2017년 9월 1일 금요일
Dic/ assurance in Christianity
출처 1: http://www.biblestudytools.com/dictionary/assurance/
In the midst of a world filled with uneasiness and insecurity, assurance of a person's security in God is one of the hallmarks of the authentic Christian lif. Such assurance is not based on human resources, abilities, or ingenuity, but on confidence in the caring power of God for believers.
( ... ... ) Instead, assurance in God provides an anchor of confidence and hope in the midst of pain and sorrow ( ... ... )
Assurance can be linked to faith and faithfulness, because it is one of the ways that the biblical writers describe an authentic relationship with God. While reliance on God is accompanied by the confidence that God is intimately involved in the lives of believers, faith in God does not earn a sense of security or assurance. Moreover, it cannot be achieved by attendance at church, by works of kindness, or by ecclesiastical pardon. The foundation for the assurance of one's salvation or well-being with God is rooted in a divine gift. God is the provider of salvation in Jesus Christ. Moreover, it is God who will bring to completion this divine gift. It is this assurance that God continues to work in the lives of believers that is the basis for the Christian doctrine of perseverance[,] endurance or continuing response to God's leading. Assurance and perseverance are two sides of the same message. ( ... ... )
출처 2-1: https://www.challies.com/christian-living/3-statements-on-assurance-of-salvation/
It is possible and even normal for the Christian to experience assurance of salvation. Romans 8:16 teaches that assurance of salvation is part of the ministry of the Holy Spirit. “The Spirit himself bears witness with our spirit that we are children of God…” Hear what Matthew Henry says about this verse: “Those that are sanctified have God’s Spirit witnessing with their spirits, which is to be understood not of any immediate extraordinary revelation, but an ordinary work of the Spirit, in and by the means of comfort, speaking peace to the soul. This testimony is always agreeable to the written word, and is therefore always grounded upon sanctification; for the Spirit in the heart cannot contradict the Spirit in the word.” 2 Peter 1:10 goes so far as to command us to pursue this assurance. ( ... ... )
출처 2-2: https://www.challies.com/christian-living/the-basis-of-the-christians-assurance/
( ... ... ) When our assurance rests on something we have done, a promise we have made or a prayer we have prayed, we have placed our assurance on shaky ground. Let’s turn to the Bible to discover the true basis for our assurance.
Assurance Rests on God’s Character. ( ... ... ) What was the basis of Paul’s assurance? He rested in the character of God. He knew whom he had believed and trusted that God was good and would preserve him. He trusted in the goodness of God and in God’s desire to save his people. ( ... ... )
출처 3: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Assurance_(theology)
Assurance is a Protestant Christian doctrine that states that the inner witness of the Holy Spirit allows the justified disciple to know that he or she is saved. Based on the writings of St. Augustine of Hippo, assurance was historically a very important doctrine in Lutheranism and Calvinism, and remains a distinguishing doctrine of Wesleyanism and Methodism. ( ... ... )
출처 4: http://www.desiringgod.org/articles/how-god-gives-assurance
God loves to give his children the gift of “the full assurance of faith” (Hebrews 10:22). It is a precious thing, a source of deep peace and consolation, and he wants us to have it.
But like most things in the Christian life, assurance is something that is cultivated and grows deeper and stronger over time. It is a gift that God gives to us, according to Newton, gradually through frequent testing. ( ... ... )
출처 5: https://bible.org/seriespage/13-assurance-salvation
When we trust in Jesus Christ, our eternal security in Christ becomes a spiritual reality whether we understand it or believe it. Ones belief in security in Christ does not make it true or false. If we have trusted in the person and work of Christ for personal salvation, security is a fact.
Assurance is the confident realization of that security. It is the realization of what we have in Christ such as eternal life, forgiveness of sin, and being the object of God’s personal care as his children. Assurance has to do with our comprehension of the facts and provisions of salvation through faith in Christ. This is a crucial doctrine because, properly understood, it will touch the believer’s life in several areas. Not only does it give assurance of salvation, but with that also comes a greater assurance of God’s provision in all areas of life. ( ... ... )
출처 6: https://www.gotquestions.org/Korean/Korean-assurance-salvation.html
질문: 구원의 확신을 얻는 방법은 무엇인가?
답변: 예수님을 따르는 많은 사람들이 잘못된 곳에서 구원의 확신을 찾습니다. 우리는 우리의 기독교적 삶에서 뚜렷이 드러나는, 우리 삶에 하나님께서 행하신 일들, 우리의 영적 성장, 선행들 그리고 하나님께 순종함에서 구원의 확신을 찾으려는 경향이 있습니다. 이러한 것들이 구원의 증거는 될 수 있지만, 우리는 이를 구원에 대한 확신의 기반으로 삼아서는 안됩니다. 오히려 우리는 하나님 말씀의 객관적 진실에 근거해서 구원의 확신을 가져야 합니다. 우리는 우리의 주관적인 경험 때문이 아니라 하나님께서 공표하신 약속에 근거해서 우리가 구원 받았다는 사실을 확실하게 신뢰해야 합니다. ( ... ... )
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