
2017년 9월 9일 토요일

[자료: Charles Peirce's] Chance, Love, and Logic: Philosophical Essays (1923)

출처: Chance, Love, and Logic: Philosophical Essays.

        By the late Charles S. Peirce.
        Edited with an Introduction by Morris R. Cohen,
        With a Supplementary Essay on the Pragmatism of Peirce by John Dewey.
        London: Kegan Paul, Trench, Trubner & Co., Ltd.
        New York: Harcourt, Brace & Company, Inc.

자료 1: 단순 텍스트 (Archive. org)

자료 2: eBook (Archive.org)

자료 3: 구글도서

※ 주요 차례:


PROEM. The Rules of Philosophy  (1)

Part I. Chance and Logic (Illustrations of the Logic of Science)
  • 1. The Fixation of Belief  (7)
  • 2. How to Make Our Ideas Clear  (32)
  • 3. The Doctrine of Chances  (61)
  • 4. The Probability of Induction  (82)
  • 5. The Order of Nature  (106)
  • 6. Deduction, Induction and Hypothesis  (131)
Part II. Love and Chance
  • 1. The Architecture of Theories  (157)
  • 2. The Doctrine of Necessity Examined  (179)
  • 3. The Law of Mind  (202)
  • 4. Man's Glassy Essence  (238)
  • 5. Evolutionary Love  (267)
Supplementary Essay ─ The Pragmatism of Peirce, by John Dewey  (301)

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