
2016년 10월 21일 금요일

Dic/ Usages/ keep perspective, lose perspective

─ perspective: 7. the ability to perceive things in their actual interrelations or comparative importance:
  • tried to keep my perspective throughout the crisis.

─ perspective: 2. a sensible way of judging and comparing situations so that you do not imagine that something is more serious than it really is.
  • I think Viv's lost all sense of perspective.
  • The figures have to be put into perspective.
 △ get/keep sth in perspective: judge the importance of something correctly.

─ perspective: 2. UNCOUNTABLE. a sensible way of judging how good, bad, important, etc. something is in comparison with other things.

 △ lose perspective: He had lost all perspective in the rush to get what he wants.
 △ get/keep something in perspective: It's important to keep things in perspective and not dwell on one incident.
 △ put something into perspective: This kind of tragedy puts a mere basketball game into perspective.

... American Heritage, LDOCE, Macmillan

CF. Keeping Perspective (Ron Breazeale Ph.D. | Psychology Today, Jan 2016)

※ 발췌 (excerpt):
In our crazy world, it is very easy to lose perspective. We often have a hard time seeing the bigger picture. The media often doesn't help with this, but unfortunately often encourages us to see things in a most negative light. After 911, I did a workshop with some reporters who had covered 911. They were quite willing to admit that their coverage often encouraged people to be more fearful and to see what was happening as being an event that would have a permanent and pervasive impact on everyone's lives in our country. The media also was focused on placing blame for the attack. As they explained, "If it bleeds, it leads."
( ... ... )
Resilience requires that we keep perspective. That we see the bigger picture, realizing that few things and events in our world have a pervasive impact on our lives and are permanent. Thinking clearly without being caught up in the emotions of blame, these are the things that will make our world a better place in which to live.
CF. another example:
What lies behind us and what lies ahead of us are tiny matters to what lies within us. (Ralph Waldo Emerson) This quote is great for helping us keep perspective. It means that what seem like big or difficult things in our lives are small compared to the determination and ability within us.

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