
2018년 6월 24일 일요일

Dic: dismiss // dismiss something as something (in meanings of disregard, discount, reject)

대다수 사전들이 dismiss의 대표적 용례 하나로 'dismiss something as [화자가 보기에 부정적인 무엇]'을 꼽는데, 적지 않은 영어권 작가들이 'dismiss something as [화자가 보기에 긍정적인 무엇]'의 구문을 'something이 긍정적인 무엇임을 인정하지 않다/일축하다/묵살하다/무시하다/거부하다'의 용도로 쓴다. 

최근의 예를 보자면, 이런 문장:
  • There are many who dismiss markets as mechanisms for establishing true values.
  • 다른 예가 더 있을 터인데 ...

다음 문장에 등장한 did not show 와 as의 관계도 이와 비슷하게 작문된 예다. 여기서 'did not show'는 'disregard'와 비슷한 뜻이다.
  • Before long, the president would want a way of measuring the economy that did indicate its total capacity to produce but did not show additional government expenditure on armaments as reducing the nation's output.  [출처]

하여, 사전의 풀이와 예문을 다시 찾아 적어본다. 사람 헷갈리게 만드니까...


─. If you dismiss something, you decide or say that it is not important enough for you to think about or consider. = discount. [V n as n, V n]

─. to refuse to consider someone's idea, opinion etc, because you think it is not serious, true or important.

─. To refuse to accept or recognize; reject.

─. To reject someone or something by viewing or designating it in a particular way.
  • Mr Wakeham dismissed the reports as speculation.
  • I would certainly dismiss any allegations of impropriety by the Labour Party.
  • He just laughted and dismissed my proposal as unrealistic.
  • It's an idea that shouldn't be dismissed out of hand (= dismissed immediately and completely).
  • dismissed the claim as highly improbable.
  • The studio may dismiss me as a dumb blonde, but i'll show them how versatile an actress I can be!
  • The candidate dismissed the negative report about him as a total fabrication.

─ 2. If you dismiss something from your mind, you stop thinking about it. = banish. [V n from n, V n]

─. To stop considering; rid one's mid of; dispel
  • I dismissed him from my mind.
  • "It's been a lovely day," she said, dismissing the episode.
  • dismissed all thoughts of running for office.

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