
2018년 1월 26일 금요일

[발췌] 로즈 장학생

※ 발췌 (excerpts):

출처 1: Rhodes Scholars, Oxford, and the Creation of an American Elite (Thomas J. Schaeper, Kathleen Schaeper 지음. Berghahn Books, 2010)

Each year 32 seniors at American universities are awarded Rhodes Scholarships. These students then spend two or three years studying at the University of Oxford in Britain. The scholarships were founded by Cecil Rhodes, the British colonialist and entrepeneur, who died in 1902. This program has become the most famous academic scholarship in the world. It is the "glittering prize," and the lucky students are "golden boys" (and since 1976, "golden girls") who reputedly have a "ticket to success" for the rest of their lives. Over the decades the winners have included scientists such as Edwin Hubble, writers such as Robert Penn Warren, jurists such as Byron White, and politicians such as J. William Fullbright and Bill Clinton. ( ... ... )

( ... ... ) We spent most of each summer observing how our American students adapted to Oxford--and how Oxford adapted to them. We were curious to see if any detailed study had ever been done on Rhodes Scholars. Outside of the many short newspaper and magazine articles that have appeared regularly throughout the century, we found that there was no recent, thorough book on the subject. ( ... ... )

We therefore concluded that the time had come for an extended examination of this subject. What kinds of people have won the scholarships? What did these students do in Oxford? What did they achieve in their later careers?  ( ... ... )

( .... ... ) We focus on American Rhodes Scholars, who have made up roughly 40% of the total. As far as we know, no one yet has done a thorough study of Rhodes Scholars from Canada, Australia, India, and the other countries participating in the program. ( ... ... )

We hope that Rhodes Scholars will forgive two small liberties that we take throughout the following pages. Among Rhodes Scholars, the sentiment is, "once a Rhodes Scholar, always a Rhodes Scholar." One is never a "former" scholar. However, in order to avoid confusion, we use "former" when we refer to those who have completed their studies in Oxford and begun their careers. Also, among Rhodes Scholars, the proper way to identify oneself is to give one's state, Oxford College, and class year. Students who try for the scholarship have the option of applying to the selectin committee in either their home state or in the state where they will graduate from college. Bill Clinton, for example, had the option of applying from Arkansas or, as a student at Georgetown University, from Washington, DC. He chose the former. In Oxforf he studies at University of College. Therefore his proper Rhodes Scholar identification is "Arkansas and University 1968." For the sake of brevity, throughout this book we eliminate the state and college. At the first mention of a person we will give his or her class year.

출처 2: http://digitalassets.lib.berkeley.edu/roho/ucb/text/ball_markham_2014.pdf

( ... ... ) Every time the American Secretary of the Rhodes Trust would come to Oxforf, my wife and I would be invited to tea or sherry at Rhodes House and we would chat with the warden of Rhodes House and the American secretary. Obviously the question on their minds, not articulated, of course, to us, was does getting married ruin the capacity of one of our scholars to be a proper Rhodes Scholar? The answer was no, it did not impair, and I think it was the year after we left that Rhodes Scholars could be married.

출처 3: http://www.koreadaily.com/news/read.asp?art_id=4803452 (2016년 11월)

세계적인 장학 프로그램인 로즈 장학생(Rhodes Scholar)에 하버드 대학에 재학중인 한인 학생이 선정됐다. 로즈 장학재단은 하더브 4학년생인 낸시 고(21)씨가 미국에서 선정된 32명의 장학생 중 한 명에 포함됐다고 지난 19일 발표했다. 브루클린 출신인 고씨는 올해 로즈장학생 중 유일한 한인이며, 하버드대에서는 고씨를 포함해 총 4명이 뽑혔다.

고씨는 본지와의 전화 인터뷰에서 "장학생으로 선발될 것으로 기대하지도 않았는데 뜻밖의 결과를 얻어 기쁘고 감격스럽다"고 소감을 밝혔다. 현재 역사와 중동학을 복수전공하고 있는 고씨는 내년 봄 하버드대를 졸업한 후 옥스퍼드 대학에서 중동 근대사 연구석사(MPhil) 과정을 밟을 계획이다.

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