2017년 9월 14일 목요일
[발췌, 자료] Honi soit qui mal y pense
1. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Honi_soit_qui_mal_y_pense
2. https://www.thoughtco.com/honi-soit-qui-mal-y-pense-1368779
※ 발췌 (excerpt): ( ... ... ) Another theory suggests a totally different and rather fun story: King Edward III was dancing with Joan Kent, his first cousin and daughter-in-law. Her garter slipped down to her ankle, causing people around her to mock her.
In an act of chivarly, Edward placed the garter around his own leg saying, in Middle French, "Honi soit qui mal y pense. Tel qui s'en rit aujourd'huim s'honorera de la porter, car ce ruban sera mis en tel honneur aue les railleurs le chercheront avec empressement." ("Shame on him who thinks evil of it. Those who laughs at this today, will be proud to wear it tomorrow, because this band will be worn with such honor that those mocking (now) will be looking for it with much eargerness.")
Nowadays, this expression could be used to say, "Honte à celui qui y voit du mal," or "Shame on the one who sees something bad [or evil] in it."
"Je danse souvent avec Juliette... Mais c'est ma cousine, et il n'y a rien entre nous : Honi soit qui mal y pense !"
"I often dance with Juliette. But she is my cousin, and there is nothing between us: Shame on the one sees something bad in it!"
3. https://www.quora.com/What-is-the-meaning-of-the-French-phrase-Honi-soit-qui-mal-y-pense
※ 발췌 (excerpt): The most popular story of how the Order of the Garter was founded involves Edward III and the Countess of Salisbury. She was dancing at a formal ball at Calais when her garter slipped off her leg and landed on the floor. Now this was the equivalent of someone losing their panties in public—the inference being that she was so accustomed to stripping for lovers that her garters wouldn’t stay put. Edward allegedly picked it up, put it on his arm and said "Honi soit qui mal y pense", which became the motto of his new order of knights. Basically he was saying, “Take your minds out of the gutter, it is you who should be ashamed,” and his new order of knights was supposed to be 24 men who could keep their minds out of the gutter.
4. https://www.lawlessfrench.com/expressions/honi-soit-qui-mal-y-pense/
※ 발췌 (excerpt):
Meaning: shame on anyone who thinks this evil.
Usage Notes: In French, honni soit qui mal y pense tends to be used ironically, to hint at hidden bad intentions.
( ... ... ) But honi soit qui mal y pense is found much more often in the English-speaking world. First pronounced in the 14th century by King Edward III, it's the motto of his chivalric Order of the Garter, as well as of Grenadier Guards (infantry regiment of the British Army), Royal Australian Engineers (one of two mottos), Royal Canadian Ordinance Corps, Royal Montreal Regiment ( ... ) and is also part of the UK's Royal coat of arms, which means it appears on British passports.
5. https://ko.wikipedia.org/wiki/%EA%B0%80%ED%84%B0_%ED%9B%88%EC%9E%A5
가터 훈장(Order of the Garter)은 1348년에 에드워드 3세에 의해서 창시된 잉글랜드의 기사단 훈장이다. 잉글랜드의 최고 훈장이며, 동시에 영국 연방의 최고 훈장이기도 하다.
수훈자의 이름 뒤에는 약칭으로 KG(남성) 또는 LG(여성)가 붙게 된다.
훈장에는 "악(惡)을 생각하는 자에게 수치를(Honi soit qui mal y pense)"이라는 모토가 기록되어 있으며, 대수(大綬)의 색이 파란색이어서 블루 리본이라 불리기도 한다.
이 훈장의 유래로는 가장 그럴 듯한 일화에 따르면, 에드워드 3세가 솔즈베리 백작 부인(후에 흑태자의 아내)과 춤출 때 그녀의 파란색 가터 하나가 바닥에 떨어졌는데 그것을 보고 곁에 있던 사람들이 낄낄거리며 웃자 에드워드는 떨어진 가터를 정중하게 주워 자기 다리에 매고는 프랑스어로 "악(惡)을 생각하는 자에게 수치를(Honi soit qui mal y pense)"이라는 격언을 말하며 신하들을 꾸짖었다고 한다. 이것은 에드워드 3세의 일화에서 나온 기사정신을 칭송한 내용으로, 후에 가터 훈장은 최고의 명예의 상징이 된다.
6. https://ko.wikipedia.org/wiki/%EC%98%81%EA%B5%AD%EC%9D%98_%EC%99%95%EC%8B%A4_%EB%AC%B8%EC%9E%A5
... ...
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