2009년 8월 4일 화요일

Dic: hark back to

hark: [Old-fashioned] to listen; pay attention: hark, the cocks are crowing
.... Collins Essential

hark back to:

If you say that one thing harks back to another thing in the past, you mean it is similar to it or takes it as a model.
  • pitched roofs, which hark back to the Victorian era.
When people hark back to something in the past, they remember it or remind someone of it.
  • The result devastated me at the time. Even now I hark back to it.
... Cobuild

hark(en) back to something:
1. to have originated as something; to have started out as something. (Harken is an older word meaning "pay heed to.")
  • The word icebox harks back to refrigerators that were cooled by ice.
  • Our modern breakfast cereals hark back to the porridge and gruel of our ancestors.
2. to remind one of something.
  • Seeing a horse and buggy in the park harks back to the time when horses drew milk wagons.
  • Sally says it harkens back to the time when everything was delivered by horse-drawn wagon.
... McGraw-Hill Dictionary of American Idioms and Phrasal Verbs,

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