
2018년 1월 25일 목요일

Dic/ show me the money

─ Used as a humorous urging that a statement be backed up. A key catchphrase in the US in the late 1990s.
  • TIDWELL: It's a very personal, very important thing. It's a family motto. So I want to share it with you. You ready?
  • JERRY: Yes. TIDEWEKK: Here it is. "Show me the money." Show. Me. The. Money. ─ Jerry Maguire, 1996.
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─ 1. ( ... ... ) In the literal sense, this is a request to back up talk with cash. In the figurative sense it is a request to back up talk with substantive action.

2. Don't make promise and exaggerate the complexity of things, just come up with what is expected or required. ( ... ... )
  • ‘Money is the problem,’he [NY Governor Rockerfeller] said. The Governor was skeptical of Federal efforts, asserting there was a great deal of talk but little action. ‘Show me the money,’ he demanded. ─ NYT, 5 Feb 1970.
  • Bernhard came to court yesterday ready to defend his client in what he thought would be the start of a first-degree murder trial. ‘Either they are ready or they are not ready,’ Bernhard argued. ‘Show me the money, get your cards on the table. Get ready for trial’... ─ WP, 29 Mar 2005.
  • CNN anchor Jack Cafferty: Wolf, Barack Obama's speech today on race may turn out to have been a blessing in disguise. Perhaps the biggest question surrounding the senator from Illinois was whether he had the stomach for the kind of bare-knuckle campaign he's likely to face at the hands of the Republican if he's the nominee. Pastor Jeremiah Wright gave Obama the chance to show us the money. CNN: Situation Room, 18 Mar 2008.

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