2008년 7월 9일 수요일

Green Left - Features: Selling the air: the trade in 'pollution rights'

Green Left - Features: 〈Selling the air: the trade in 'pollution rights'〉

... The AQMD is now considering issuing “pollution rights” for volatile organic toxics. LeBlanc mentions other existing uses of the “pollution-rights” concept: “the trading of lead rights among gasoline refiners” and “an allowance for the transfer of production entitlement for CFCs”. (CFCs are the chemicals that are depleting the Earth's ozone shield.) Lastly, LeBlanc mentions that EDF is actively promoting the use of emission trading internationally for carbon dioxide, the main “greenhouse gas” driving the planet toward global warming.
In recognition of the usefulness of this invention by EDF, President George Bush called Fred Krupp “my kind of environmentalist”. ...

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