
2018년 7월 6일 금요일

재검색: Louis Bachelier

─. 이전 검색: http://hsalbert.blogspot.com/2017/09/louis-bachelier-and-random-walk.html

─. 발췌: Jim Holt, "A Random Walk with Louis Bachelier" (The New York Review of Books, Oct 24 2013)

While he was a doctoral student in mathematics at the Sorbonne, Bachelier derived his financial model by considering the movement of bond prices on the Paris Bourse.

His striking conclusion was that such prices followed what came to be known as a “random walk”: buffeted by unpredictable bits of breaking news, they meandered in a way that was impossible to foretell. This is the nub of what is today called the Efficient Market Hypothesis

─. 발췌: https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Louis_Bachelier

Dans sa thèse de doctorat intitulée « Théorie de la spéculation », de son directeur de thèse Henri Poincaré, soutenue le 29 mars 1900 à la Sorbonne de Paris, il introduit l'utilisation en finance du mouvement brownien (découvert par le biologiste botaniste Robert Brown), ... ...

─. 발췌: Jean-Michel Courtault, Youri Kabanov, Bernard Bru, Pierre Crepel, Isabelle Lebon, et al.. Louis Bachelier On the centenary of Théorie de la Spéculation. Mathematical Finance, Wiley, 2000, 10 (3),

The date March 29, 1900, should be considered as the birthdate of mathematical finance: on this day French postgraduate student Louis Bachelier successfully defended at Sorbonne his thesis Théorie de la Spéculation. ( ... ... )

After the military service, having in total a four-year interruption of his studies, Louis Bachelier arrived in Paris to continue his university education at Sorbonne. Scarce information is available about these years. ( ... ... )

─. 발췌: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Louis_Bachelier

Bachelier arrived in Paris in 1892 to study at the Sorbonne, where his grades were less than ideal.

Defended on March 29, 1900 at the University of Paris,[2] Bachelier's thesis was not well received because it attempted to apply mathematics to an unfamiliar area for mathematicians.[3] However, his instructor, Henri Poincaré, is recorded as having given some positive feedback (though socially insufficient for finding an immediate teaching position in France at that time).

[2]의 출처: https://www.encyclopediaofmath.org/images/f/f1/LouisBACHELIER.pdf

( ... ... ) but his father's death forced him to interrupt his studies. He took them up again at the age of 22, and was successful in obtaining an undistinguished Bachelor's degree in Paris in October 1895. He then defended his doctoral thesis, entitiled “Théorie de la Spéculation” and written under the supervision of Enri Poincaré, on 29 March 1900 ( ... ... )

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