출처: https://www.englishforums.com/English/GentlemanAnythingGentlemen/hhvzc/post.htm
※ 발췌 (excerpt):
QUESTION: Here i got a multiple choice.
If he is ______ of a gentleman, he will keep his promise.
a. anything
b. something
c. nothing
d. everything
I chose B "something of a gentleman" which I intent to understand it as "he is a gentleman to some degree." However, the Answer Book says its A, " anything of." I'm puzzled, could anyone help me?
Given the choice between some and any, use some in assertive contexts only (affirmative statements), any for all others (negatives, questions, if clauses). You'll almost always be correct.
I have some money.
I don't have any money.
Do you have any money?
If I had any money, I would spend it.
The answer book wanted anything there because of the if.
* * *
Another Question:
Pragmatism is the opposite of navel-gazing; in pragmatism, truths are only valuable to the degree they can inform actions, and actions are only valuable if they confirm a truth. Peirce often talks about experience with the statistical term “sampling.” Only by sampling what the universe has to offer can we learn ________ of value.
(source: The Wisdom of Finance, by Mihir Desai. p. 31.)
a. anything
b. something
c. nothing
d. everything
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