
2018년 6월 25일 월요일

발췌: 대실 해밋// Flitcraft parable

─ 1. 이전 검색: http://hsalbert.blogspot.com/2017/11/flitcraft-parable.html

─ 2. 발췌 (excerpt): 출처, "G In The Air," in his Maltese Falcon

Spade had not been told very definitely what to do when he found Flitcraft. They talked in Spade's room at the Davenport. Flitcraft had no feeling of guilt. He had left his first family well provided for, and what he had done seemed to him perfectly reasonable. The only thing that bothered him was a doubt that he could make that reasonableness clear to Spade. He had never told anybody his story before, and thus had not had to attempt to make its reasonableness explicit. He tried now.

이야기의 이 부분에서 스페이드가 전하는 이야기:
  • 플릿크래프는 아무런 죄책삼을 느끼지 않았다. 
  • 그는 자신이 이전 가족을 떠났을 때 그들이 넉넉히 누리고 살고 있었다는 것을 지적했다. 가족을 떠났던 자신의 행동은 전적으로 합리적이었다고 생각하는 듯했다. 
  • 플릿크래프트가 불편해했던 유일한 점은 자신이 느꼈던 그 합리성을 스페이드에게 분명히 전할 수 있을지 미심쩍었다[자신이 없었다, doubt]는 점이었다. 
  • 플릿크래프는 이전에 한 번도 그 이야기를 꺼냈던 적이 없었던지라 자신의 그 행동이 합리적인 것이었음을 분명히 표현하려고 시도해야 했던 적이 없었다.

─ 3. 한편 이야기의 이 부분을 다른 저자가 다음과 같이 묘사한다.
Flitcraft/Pierce expressed no apparent remorse, pointing out to Spade that his previous family was well provided for. Nonetheless, Flitcraft/Pierce was anxious to relay to Spade an explanation, as he'd never told anyone what happened. (Chapter 1, in Mihir Desai, Wisdom of Finance)

─. 4 형용사 anxious에 대한 용례 설명

     Usage Note (American Heritage 5th edn):
Anxious has a long history of use as a synonym for eager, but some prefer that anxious be used only to describe those who are worried or uneasy, as in the sentence He's anxious about his upcoming surgery. The acceptability of anxious to mean eager has been increasing, however. In our 1999 survey of the Usage Panel, 47 percent approved of the sentence We are anxious to see the new show of British sculpture at the museum, whereas in 2014, this sentence was acceptable to 57 percent of panelists. The acceptability was higher for this usage in a sentence about a situation with a tinge of uneasiness: After a four-hour bus ride, the children were anxious to get outside (acceptable to 69 percent of the Panel in 1999 and 78 percent in 2014). Although resistance to the use of anxious to mean eager is waning, writers should be aware that there are still those who frown upon using the word in situations where no anxiety is present.
요약: anxious to V는 초조와 불안이 개입되지 않는 상황에서 열렬한 욕구/욕망만을 표현하는 데 쓰지 않는 것이 좋다.

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