2009년 7월 8일 수요일

Dic: get one's foot in the door

1. Fig. to complete the first step in a process.

(Alludes to people selling things from door-to-door and blocking the door with a foot so it cannot be closed on them.)
  • I think I could get the job if I could only get my foot in the door.
  • It pays to get your foot in the door. Try to get an appointment with the boss.
.... McGraw-Hill Dictionary of American Idioms and Phrasal Verbs.

2. to have an opportunity
  • This part-time work has allowed Frank to get his foot in the door and he hopes it will lead to a full-time job.
... Cambridge Dictionary of American Idioms

3. also get a leg in the door (Australian)
to start working at a low level for an organization because you want a better job in the same organization in the future
  • I know it's not the job you'd hoped for, but at least you can use it to get your foot in the door.
... Cambridge Idioms Dictionary,

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