2020년 1월 16일 목요일
Dic:// undeserving poor
※ 발췌 (excerpts):
--1. the undeserving poor: peope who are poor because of their own actins and should not get sympathy from other people. (Cambridge Dictionary)
--2. Suspicions of the able-bodied poor runs deep. Policy makers for centuries have gone through phases in whihc they view welfare through the concept of the "deserving and undeserving poor."
Sheila Suess Kennedy, a professor of law and public policy at Indiana University, said the concept harkens back to 15th-century England, where statutes banned charity for people who appeared able to work. They were called "sturdy beggars."
The United States is in such a phase now. When President Lyndon Johnson launched the "War on Povery" in 1964, the prevailing view was that the poor were victimes of circumstances beyond their control. That changed in the 1980s and 1990s. Conservative critiques of the welfare state as a source of debilitating dependency, as well as widespread claims of fraud, eroded support for cash assistane and paved the way for the 1996 overhaul.... (https://www.theatlantic.com/business/archive/2012/12/the-undeserving-poor/266507/)
--3. If you're asked for money on the street, do you make an instant judgement about whether the payment's deserved? ... ...
Cabinet minister Jeremy Hunt attracted much attention for suggesting the state shouldn't support large families receiving more in benefits than the average wage. ... ...
Mr Hutton says you have to take account of the "luck, circumstance and opportunity" of individuals which can "vary hugely". But I share with Tebbit the view that there is personal agency and you want people to try," he says.
Influential Conservative commentator Tim Montgomerie worked closely with Iain Duncan Smith on developing what has become today's government welfare policy. He dislikes phrases like "undeserving poor" as linked to "historical injustices". ...
In the Victorian and Edwardian periods, it was often the working class that policed its own welfare morality. Historian Jose Harris of Oxford University has studies trade union schemes. A man receiving help "would regularly be visited by a brother from the local union committee, who would make sure he wasn't working on the sly." ... (https://www.bbc.com/news/magazine-11778284)
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