2009년 3월 11일 수요일

Synonyms: sign, symbol, emblem, badge, mark1, token, symptom, note

These nouns denote an outward indication of the existence or presence of something not immediately evident
  • Sign is the most general:
    ..... "The exile of Gaveston was the sign of the barons' triumph" John R. Green. 
  • Symbol and emblem often refer to something associated with and standing for, representing, or identifying something else:
    ..... "There was One whose suffering changed an instrument of torture, degradation and shame, into a symbol of glory, honor, and immortal life" Harriet Beecher Stowe.
    ..... "a bed of sweet-scented lillies, the emblem of France" Amy Steedman. 
  • Badge usually refers to something that is worn as an insignia of membership, is an emblem of achievement, or is a characteristic sign:
    .....  a sheriff's badge.
    ..... "Sweet mercy is nobility's true badge" Shakespeare. 
  • Mark can refer to a visible trace or impression (a laundry mark) or to an indication of a distinctive trait or characteristic:
    ..... Intolerance is the mark of a bigot
  • Token usually refers to evidence or proof of something intangible
    ..... sent flowers as a token of her affection.
  • Symptom suggests outward evidence of a process or condition, especially an adverse condition:
    ..... bad weather that showed no symptoms of improving anytime soon
  • Note applies to the sign of a particular quality or feature:
    ..... "the eternal note of sadness" Matthew Arnold. 
See Also Synonyms at gesture.
..... Am-Heritage

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