2016년 10월 31일 월요일
[메모] some remarks on Whale trades
1. Senate Subcommittee Feasting On Whale Today
※ 발췌 (excerpts): ...
2016년 10월 30일 일요일
Dic/ a Usage/ come around, come round
─ When something comes around or comes round, it happens as a regular or predictable event.
─ If a regular event comes around(or round), it happens as usual.
- I hope still to be in the side when the World Cup comes around next year.
- By the time the summer came around, Kelly was feeling much better.
Dic/ fall into
1. To descend or drop(,) freely or effortlessly(,) into something.
To descend(,) or drop freely or effortlessly(,) into something.
- I was so tired that I went to my bedroom and fell into bed.
- The lines of text fell into neat rows.
- After a quick meeting, our plans fell into place. (cf. fall into place, click into place)
- They fell into a lot of money unexpectedly, so they bought a new car.
- I took one look at my class schedule and fell into a bad mood.
- The tenants complained when the apartment building fell into disrepair.
2016년 10월 27일 목요일
Dic/ Usages/ I'm fine with it; It's fine with me; ...
1. That's fine by me / That's fine with me: used when saying that you do not mind about something.
- If Scott wanted to keep his life secret, that was fine by her.
2. Does the phrase “fine with me” have a negative connotation?
3. Is there a difference between the phrases “I am fine with it” and “it is fine with me”?
4. I'm fine with (something)
5. Which is correct? That's fine with me. vs I'm fine with that
2016년 10월 21일 금요일
Dic/ Usages/ keep perspective, lose perspective
- tried to keep my perspective throughout the crisis.
─ perspective: 2. a sensible way of judging and comparing situations so that you do not imagine that something is more serious than it really is.
- I think Viv's lost all sense of perspective.
- The figures have to be put into perspective.
─ perspective: 2. UNCOUNTABLE. a sensible way of judging how good, bad, important, etc. something is in comparison with other things.
△ lose perspective: He had lost all perspective in the rush to get what he wants.
△ get/keep something in perspective: It's important to keep things in perspective and not dwell on one incident.
△ put something into perspective: This kind of tragedy puts a mere basketball game into perspective.
... American Heritage, LDOCE, Macmillan
CF. Keeping Perspective (Ron Breazeale Ph.D. | Psychology Today, Jan 2016)
※ 발췌 (excerpt):
In our crazy world, it is very easy to lose perspective. We often have a hard time seeing the bigger picture. The media often doesn't help with this, but unfortunately often encourages us to see things in a most negative light. After 911, I did a workshop with some reporters who had covered 911. They were quite willing to admit that their coverage often encouraged people to be more fearful and to see what was happening as being an event that would have a permanent and pervasive impact on everyone's lives in our country. The media also was focused on placing blame for the attack. As they explained, "If it bleeds, it leads."
( ... ... )
Resilience requires that we keep perspective. That we see the bigger picture, realizing that few things and events in our world have a pervasive impact on our lives and are permanent. Thinking clearly without being caught up in the emotions of blame, these are the things that will make our world a better place in which to live.CF. another example:
What lies behind us and what lies ahead of us are tiny matters to what lies within us. (Ralph Waldo Emerson) This quote is great for helping us keep perspective. It means that what seem like big or difficult things in our lives are small compared to the determination and ability within us.
2016년 10월 20일 목요일
Dic/ idioms/ put paid to something
─ to consider something closed or completed; to mark or indicate that something is no longer important or pending. (As if one were stamping a bill "paid")
─ to suddenly stop someone from being able to do what they want or hope to do.
─ to destroy irrevocably and utterly.
─ to stop something from happening, or spoil plans for something.
─ to suddenly stop someone from being able to do what they want or hope to do.
─ to destroy irrevocably and utterly.
─ to stop something from happening, or spoil plans for something.
- As last, we were able to put paid to the matter of who is to manager the accounts.
- A serious back injury put paid to her tennis career.
.... McGraw-Hill Dictionary of American Idioms and Phrasal Verbs, & various
Dic/ Usages/ "my word is my bond"
1. FORMAL. used to say that you will definitely do what you have promised.
a serious promise that you make to someone.
"my word is my bond." SPOKEN. FORMAL. used for saying that people can trust you because if you promise to do something, you will do it.3. "your word is your bond." OLD-FASHIONED. FORMAL.
if someone's word is their bond, they always keep a promise.
- "But listen, you have to promise never to telll any one." "My word is my bond."
It's maritime broker's motto. Since 1801 the motto of the London Stock Exchange (in Latin "dictum meum pactum") where bargains are made with no exchange of documents and no written pledges being given.5. "my word is my bond." used to indicate that one will always do what one has promised to do.
- You can believe me when I say I'll help you. My word is my bond.
my word should be the guarantee, and no written contract outlining obligations or penalties is necessary. A bond is not a chain link, it is a contractual agreement that outlines forfeiture if the obligation (or promise or contract) is broken.7. My Word Is My Bond (Rabbi Reuel Dillon)
※ 발췌(excerpt): Since 1801 the motto of the London Stock Exchange expressed in Latin was, "dictum meum pactum". Translated to English it means, "My Word Is My Bond". This motto expressed the practice where agreements and transactions were made with no exchange of documents and no written pledges being given. The assurance was the integrity word of the individual. People's livelihood depended on it. Their life was bound up in their word, and trust was not something to be taken lightly.
2016년 10월 18일 화요일
My friend to sail through in this sea of world
I always feel you not as my part that I can command
But as a friend to sail with
To sail through in this sea of world
[용어] market counterparty
1. Counterparty (Wikipedia)
※ 발췌 (excerpt):
Within the financial services sector, the term market counterparty is used to refer to governments, national banks, national monetary authorities and international monetary organisations such as the World Bank Group that act as the ultimate guarantor for loans and indemnities. The term may also be applied, in a more general sense, to companies acting in this role.
Also within financial services, counterparty can refer to brokers, investment banks, and other securities dealers that serve as the contracting party when completing "over the counter" securities transactions. The term is generally used in this context in relation to "counterparty risk", which is the risk of monetary loss a firm may be exposed to if the counterparty to an over-the-counter securities trade encounters difficulty meeting its obligations under the terms of the transaction.
2. Counterparty (Investopedia)
3. Cayman Islands Monetary Authority─Statement of Guidance: Classification of Clients
※ 발췌 (excerpt):
3.1. It is important to classify clients correctly since the classification of a client
will determine the level of protection that they receive.
3.2. As the diagram below shows, there are two client classifications that mark two different levels of protection; professional clients and private clients. There is also a third category that mainly falls outside the definition of ‘client’ and that is that of market counterparty. Though a professional client can in certain circumstances be re-classified as a market counterparty, and a private clients can in certain circumstances be re-classified as a professional client (see Conduct of Business Regulation 12), a private client can never be re-classified as a market counterparty.
4. Market counterparties
The reason that market counterparties are excluded from the definition of client is that market counterparties are experienced professionals who have full understanding of the way in which the market works and the risks and rewards involved. Market counterparty dealings are lightly regulated. In the Regulations a market counterparty is listed to be either:
• A government (including a quasi-governmental body or a government agency).
• A central bank or other national monetary authority
• A supranational whose members are countries or central banks (e.g. IMF)
• A state investment body or public debt management body
• A professional client where classified as a market counterparty under the
provisions of Regulation12
4. 전문투자자규제에 관한 비교법적 고찰 및 입법적 개선과제 (오성근 지음 | 증권법 연구, 2010)
※ 발췌 (excerpt):
영국은 1997년 금융감독기구(FSA)의 설립에 이어 2000년 금융서비스·시장법을 제정하였다. 그리고 동법에 의거하여 제정된 舊업무행위규칙(COB)은 투자자를 일반고객(private customers),10) 중간층고객(intermediate customers, expert),11) 시장상대방(market counterparty) 등으로 삼분하여 규제하였다(COB 4.1.4R). 그리고 동 순서로 고객을 두텁게 보호하였다. 일반고객에 대하여는 업무행위규칙(COB)의 모든 규정을 적용하고, 시장상대방에 대하여는 거의 적용하지 아니하였다. 중간층고객에 대하여는 그 중간, 즉 규정에 따라 적용의 유무가 결정되거나 적용시 조건이 첨부되기도 하였다. 대체로 시장상대방12)에는 금융기관 등이, 중간층고객에는 법인 및 개인 부유층이 포함되었다. 일반고객은 그 이외의 개인고객이 주를 이루었다. 다만 고객구분 삼분법 중 시장상대방에 대하여 고객(client 또는 customer)이라는 용어를 붙여 사용하지 아니한 방식은 현행 영국의 업무행위규칙(COBS)과 동일하다.
주석 12) 영국의 시장상대방의 정의는 수시로 변경되어 고정적이지는 않았다. 다만 舊업무행위규칙이 폐지되기 직전에는 (a) 국가 또는 영토의 정당한 정치조직. 여기에는 공적 기관(a quasiᐨgovernmental body or a governmental agency) 등을 포함한다. (b) 국가 또는 영토의 중앙은행 기타 국립통화기구, (c) 국가 또는 (b)를 회원으로 하는 국제기구, (d) 국가의 투자기구(a State investment body) 또는 공채 관리기관, (e) 인가사업자(firm). 여기에는 변호사, 회계사 및 보험계리사(actuary)는 포함되지 않는다. 그리고 해외금융기관. 다만 COB 4.1.7R(본인이 중간층고객의 경우의 예외)에 의하여 중간층고객으로서 지정투자업무 내지 부수업무가 행하여지는 경우는 제외된다. (f) 해외금융기관 또는 인가사업자(기업연금 제외)가 동의하는 경우에 그 지정대리인 내지 그룹 내 회사 (associate), (g) COB 4.1.12R에 따라 시장상대방으로 간주되는 대규모 중간층고객, (h) COB 4.1.8R에 의거 시장상대방으로 간주되는 공인(recognised)투자거래소, 지정투자거래소, 규제시장, 결제기관(clearing house) 등이 해당한다. 또한 ① 규제집합투자기구(regulated collective investment scheme) 또는 ② COB 1.14R에 의거 본래는 시장상대방이지만, 일반고객으로 분류된 자가 아닌 자 등도 시장상대방에 해당한다.
5. 자본시장통합법하의 투자자 구분 제도 현황 및 시사점 (2008년 3월 1~7)
※ 발췌 (excerpt):
영국의 경우 금융기관이 투자자를 private customer(일반투자자), intermediate customer(준전문투자자), market counterpary(전문투자자)로 구분하여 영업행위기준을 달리 적용할 수 있도록 하고 있으며...
6. ... ...
2016년 10월 17일 월요일
Dic/ semantic mapping/ 오래도록 빛을 발하다
오래도록 빛을 발하다.
Can it be translated into English as: shed (throw, cast) light for a long time? Maybe not.
I attempt to map it into an adjective, 'venerable'.
Can it be translated into English as: shed (throw, cast) light for a long time? Maybe not.
To shed light on, throw light on, or cast light on something means to make it easier to understand, because more information is known about it. (= clarify)
- A new approach offers an answer, and may shed light on an even bigger question.
I attempt to map it into an adjective, 'venerable'.
Dic/ usages/ now (again, some of its various usages as a 'connector')
As adv:
─ given the present circumstances.
─ used when you know or understand something because of something you have just seen, just been told etc.
─ You use now to indicate that a particular situation is the result of something that has recently happened.
─ You can say 'Now' to introduce information which is relevant to the part of a story or account that you have reached, and which needs to be known before you can continue. (SPOKEN)
As conj:
─ (sub.; often followed by that) seeing that; since it has become the case that.
─ You use now or now that to indicate that an event has occurred and as a result something else may or will happen.
As sentence connector:
─ a) used as a transitional particle or hesitation word.
As adv:
─ given the present circumstances.
─ used when you know or understand something because of something you have just seen, just been told etc.
─ You use now to indicate that a particular situation is the result of something that has recently happened.
- now we'll have to stay to the end.
- Having met the rest of the family, she now saw where he got his temper from.
- She told me not to repeat it, but now I don't suppose it matters.
- Diplomats now expect this mission to be much less ambitious.
─ You can say 'Now' to introduce information which is relevant to the part of a story or account that you have reached, and which needs to be known before you can continue. (SPOKEN)
- My son went to Almeria in Southern Spain. Now he and his wife are people who love a quiet holiday.
- Now, I hadn't told him these details, so he must have done some research on his own.
- Now, if it was me, I'd want to do more than just change the locks.
As conj:
─ (sub.; often followed by that) seeing that; since it has become the case that.
─ You use now or now that to indicate that an event has occurred and as a result something else may or will happen.
- now you're in charge, things will better.
- Now you're settled, why don't you take up some serious study?
- Now that she was retired she lived with her sister.
As sentence connector:
─ a) used as a transitional particle or hesitation word.
- now, I can't really say.
2016년 10월 16일 일요일
Dic/ in part, in (some, ...) part
1. You use in part to indicate that something exists or happens to some extent but not completely. (FORMAL) (= partly)
2. in part: to some degree; partly
3. in part: to some extent; in some degree; not wholly
- The levels of blood glucose depend in part on what you eat and when you eat.
- The accidents were due in part to the bad weather.
... COBUILD, COLLINS, CALD, WordNet, ...
- This job involves in some part selling your soul for a good salary.
2016년 10월 15일 토요일
Dic/ keep on + prep something or someone
BrE. informal. to talk continuously about something or repeat something many times, in a way that is annoying. (= go on)
keep on about:
- There is no need to keep on and on about it!
keep on at:
- If I didn't keep on at the children, they'd never do their homework.
.... LDOCE
2016년 10월 12일 수요일
Song/ Les uns contre les autres
On dort les uns contre les autres
On vit les uns avec les autres
On se caresse, on se cajole
On se comprend, on se console
Mais au bout du compte
On se rend compte
Qu'on est toujours tout seul au monde
On danse les uns contre les autres
On cours les uns après les autres
On se déteste, on se déchire
On se détruit, on se désire
Mais au bout du compte
On se rend compte
Qu'on est toujours tout seul au monde
On dort les uns contre les autres
On vit les uns avec les autres
On se caresse, on se cajole
On se comprend, on se console
Mais au bout du compte
On se rend compte
Qu'on est toujours tout seul au monde
Mais au bout du compte
On se rend compte
Qu'on est toujours tout seul au monde
Song/ Sur un prélude de Bach
Lorsque j'entends ce prélude de Bach
Par Glen Gould, ma raison s'envole
Vers le port du Havre et les baraques
Et les cargos lourds que l'on rafistole
Et les torchères, les grues patraques
Les citernes de gasoil
Toi qui courais dans les flaques
Moi et ma tête à claques
Moi qui te croyais ma chose, ma bestiole
Moi je n'étais qu'un pot de colle
Lorsque j'entends ce prélude de Bach
Par Glen Gould, ma raison s'envole
Et toutes ces amours qui se détraquent
Et les chagrins lourds, les peines qu'on bricole
Et toutes mes erreurs de zodiaque
Et mes sautes de boussole
Toi, les pieds dans les flaques
Moi, et ma tête à claques
J'ai pris les remorqueurs pour des gondoles
Et moi, moi je traîne ma casserole
Dans cette décharge de rêves en pack
Qu'on bazarde au prix du pétrole
Pour des cols-blancs et des corbacs
Qui se foutent de Mozart, de Bach
J'donnerais Ray Charles, Mozart en vrac
La vie en rose, le rock'n roll
Tous ces bémols et tous ces couacs
Pour Glen Gould dans c'prélude de Bach.
Dic/ some usages/ take in
─ If you take something in, you pay attention to it and understand it when you hear it or read it.
─ to understand or absorb something that you hear or read; to accept something as true.
- Lesley explains possible treatments but you can tell she's not taking it in.
- Gazing up into his eyes, she seemed to take in all he said.
- I read the whole page without taking anything in.
- He just couldn't take in what had happened.
─ If you take something in, you see all of it at the same time or with just one look.
─ to notice something with your eyes.
- The eyes behind the lenses were dark and quick-moving, taking in everything at a glance.
- He took in every detail of her appearance.
- She started to relax and take in her surroundings.
... COBUILD, Oxford Phrasal Verbs Dictionary for Learners of English
2016년 10월 11일 화요일
Dic/ eye-opening
1. serving as an eyeopener; enlightening: ex) an eye-opening investigation of government corruption. (Random House Dictionar via Dictionary.com)
2(1). causing a strong emotional reaction because of unexpectedness: ex) hunting for a first apartment in a big city is an eye-opening experience for young people.
2(2). causing wonder or astonishment: ex) that acclaimed animal-cum-magic act had a number of eye-opening moments. (Merriam-Webster Thesaurus)
3. eye-opener. something that surprises you and teaches you new facts about life, people, etc.: ex) Living in another country can be a real eye-opener. (Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary & Thesaurus)
4. eye-opening. (of an event or situation) unexpectedly enlightening: ex) this documentary should be an eye-opening experience to all. (Oxford Dictionary-US)
2016년 10월 10일 월요일
Dic/ Synonyms/ resigned
- He gave a resigned smile.
- stoical. He had been stoical at their parting.
- patient. years of patient devotion to her family.
- subdued.
- long-suffering. He went back to join his loyal, long-suffering wife.
- compliant. a docile and compliant workforce.
- submissive. Most doctors want their patients to be submissive.
- acquiescent. The other men were acquiescent but he had an independent streak.
- unresisting.
- unprotesting.
- Submitting without objection or resistance: acquiescent, nonresistant, passive, submissive. See RESIST.
- Enduring or capable of enduring hardship or inconvenience without complaint: forbearing, long-suffering, patient. See ACCEPT
.... Roget's II: The New Thesaurus
2016년 10월 9일 일요일
[발췌] Lateral thinking skills
자료: https://www.kent.ac.uk/careers/sk/lateral.htm
Lateral thinking, is the ability to think creatively, or "outside the box" as it is sometimes referred to in business, to use your inspiration and imagination to solve problems by looking at them from unexpected perspectives. Lateral thinking involves discarding the obvious, leaving behind traditional modes of thought, and throwing away preconceptions.
... ....
CF. Realistic Lateral Thinking Puzzles (Brain Food)
CF. Lateral Thinking Puzzles:
- Preconceptions: Lateral thinking puzzles that challenge your preconceptions
- Fact: Lateral thinking problems that are based on fact
- Fanciful: Lateral thiking problems that require a little imagination to solve
- Semantics: Lateral thinking problems that require you to pay close attention to the exact wording of the problem
CF. Thought provoking exercises: ... Most of the answers here require lateral thinking, i.e., thinking outside the box, but some require ...
... ...
CF. Realistic Lateral Thinking Puzzles (Brain Food)
CF. Lateral Thinking Puzzles:
- Preconceptions: Lateral thinking puzzles that challenge your preconceptions
- Fact: Lateral thinking problems that are based on fact
- Fanciful: Lateral thiking problems that require a little imagination to solve
- Semantics: Lateral thinking problems that require you to pay close attention to the exact wording of the problem
CF. Thought provoking exercises: ... Most of the answers here require lateral thinking, i.e., thinking outside the box, but some require ...
... ...
2016년 10월 7일 금요일
Dic/ Usages/ 개과천선하다, 행동을 고치다
mend one's way:
reform (oneself), be reformed:
be a reformed character:
turn over a new leaf:
clean up one's shit:
clean up one's act:
2016년 10월 6일 목요일
Dic/ Usages/ I'll say, I would say
I'll say.
- I agree. (based on the full form 'I will say the same thing')
- Absolutely. I strongly agree. (Synonym: you can say that again.)
- "Did you enjoy the film?" "I'll Say."
I'll say! used to show that you agree very strongly with what has been said.
- "Does he eat a lot?" "I'll say!"
'I would say' and 'I guess' have the same meaning?
- I would say he is not coming.
- I guess he is not coming.
A participant says:
They have only very approximately the same meaning, in that both imply some degree of uncertainty and leave room for others or for facts-on-the-ground to contradict what follows.
- I would say characterizes what follows as a personal opinion or judgment: ex) From what I know of him I would say he is coming.
- I guess characterizes what follows as a conjecture or inference: ex) Well, if he were coming he'd be here by now, so I guess he's not coming.
But there's obviously room for some overlap: an opinion may be based on inference, and a conjecture may be based on opinion.
... ...
2016년 10월 5일 수요일
Dic/ Usages/ pre-position or preposition (as a verb)
1. Prepositioning (Language Log, June 2015)
... I was surprised and wondering how 'preposition' could be used as a verb and what it could mean. ...
2. "America is prepositioning battle tanks with our East European NATO allies to counterbalance Russia." (Thomas L. Friedman | NYT, June 2015)
3. How pre-positioning can make emergency relief more effective (Les Roopanarine | Guardian, Jan 2013)
- pre-positioning locally procured relief items in area vulnerable to natural disaster can save lives.
- In response, relief items were pre-positioned in Senegal, Cameroon and Ghana.
- A huge amount of money needs to be made available upfront for pre-positioned goods.
5. ...
Dic/ position (as a verb)
16) to put in the proper or appropriate place; locate
17) sport/ to place (oneself or another player) in a particular part of the field or playing area.
18) to put (someone or something) in a position (esp. in relation to others) that confers a strategic advantage:
- He's trying to position himself for a leadership bid.