
2016년 10월 20일 목요일

Dic/ Usages/ "my word is my bond"

1. FORMAL. used to say that you will definitely do what you have promised.

a serious promise that you make to someone.
"my word is my bond." SPOKEN. FORMAL. used for saying that people can trust you because if you promise to do something, you will do it.
3. "your word is your bond." OLD-FASHIONED. FORMAL.
if someone's word is their bond, they always keep a promise. 
  • "But listen, you have to promise never to telll any one." "My word is my bond."
4. "my word is my bond."
It's maritime broker's motto. Since 1801 the motto of the London Stock Exchange (in Latin "dictum meum pactum") where bargains are made with no exchange of documents and no written pledges being given.
5. "my word is my bond." used to indicate that one will always do what one has promised to do.
  • You can believe me when I say I'll help you. My word is my bond.
6. The person saying "my word is my bond" is saying:
my word should be the guarantee, and no written contract outlining obligations or penalties is necessary. A bond is not a chain link, it is a contractual agreement that outlines forfeiture if the obligation (or promise or contract) is broken.
7. My Word Is My Bond (Rabbi Reuel Dillon)
※ 발췌(excerpt): Since 1801 the motto of the London Stock Exchange expressed in Latin was, "dictum meum pactum". Translated to English it means, "My Word Is My Bond". This motto expressed the practice where agreements and transactions were made with no exchange of documents and no written pledges being given. The assurance was the integrity word of the individual. People's livelihood depended on it. Their life was bound up in their word, and trust was not something to be taken lightly.
... LDOCE, Macmillan, Cambridge Dic, Urban Dic, Merriam-Webster, uaddit

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