
2019년 2월 15일 금요일

졸속 메모:// 장기 이식에 활용되는 양자 교환, 삼자 교환 알고리즘의 기본 패턴

시장 설계(market design), 짝짓기 알고리즘(matching algorithm),

출처: 존스홉킨스 대학병원 장기이식 센터 ...


Since 2001, Johns Hopkins Comprehensive Transplant Center has participated in paried kidney exchanges. A paired kidney exchanges, also known as a "kidney swap" occurs when a living kidney donor is incompatible with the recipient, and so exchanges kidney with another donor/recipiet pair.

Two live donor transplants would occur. Suppose there were two donor/recipient pairs, Donor and Recipient 1 and Donor and Recipient 2:

- Donor 1 would give a kidney to Recipient 2.
- Donor 2 would give a kidney to Recipient 1.

... ...

In more complex cases, additional donor/recipient pairs may be used. Here is a diagram showing a three-way kidney exchange.

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