2009년 7월 13일 월요일

get one's hands dirty; dirty one's hands; soil one's hands

get one's hands dirty; dirty one's hands; soil one's hands:
1. Fig. to get closely involved in a difficult task.
  • You have to get your hands dirty if you expect to get the gutters cleaned out.
2. Fig. to become involved with something illegal; to do a shameful thing; to do something that is beneath one.
  • The mayor would never get his hands dirty by giving away political favors.
  • I will not dirty my hands by breaking the law.
... McGraw-Hill Dictionary of American Idioms and Phrasal Verb

get your hands dirty : (informal)
to involve yourself in all parts of a job, including the parts that are unpleasant, or
involve hard, practical work
  • Unlike other bosses, he's not afraid to get his hands dirty and the men like that in him.
... Cambridge Idioms

get your hands dirty; dirty your hands:
to involve yourself in doing work that is basic to something
  • Erin likes to get her hands dirty by altering the computer code to make it run the way she wants it to.
  • She'll organize the event, but she doesn't like to get her hands dirty by selling tickets.
... Cambridge Dictionary of American Idioms

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