. Prosser & Keaton, Torts ch. 9, §56, 375, 378 (5th ed. 1984). Various state statutes may provide limited levels of immunity from lawsuits for the rescuer.

2. ible Dictionary: Good Samaritan

In one of the parables of Jesus, the only one of several passersby to come to the aid of a Jew who had been robbed, beaten, and left to die on the roadside. The kindness of the Samaritan was particularly admirable because Jews and Samaritans (i.e., people of Samaria) were generally enemies. Jesus told the parable of the Good Samaritan to answer a man who had asked him, “Who is my neighbor?” He forced his questioner to admit that the Samaritan was the true neighbor of the man who had been robbed.

  • Figuratively, “Good Samaritans” are persons who go out of their way to perform acts of kindness to others, especially strangers.

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