2008년 8월 13일 수요일

(U.S.) Office of Management and Budget

(U.S.) Office of Management and Budget:

The Office of Management and Budget (OMB) prepares the Budget of the United States, which constitutes the President's annual budget request to Congress. It was created as the Bureau of the Budget (BOB) by the Budget and Accounting Act of 1921. Originally located in the Treasury Department, the BOB was moved to the Executive Office of the President in 1939 and renamed the Office of Management and Budget in 1970.The OMB has 500 or so professional staff members. Its Budget Division prepares the Budget of the United States and drafts of the President's annual budget message. It also reviews and revises the congressional testimony of department secretaries when they request funds from the appropriations committees. Once Congress has appropriated funds, the OMB controls the rate of spending by departments through a system of quarterly allotments. It can also recommend to the President that he defer spending to future years or even rescind scheduled spending—both actions that require ultimate approval by Congress. It can order the reprogramming of funds (transferring money from one activity to another) within an agency or across agency lines. (continued on: US Government Guide)

※ 메모 1: 백악관 비서실 내 위치한 조직이므로 "백악관 (비서실) 예산기획실"이 어울려보인다. "관리예산처"라고 옮긴 자료도 눈에 뜨인다. 예산 수립도 담당하고, 그 집행도 관리하는 막강한 기능을 수행한다고 하니, "백악관 예산관리실"도 좋아 보인다.

※ 메모 2:

The primary function of the OMB is to assist the president in preparing the national budget and to "supervise and control the administration of the budget."

In addition, it has a number of other functions of considerable significance and influence. It is charged with aiding the president in:

  • achieving governmental efficiency;
  • advising the president about the potential costs of the administration's legislative program and coordinating the legislative requests of governmental agencies;
  • developing information systems and assembling statistical data;
  • monitoring the performance and efficiency of federal programs;
  • developing programs for recruiting, training, and evaluating career personnel;
  • and coordinating all programs of the executive branch in order to achieve maximum efficiency and efficacy.

In short, the reorganization and change in agency title from Bureau of the Budget to Office of Management and Budget reflect a significant expansion of the managerial responsibilities and influence of the agency. {예산 집행에 대한 관리 감독의 강화} (본문 중에서)

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