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(게시판 기능은 없지만 딱히 분류하기 곤란한 화제를 다음 게시물의 댓글로 대화합니다)
궁금한 것들은 적어봅니다... 정 모르겠는 것도 적어두면 언젠가는 알 수 있겠죠
(아니어도 할 수 없지만, 知不知何事 學而時習之始也)
- 2012
☞ signal (in relation to someone and to doing something) - 2011
☞ Incorporated(Inc.) and incorporation
☞ A sentence with on behalf of - 2009
☞ Out of the crooked timber of humanity, no straight thing ...
☞ 어느 영시(英詩): John Donne's An Anatomy of the World
☞ ellipsis of possessive pronoun as a semantic subject
☞ Some lines from An Anatomy of the World by John Donne
☞ Identify with someone as someone else?
☞ A practice: paraphrasing a phrase with present participles