
2018년 9월 26일 수요일

발췌: Diagrammatic Immanence: Category Theory and Philosophy (2016)

※ 출판사 요약:

A renewal of immanent metaphysics through diagrammatic methods and the tools of category theorySpinoza, Peirce and Deleuze are, in different ways, philosophers of immanence. Rocco Gangle addresses the methodological questions raised by a commitment to immanence in terms of how diagrams may be used both as tools and as objects of philosophical investigation. He integrates insights from Spinozist metaphysics, Peircean semiotics and Deleuzes philosophy of difference in conjunction with the formal operations of category theory. Category theory reveals deep structural connections among logic, topology and a variety of different areas of mathematics, and it provides constructive and rigorous concepts for investigating how diagrams work. Gangle introduces the methods of category theory from a philosophical and diagrammatic perspective, allowing philosophers with little or no mathematical training to come to grips with this important field. This coordination of immanent metaphysics, diagrammatic method and category theoretical mathematics opens a new horizon for contemporary thought.

※ 발췌 (excerpt): Introduction

The present book develops an immanent ontology of relations based on the dynamics of formal diagrams. Elements of Spinoza's metaphysics of immanence, Peirce's semiotics and Deleuze's philosophy of difference are here integrated in an ontology of diagrammatic relations expressed formally in the framework of elementary category theory.

The book has three broad goals: to outline an integrative approach to the problem of immanence in Spinoza, Peirce and Deleuze; to develop a model of ontology based on diagrammatic relations; and to introduce some of the most important constructions and basic techniques of category theory to a philosophically but not necessarily mathematically informed audience. The book thus brings together a philosophical concept (immanence), an experimental methodology (diagrams) and a contemporary field of mathematics (categories). ( ... )

The three areas correlate roughly to three central theses:

(1) Immanent metaphysics entails relational ontology.
(2) Diagrams are the appropriate method for investigating immanence immanently.
(3) Category theory is the appropriate mathematics for modelling and investigating diagrams.

The book's overarching airm is to show the inner coherence of these three claims and to suggest something of why contemporary philosophy ought to care about them. ( ... )

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