2009년 10월 9일 금요일

Dic: come to pass

  • And when do you think all these good things will come to pass?
  • Do you think it will really come to pass?
come to pass: to happen; to take place.

cf. come about:

1. Also, come to pass: Happen, take place.
2. Also, go about. In sailing, to change tack (direction).
  • How did this quarrel come about?
  • When did this new development come to pass?

    Shakespeare used the first term, first recorded in 1315, in Hamlet (5:2): "How these things came about." The variant, dating from the late 1400s, appears often in the Bible, as in, "And it came to pass ... that there went out a decree from Caesar Augustus" (Luke 2:1).

  • It's important to duck under the boom when we come about.

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